* Posts by Wowbagger42

7 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jan 2018

Version 252 of systemd, as expected, locks down the Linux boot process


For a second....

I misread the first line as "The fall of systemd is here" but alas, not today it seems...

Graph databases to map AI in massive exercise in meta-understanding


What time is it, you say?

If there's one company I wouldn't even trust to tell time it's got to be Gartner...

There are DDoS attacks, then there's this 809 million packet-per-second tsunami Akamai says it just caught


Re: And the next step...

This comment made me spill out my food.

Windows Subsystem for Linux distro gets a preening, updated version waddles into Microsoft's app store


All fun & games?

Can I target WSL using SSH? Can I install some custom script and setup a systemd service to run it at boot?


All fun & games?

Can I install a systemd service inside WSL? How does that work?

AWS will be the last big cloud to add Skylake as Azure turns 'em on


Re: >Microsoft has announced its first Azure instances running Intel's Skylake silicon

Prostetnic TheVogon is right. Whenever our on-prem customers request provisioning & sizing parameters we start by asking what type of CPU they're currently running because that will impact significantly the response time you will get (we sell calculation intensive based software) and in 75% of the cases the customers has no idea. Most never really pay attention to the base freq / turbo freq / L2 cache etc and say something like "we've got 16 core CPU's" and think that by adding lots of vCPU's to a virtual server it will perform better while in fact it's really easy to waste 30-40% of overall CPU time just by over allocating vCPU's.

So yes, it really matters what type of CPU you are using for what type of workload.

The developers vs enterprise architects showdown: You shall know us by our trail of diagrams


Oh dEAr

When having a meeting with EA's my first question is always "have you ever worked or finished a project with xyz before?" followed by "do you wanna go tech deep or do you just want to go over some diagrams you made?".

Gets 'em tiptoe'ing instantly and you can seperate the idiots from the real EA's pretty quick.

It's always a pleasure to work with experts but since some years the EA field has been invaded with vendor-trained shills or pretty clueless body shopped PFY's. A real EA with proven trackrecord is hard to find, like one that figures out 443 is probably https... and working as a dev(/ops) with expert EA's there is never any friction but only cooperation towards a mutual goal.