* Posts by Glen

2 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Aug 2007

Fundy dunderheads make monkey of monkey man


Poor old Dawky

I suspect that Dawkin's "ire" is not to do with looking foolish. Rather, it's that he knows from experience with dealing with these type of insidiously dishonest individuals (how can they be other if they are ID or creationist advocates) that he wont be given a fair hearing or opportunity to rebut the fallacious arguments being presented.

Whatever you say about Dawkin's treatment of the people he had on "Enemies of Reason", he was unfailingly polite, interested, and gave them all the opportunity to demonstrate the efficacy of their beliefs, or to evidence their beliefs and to explain how their belief system works. Which they all failed to do (spectacularly), for the simple reason there is no evidence for any of it.

And "pur-lease": Stalin = Hitler = Mao = killed people = bad = atheist? And this means what exactly? An attempt at reasoned argument is not obligatory, but is appreciated. No wonder Dawkins get's "ired".

HP boffin predicts preggers spy bog


Oh Brother!


My worst fears confirmed - brother of none other than John "US Ambassador to Honduras during the worst of the vicious Reganite terrorist wars against the benighted people of Nicaragua" Negroponte.

The phrase "bad pennies" comes to mind, but doesn't seem vehement enough.