* Posts by bombastic bob

10283 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015

It's 2019, the year Blade Runner takes place: I can has flying cars?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: surpass humans in specific intellectual tasks

in one particular video game, Final Fantay XIII-2, there are some clock-related puzzles that become impossible to solve within the given time limits [unless you cheat and hit the 'save' button which pauses the action]. The only solution was to write a program to do it for me. I published the source on usenet after doing so. A few others have creeped into 'teh intarwebs' since but I might have had "the original".

Cruel humans, programming impossible puzzles into a video game, only to drive people like me into countering their madness by writing a 'bot' to do it FOR me (and giving it away to the world).

[the current incarnation lets me use a fondle-slab via a web page to do it, one written with PHP and NO client-side scripting, very 'REST'-ful even]

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: But in a lot

"Obligatory Asterix joke"

I have only one asterisk. Only one '*'. Not like the man with 3 buttocks [from a Monty Python sketch]. He'd have 1 and a half...

Dutch boyband hopes to reverse Brexit through the power of music

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: old 70's song

I was hoping for something by Monty Python's Flying Circuses

After Brexit, I wonder if France and Germany will be next? Frexit and Dexit? or will Italy break away next?

Eh, time to make popcorn I guess

Uncle Sam fingers two Chinese men for hacking tech, aerospace, defense biz on behalf of Beijing

bombastic bob Silver badge

QuasarRAT - "malware" ?

On a side note, the reported "malware" aka 'QuasarRAT' appears to be a legit application.

However, being an open source project, someone(s) has/have apparently forked it into a privately modified malware tool. I found at least one good web site that has information on how to detect it. Since it's a windows tool written in 'C-pound' it may also be possible to run it via mono on Linux, but I suspect that's not actually happening...

The legit version is on github, here: github.com/quasar/QuasarRAT

One web site reports that the malware version is "heavily modified" but uses the same name.

from www.enigmasoftware.com/quasarrat-removal/

"The QuasarRAT is a Trojan that is a heavily modified version of the open-source project carrying the same name 'QuasarRAT' by a programmer dubbed 'quasar' who has a page on [Github]"

I just thought I'd mention it, anyway, since there's apparently a legit version, too.

Corel – yeah, as in CorelDraw – looks in its Xmas stocking and discovers... Parallels

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Parallels bought 2X

Virtualbox started out as an open source fork of qemu, and so it could return to the community if Oracle were to ever decide to EOL it. But why WOULD they? As long as they don't break it by re-inventing the entire UI or something equally redonculous (like Microsoft might do for a "new, shiny") I don't see it as requiring that much effort to maintain...

50 years ago: NASA blasts off the first humans to experience a lunar close encounter

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: What moon landing?


if you were serious, I pity you.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Apollo 8 in 1968 - IT! WAS! AWESOME!!!

must've hit a nerve. heh.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: No LM = No "lifeboat"

I'm pretty sure that "LEM-->lifeboat" was at least talked about among the various crews and there may have even been a procedure written for it.

Being in the nuclear Navy, there are procedures for EVERYTHING. Usually it's for single-failure, though, so if you have a multiple failure, you basically have to use the knowledge and skills gained in drilling for the single failures and 'wing it'.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Remeber those heady days of the Apollo missions well

"the Challenger disaster, and my mom saying very nonchalantly 'oh, look at that, it blew up'"

When THAT happened, I was underway on a submarine, and the captain made the announcement to the ship. He thought it was important enough news to announce it to the crew like that.

Space flight - still dangerous. But less so than 1968.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Remeber those heady days of the Apollo missions well

real heroes, YES, and with '2 rockets ago' nearly self-destructing on launch, it was extremely dangerous and only the best of the best were involved. 'The Right Stuff'

bombastic bob Silver badge

Apollo 8 in 1968 - IT! WAS! AWESOME!!!

People forget how GREAT things are when you do somthing like a WINNER, when you take the RISKS necessary, and you push past the limits and do something like this. It's better than your favorite football team (U.S. or Soccer, whichever) winning the championship. When you do something that is TRULY great, there are NO losers, and the winners are worth cheering on.

And it's a HELL of a lot better than "participation trophies" for being MEDIOCRE. *GREATNESS* should be celebrated, and navel-focusing "feelies" shouldn't be SJW'ing it for "those who aren't" because "they might feel bad about themselves" when SOMEONE ELSE is "a winner".

