* Posts by THX-1138

1 publicly visible post • joined 7 Apr 2016

Australia's broadband policy is a flimsy, cynical House of Cards


This article is a joke right??

Surely this article is a joke - it' still within the April Fool's timeframe so perhaps it is. To surely hold a serious face while suggesting that our national future is dependent upon our ability to become even more sedentary, slow, overweight and over-entertained. I am sure there are other benefits to the NBN however the majority of 'expert commentary' I see appears to centre around 'HD Entertainment' as though this is a measure of society. Do we *really* want to be like Korea and Japan? Entertainment is the antithesis to innovation, not the stimulus. Surely our national imagination and evolution extends beyond our ever largening behinds and waistlines. Come on Australia, we're better than this.