* Posts by devcognito

3 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jul 2017

Long haul flights on a one-aisle plane? Airbus thinks you’re up for it


Air travel is unpleasant - why pay more?

There is nothing pleasant about air travel - from driving early to the airport, parking, queuing, being ripped off for food, being intimidated by security staff etc. etc.

It must be endured to reach a destination. It is time you will never get back. Why waste more money on it than is absolutely necessary?

The Reg chats to Ordnance Survey's chief data wrangler


Re: Disagree - GPS is the future

Just because some people are ill prepared when walking doesn't make GPS the problem. Almost every other aspect of travel now uses GPS - many far more dangerous/critical than walking in the Lakes. Can't see a downside myself - other than battery failure - but then GPS will not tend to blow away in the wind either.


Disagree - GPS is the future

I also walk in the lakes frequently and believe phone+gps+offlinemap+spare battery to be a much better solution than paper+compass.

The paper map will not tell you where you are when visibility is poor - GPS will.

I believe the mistake people make is failing to make their maps available offline (no data in the Lakes) and not taking a spare battery.