/me watched every launch and mission coverage on TV in the Gemini and Apollo programs (I was too young to remember the Mercury program), unless it was during school, and even THEN, the teachers would usually roll a TV into the class and leave it on with the sound turned down for us to watch it. This was BIG STUFF, and I hope nobody EVER manages to 'tone down' that fact by revising history. EVAR.

Your mates vape. Your boss quit smoking. You promised to quit in 2019. But how will Big Tobacco give it up?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Look out

"Smoking where you eat in public is generally not acceptable"

Nor is farting. Mine clear rooms. So I don't do them in enclosed spaces or where people are eating. A well ventilated public bathroom is adequate. Except when at home [in which case I'll lift one leg and lean, and laugh afterwards, or maybe poot out 'shave and a haircut' for laughs].

So yeah. So maybe vapes can have an obnoxious smell, like some perfumes, and bad intestinal gas, and your neighbor's dog when he doesn't clean the crap up for a while. But there are no known lingering aftereffects that I'm aware of...

[minor irritations are everywhere]

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Look out

"Nicotine literally turns you into a mindless child who can't do without a substance that they would never have been exposed to in natural life"

WRONG. get your facts right. some of your points are 'ok' and the biscuit analogy wasn't bad, but then you went off the rails making claims about nicotine that just are NOT true.

Nicotine exists in some foods. Potatoes are one. Maybe that's why we like them so much!

Also included, eggplant, green tomatoes, and cauliflower. Potatoes are actually the lowest of the 4 in content of nicotine by weight.

[I take it you've never had ANY of those, right???]

Aside from the physical (and possibly psychological) addiction, what's really WRONG with people using nicotine?

[I'm not a smoker, never been one, and probably won't vape. But if it doesn't bother ME or anyone else, why not just let people do what they WANT to do??? If this were ABORTION, they'd be no argument other than "it is her body" that would EVEN be TOLERATED, right? So why not the SAME argument HERE???]

icon, because, facepalm.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Look out

"the success of Juul is alarming because it is creating a whole new class of nicotine addicts"

I suspect they would've smoke cigarettes (or worse) instead, had Juul not existed.

Amazingly, people will do things you and others don't want them to, especially when they're young. That's what *PARENTS* are for, to guide them properly before "that" happens [assuming it's something that's TRULY bad, and I have my doubts, as previously stated].

And if vaping is the WORST they do, parents should count themselves LUCKY. In my day it was cocaine and marijuana, rampantly so. I understand that some of the girls were regularly doing lines of cocaine in the bathroom...

Seriously, the control freak health fascists need to back off and mind their own business.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Look out

"here come the health nazis with their controlling chant of 'its for your own good'"

[my opinion] "They" are control freaks whose fears and general lack of self-confidence take the 'outlet' form of CONTROLLING OTHERS "for their own good", and they seek positions of power and authority in gummint to make this sort of thing easier.

If "they" had their way, for one clear example, butter and meat would have been OUTLAWED years ago, even though NOW it can easily be shown that margarine is WAY worse for you than animal fats could POSSIBLY be [though a high fat low carb 'atkins' diet often results in healthier weight], and elevated overall cholesterol levels aren't the reason behind heart diseases [it's the HDL/LDL ratio], and so on. "Trans Fats" is yesterday's "Poly-unsaturates" which were presumed to be BETTER for you. We are far more enlightened now.

Yeah, "they" were SO wrong, weren't "they" ?

And THAT [along with many other 'health fads' the FOOD NAZIS have pressured us with] brings me to a point regarding nicotine [which naturally occurs in some foods] and it's (alleged?) "harm" for every one/thing that is exposed to it. OK it makes a good insecticide, and will kill you in high enough doses. Like a lot of things.

Has there REALLY been a VALID study that shows how *horrible* nicotine BY ITSELF is? We're talking about shortened lives, horrible diseases [like cancer], loss of limbs, and things like that which are NORMALLY associated with tobacco addiction, and not merely the addiction to nicotine itself.

It's kind of funny how a number of BENEFITS of using nicotine have shown up in a simple online search. I also recall one man who had bad hand tremors until he started smoking [just a little, when the tremors started]. Vaping isn't smoke, and I have seen studies that show how benign they are.

So I have to ask: FOR WHAT REASON are the "health nazis" so AGAINST nicotine usage? What _EVIDENCE_ do they have to support their position?

