* Posts by tanglefoot

3 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Oct 2019

What the &*%* did you just $#*&!*# say about me, you little &%$#*? 'AI' to filter Xbox Live chat


Re: "The Good Place" showed how this would (n't) work

On the contrary. A Good Place Xbox filter would be forking hilarious.

Tearoff of Nottingham: University to lose chunk of IT dept to outsourcing


Re: And this means


Most staff will have been in post for many years, having graduated from Nottingham and never seen the real world. Redundancy in HE tends to be quite generous, and the work - such as it is - isn't actually that unpleasant. They'll be sitting it out waiting for their package.


Re: On the upside...

Nah, they'd be too busy typing snarky comments on threads about which they know precisely nothing.