* Posts by mloftis

1 publicly visible post • joined 9 Aug 2018

'Can you just pop in to the office and hit the power button?' 'Not really... the G8 is on'


Current $dayJob has offices and some datacenter space at The Westin Building Exchange. Where the president (of whatever country) will often stay when in Seattle. The Obama's have stayed there multiple times, the Chinese "President" as well. I actually had to go in during the mess when the Chinese president was there as well. Each time I've taken my motorcycle since if they decide to search it won't take them long, but so far, each time, the secret service has barely looked at me and waved me through the road blocks after a quick exchange of "Yes I work at the WBX" - at least on those days I had no problem finding parking though I've gotten caught both inside and outside the cordons while they were moving the high value target.

(And yes the name of the building has changed over the years, I'm referring to it's current name)