Or is it, as I suspect, JUST a PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER that these health nazis have, one that drives them to OBSESSIVELY WANT to CONTROL OTHERS!!!

A web site I found, for what its worth, identified 4 positives and 3 negatives for nicotine. One of the negatives was addiction. One was an increase in tumor growth [due to increased blood flow, interestingly], and the other was a study regarding use by "under 25's" and development of the prefrontal cortex of the brain. OK fine. Anything else?

Maybe the 'health nazis' should just TRY TO MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS. When their lives are 100% perfect, maybe I'll consider what they have to say.

Microsoft's 2018, part 2: Azure data centres heat up and Windows 10? It burns! It burns!

bombastic bob Silver badge

All that elderly code is one reason for the current woes of the OS (?)

Normally when you have "elderly code" (think "the BSDs") you do NOT have this problem. A lot of code can remain 'as-is', well tested and relatively bug free, when you have a VERY OLD code base.

The problem is NOT old code. It's more obvious, to me. It's (most likely) a combination of an addiction to "new, shiny" and a GENERAL LACK OF QUALITY AND EXPERIENCE on the part of THE DEVELOPERS, THEMSELVES.

It is my impression that the new crop of developers, who aren't the ones that gave us Windows 2000 and XP (and even Windows 7), _ARE_ the problem.

The fact that they are *STILL* putting lipstick on the NON-OINKY end of "The Boar" formerly known as 'Metro" (and its bastard child UWP) _IS_ a BIG indicator.

Blame where blame belongs. It's in the "new, shiny" code developed by a bunch of programmers who (most likely) grew up with PARTICIPATION TROPHIES and majored in SELF-ESTEEM, with an addiction to being told how SPECIAL they are.

Murphy's law needs a "special addendum" for THAT bunch. Because it DID go wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong.

icon, because, FACEPALM

An upset tummy and a sphincter-loosening blackout: Lunar spaceflight is all glamour

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "Santa Claus..."

"Computers of the day were BIG things"

The first hand calculators were just being invented, and the first minicomputers. So yeah. But the design for Apollo's computer was from several years earlier, 1965-ish (and some documents I found go back even earlier).

ROM firmware on the Apollo computers used 'rope' memory, sorta like read-only core memory, where the presence of a core or absence of one determined 1 or 0. They were strung by women who were good at sewing, as I understand.


I also downloaded another document from a related Apollo archive that talked about the ICs chosen in that computer. Apparently it was a dual 3 input NOR gate, plus a memory sense amplifier. Yeah, JUST the two. These were primarily the only things available at design time in or around 1965 in sufficient quantities to be practical. Another photograph at the archive site showed the Fairchild 'F' clearly visible, but the intent was that many manufacturers could compete for producing these things for the Apollo program. And I'm not surprised it if was RTL... one of the 'first and worst' designs for logic ICs. But yeah, it worked. And it was small/light enough to fit in an Apollo capsule [and the LEM had its own as well]. The gate circuit diagram in the document shows 3 transistors and 4 resistors... wheeee!!!! Not sure what the logic gate 'fanout' of a collector resistor would allow you to have, but it probably wasn't much.

The sense amplifier was a bit more complex, consisting of 6 transistors and 8 resistors, with 3 external ref voltages, and an external balanced input transformer with 2 external resistors, and also used a strobe pulse to enable the open collector output. Most likely it was configured as one amp per bit per core board.

I got that particular PDF document from "https://authors.library.caltech.edu/5456/1/hrst.mit.edu/groups/apollo/bibliography/q-and-a.tcl_topic_id=11&topic=Document%20Library.html" (I would put a link but I don't wanna deal with captcha).

The actual PDF was titled 'A case history of the AGC integrated logic circuits'.

Several other diagrams show discrete components being used as interfaces and signal shapers. Additionally it shows how 'unpowered' gates could be combined with a single gate (that has power applied) to increase the number of inputs on the gate. If you look at the circuit diagram of the RTL logic it makes sense, basically "leave off" the power connection and you can combine two by tying the outputs together.

The full schematic is probably in there someplace. I'd like to see it as a logic diagram, but that's a lot of downloading and searching... and I think someone already has a simulator out there someplace.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Lunch from both ends?

I've heard a lot of things attributed to ginger, but as a motion sickness remedy? Naw.

