* Posts by PrimaryKey

1 publicly visible post • joined 10 Sep 2016

You should install smart meters even if they're dumb, says flack


Conflict of signals

We had our smart meters installed last week. I did so because the old ones required me to become a contortionist to read them.

I noticed a problem with the home wifi almost immediately after the smart meter and in home display were operating. A quick google search confirms that the smart meters use the 2.4GHz Zigbee standard and will clash with home wifi because they use channels that overlap the popular home wifi channels. I have managed to change the channel my Access Point was using but I wonder how many others will be able to do so. Once the rollout reaches a critical mass and the general population start to report wifi problems the mainstream media will no doubt pick this up and the whole thing will then get suspended followed by a public enquiry and more money wasted.

Why they couldn't have chosen technology that wouldn't interfere is beyond me. Will it make me change my power usage? No. All lighting is either LED or CFL where used for long periods.