* Posts by Flying Fox

1 publicly visible post • joined 28 Feb 2019

Guess who's working on a health data-slurping digital tool? Bzzt! Nope, it's the UK Department for Work and Pensions

Flying Fox
Big Brother

Biased assessments will not be helped by data slurping.

From bitter experience the first two stages of PIP assessment are not a fair hearing, only the tribunal considers the justice of a claim.

It is structured so Capita health professionals make the DWPs decisions for them, which they should not be doing, it is a gross wholesale breach of proper procedure.

The first decision and mandatory reconsideration are typically biased beyond reason or rational explanation, it is often blatant. In my case for example they unaccountably twice ignored the same written medical doctor's opinion which was the basis of the tribunal decision and it was not for lack of my pointing it out to them.

Having access to digitised evidence wont enable just decisions because the biased motivation makes them unjust even if they have evidence in front of them. This will in reality be used as a way to look efficient to higher ups and promote a tableau of lies about the effectiveness of decision making, which is causing a dramatic rise in the number and costs of tribunals, because claimants are left with no other choice.

What is going on is not practical or expedient, it is unconscionable and criminal.