I was in the Navy on a sub for ~4 years, and my first underway was in state 5 seas (for sea trials after shipyard, meaning we were on the surface for quite some time) taking 30 degree rolls for hours on end (and those 'TDU weights' baked by the cooks at breakfast sat in my stomach until they had to come back out the wrong end). After a while, nearly everyone [including seasoned veterans] were sick. You learn how to deal with it.

Motion sickness is more of a 'control' thing. You have to learn to calm your mind and "go with the flow" because you can NOT control the rolling motion. You can only control yourself. So that's what you focus on. And if you're sitting down, keep in mind that nobody gets seasick in a rocking chair, so if you can orient yourself to make the motion "kinda like that" it's a whole lot easier. Of course, that last part isn't what makes people sick in space, but there's probably something about it that's "equivalent" to something familiar... so you find 'that' and make it 'ok' again.

/me points out that submarines have round hulls, and as such, roll pretty violently when on or near the surface, which [fortunately] is NOT 'most of the time'.

Microsoft's 2018, part 1: Open source, wobbly Windows and everyone's going to the cloud

bombastic bob Silver badge

American bloke hauls US govt into court after border cops 'cuffed him, demanded he unlock his phone at airport'

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "They checking to see if someone boarding the aircraft has malicious intent"

oh yeah like your password of "jihad" and your facebook page honoring Osama bin Laden are some kind of clue that you're a terrorist. So they look for that to keep you off of airplanes.

[seriously those wannabe types leave rat droppings all over the place, no need to use their phone passwords to spy on them like that, just do simple search engine queries and they'll pop up from time to time so you'll know who they are - use existing laws to get user info from the service providers and a warrant to spy on their activity, and you're all set]

As for the REAL terrorists and spies, they're hiding in plain site and look JUST! LIKE! EVERYBODY! ELSE! and you can't find them by insisting on getting their phones unlocked at an airport.

Next time I fly with a computer, I'll set it up with FreeBSD and I won't encrypt the hard drive. I'll just make sure that it boots into a console and that EVERY virtual console goes to a JAIL. And the root password in the jail will be something like "TSA Sucks".

[its easy to get from a jail to the host; just run ssh to localhost and log in with the host's security, then you can use 'startx' to get the GUI etc. and it'll be fine]

So [b]lame, "them" and their attempts to control and spy on us. TSA and FISA need a _BIG_ _REVIEW_ anyway, and hopefully that will be on Trump's plate in his 2nd term. Under GW Bush (whose administration invented TSA) everybody expressed their concerns that it would get "this bad", eventually. Under Obama it *DID* get "this bad". It hasn't gotten (perceptively) better under Trump, though I think to some extent it [independently] HAS gotten 'less bad'. Let's see how it goes.

Seriously I want things the way they were pre-9/11. Smarter scanning methods, and PROFILING, is more likely to get us there than the current "take of your belt and shoes and hold onto your pants so you don't flash everyone whle you're being scanned" method. And oh, by the way, give up your passwords, too.

post-note - I've been 'more thoroughly examined' at the Mexican border before, car seats removed and left for me to put back, etc. - I had a big car with a big trunk, and so they 'profiled' me for a bit of 'extra' inspection. Whatever, yeah. The agents were polite and it didn't take that long, but yeah, it was kinda 'a pain in the ass'.

Ho ho ho! Washington DC sends Zuckerberg a sueball-shaped present

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: @AC Good. Now close FB down

"(Hate speech and illegal speech [e.g. Nazis in Germany] are a different issue)"

No, they're NOT different than any OTHER 'free speech' issue. Aside from inciting riots (or inciting other crimes), libel, slander, threats, false accusations, false police reports, lying under oath, and other similar 'illegal speech' (which our courts have upheld as NOT being covered by the 1st Ammendment), pretty much ANYTHING ELSE is 'free speech', *ESPECIALLY* speech that people DISAGREE with [or feelings hurt, wah wah baby's feewings werwe huwt, awwww, poor baby...].

And that's the point. If you go back to the 1950's in 'The South' in America, you find cases where businesses were regularly discriminating on the basis of RACE, and justifying by saying things like "we retain the right to refuse to do business with" etc.. OK, but if you refuse to do business with black people, we NOW consider that "illegal" under Civil Rights legislation. Actual discrimination is NOT "free speech" or anything similar. It's illegal, and upheld by decades of precedent.

THE SAME PRINCIPLE exists when it comes to the 1st Ammendment, in the USA anyway. So when there is WIDESPREAD "DISCRIMINATION" against SPEECH, it's really a CIVIL RIGHTS issue, and should be TREATED as such by the law!

