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2 publicly visible posts • joined 26 May 2016

You're not imagining it. Amazon and AWS want to hire all your friends, enemies, and everyone in between


Never considered working there. Despite a huge backlog of development positions (I'm a software engineer), and a steep entry in (codersrank.io anyone? Notoriously difficult and in the end rather useless test facility) they have a policy of firing a number of engineers regardless of talent after one year, some sort of quota system. The logic behind that... who knows? Apparently all/most of the larger firms have that same philosophy. Wasn't aware of it but I knew in my gut that working for the likes of Microsoft, Amazon, etc.. would be a thankless and low paying job. When those opportunities come my way I simply 404 them. No need for the hassles.

Dropbox gets all up in your kernel with Project Infinite. Cue uproar


Put your que in your ****

"Que uproar" as if it were some mindless knee-jerk reaction. Users are justifiably in an uproar at this latest corporate indiscretion. Que my justified rage.