If additional laws that specify this MUST be legislated before they can be ENFORCED, then I guess Con-Grab (and other legislative bodies) need to get their collective ASSES in gear and GET TO IT.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Good. Now close FB down

"Send Zuck to jail."

well, aside from the OBVIOUS 'lynch mob' tactic, this ain't gonna happen. You know, "Due Process" and all of that. It's something that mob mentalities often forget [or disregard].

Now, wouldn't it be nice if the TWO TIERED justice system in the USA (you know, one for 'US', and the other for those who are 'NOT US', from the perspective of the elitist "ruling class" ) were applied CONSISTENTLY?

(what a Christmas present *THAT* would make!!!)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: There is morality and there are laws

"It is the perceived task of the government to connect these two, and they often nearly always fail, or lag decades behind the facts."

(fixed it. you're welcome)

Since when have 'morality' and 'law' had any kind of CONNECTION?

There's also the likelihood that ANY law that is 'moral' will come with HOWLS of "legislating morality" and things of THAT nature.

Gummint does NOT define morality, either. Society itself does, and to some extent, religions, philosophies, etc.. And the law is regularly polluted with loopholes that "l[aw]yer buddies" can exploit for the purposes of running up astronomical legal fees for themselves. In short, the best you can hope for is a corrupt partial-"solution" that creates more problems than it solves...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Now EU use GDPR

Well, hitting the stockholders and the board of directors is likely to have a bigger impact, yes. The question is whether or not it would be ENOUGH.

in the late 19th and early 20th century, there were major trusts that had to be 'busted' (Teddy Roosevelt was 'big stick' on this) including Standard Oil and U.S. Steel and J.P. Morgan's banking empire and a few other things.

In the 21st century you have Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and to some extent, Apple, each with their own monopolistic 'trust'. Similar action will be necessary to protect the consumer, because they're pretty much doing what the late 19th century trusts were doing.

1. Control a huge percentage of the market;

2. Setting terms and prices (or in this case for FB, user privacy as a 'price')

3. Owning/controlling enough of the supply chain as to shut out competition

4. Predatory practices (literally ATTACKING competitors or PREVENTING competition from surviving)

A good example of '3' is when an oil company (for a geographical area, let's say) owns the majority of the oil wells, refineries, AND gasoline stations. By fixing prices at the wholesale level, then can keep the profits to themselves and make it impossible for independent gasoline stations to compete by having the profit margin at the RETAIL level be SO impractical as to drive them out of business.

So Google [their search engine is 'free'] and Microsoft [their OS comes bundled with EVERY new computer] and Facebook [there aren't any real alternatives that "all of your friends" are on] present their 'products', it's perceptively "no other choice" besides *THEM*. And _THAT_ is when it becomes A MONOPOLY.

Queue the usual behavior, like exploitation and poor quality product/support, bloated bureaucracy inside the company when you want resolution, and so on.

Bust the TRUSTS!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: @AC Good. Now close FB down

well, you DO have to assume that corporations, run by people, will be acting in their own best interests.

that would be 'human nature' in general. Actually, it's _NATURE_ in general.

So in addition to "the stick" a carrot may be needed to get Fa[e]ceB[itch,ook] to behave. This would actually be consistent with what Sun Tzu wrote about in 'Art of Warfare'.

If you want an enemy to attack a specific place, you'll make it attractive to them. Move something they want into that position. Weakly defend it (or give a perception of weakness). In effect you're offering something up that THEY want, while simultaneously controlling the situation. You can use it as a trap, or you can use it to let them take the thing they want which might be valuable if you do NOT want it any more for some reason.

in any case, using the stick against "the Zuckers" is likely to drive them into being more deceptive, finding new ways to screw their customers over, etc.. But a carrot, one that also protects privacy [maybe a GDPR-like solution] is more likely to work.

When I go to the grocery store, I use a card that gets me a discount. They now know everything I buy there [which is less and less these days, as Target and Walmart have way lower prices on most things]. I nearly always buy liquor at the grocery store because it's constantly "on sale" [the stuff I want] so they know it's getting me into the store. And they're right.

So they can see that _I_ buy liquor at their store, nearly every time I'm there. Their algorithms can track that, and that particular liquor has been "on sale" for about 2 years as I recall. Win-win.

So now here's a carrot for Fa[e]ceB[ook,itch]: What if they can give people an ADVANTAGE for "being tracked", and CONTROL the level of tracking in a GDPR-compliant way? And, maybe they get 'special offers' or discounts for doing so? You know, a win-win.

Things like this do NOT have to be win-lose, or worse, lose-lose. It does NOT have to be "the exploiter" vs "the masses". It _CAN_ be something people are willing to accept [like the store discount card, dating back over 20 years], even for a privacy-conscious person like me, because you GET something for it.

Mark Zuckerberg did everything in his power to avoid Facebook becoming the next MySpace – but forgot one crucial detail…

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Good article. Assuming TheRegister is clean with our data.

well, when I read the following:

"in an era where the defining characteristic of the President of the United States is that he lies with impunity"

I just have to cringe. That is, unless you were talking about the PREVIOUS president, in which case lies were his NATIVE LANGUAGE. "You can keep your doctor. You can keep your plan." etc.

But politicians in general are the biggest liars of them all. It's what they do. That's pretty much a universal thing.

Microsoft: Come and play in our Windows SandBox

bombastic bob Silver badge

in the POSIX world...

I just create a new user with a separate home directory, and 'guest' level group permissions.

if X11 desktop access is needed, for a different user alongside the logged-in user, you can use DISPLAY and xhost and whatnot to configure it. Yeah I do that _ALL_ of the time. Literally.

On the first day of Christmas, Microsoft gave to me... an emergency out-of-band security patch for IE

bombastic bob Silver badge

remote-code execution hole in the browser's scripting engine.

and THIS is why I use NOSCRIPT. Because, you never know when "yet another" script vulnerability will end up spreading malware to YOUR computer, and so it should be disabled by default on all but THE most trusted web sites, and that list should be very, very, very small [and exclude ALL advertisers and CDNs].

From the article: "A possible alternative is to not use Internet Explorer, of course."


Introducing 'Happy Quit', where Chinese smokers are text-spammed into nicotine abstinence

bombastic bob Silver badge
Big Brother

Re: Not much to brag about

ack - more effective "non government mandate/irritate" methods exist already.

A lot of people switch to vaping, which every study I've ever read suggests is SIGNIFICANTLY less hazardous to the user, and practically benign to everyone else [unlike smoke, which generally irritates EVERYONE, etc.]. But here in Cali-Fornicate-You, the ninny-nanny types are NOW altering the anti-smoking ads [paid for by deliberately excessive tobacco taxes] to _INCLUDE_ vaping, which I believe is incredibly STUPID...

so maybe "that" is next. Then it'll be caffeine and alcohol. Well, alcohol has been tried already [and the dramatic failure of U.S. prohibition stands as a testimony to why such things should NOT be passed into law]. And in China, I suppose anti-gummint thoughts will need to be purged, too...

bombastic bob Silver badge
Big Brother

Re: Finally

"As long as you don't expect TPTB to leave it at that, before moving on to other 'undesirable' behaviour..."

ack - and, who knows, maybe California is headed that way as well, very soon... [if Silly Valley has their way]

it is the nature of gummints to be this way, as "big nanny" types weasel their way into positions of power so they CAN impose themselves on the world. The only thing "them" is "us".

Houston, we've had a problem: NASA fears internal server hacked, staff personal info swiped by miscreants

bombastic bob Silver badge

all that alien schtuff...

maybe the leaked info will make it to wikileaks? THE EVIDENCE of the CONSPIRACY to HIDE THE EXISTENCE of EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE will FINALLY be REVEALED!!!

or not...

Microsoft flings untested Windows 10 updates to users! (Oh no it doesn't!)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: gained the tools necessary for hosting a static website back in 2011.

"unless you were barking mad and tried to host via DSL in your own small office or bedroom."

I am _NOT_ barking mad! bark! Bark! BARK!


bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: An opening is here

"Please do not suggest Linux of any current variant thats a little like saying a coal fired steam turbine is a better way of making electricity."

Your lack of knowledge of steam plants, in particular coal-fired plants, is blatant. Believe it or not, a well designed coal-burner is efficient, clean, and relatively inexpensive to operate. Having operated a nuclear steam plant in the past, and understanding basic thermodynamics and engineering and physics, it's pretty obvious to me that, yes, compared to MANY ways of generating electricity, a coal-fired steam plant is a tried and true method, that with modern technology, can be made efficient, clean, and cost effective.

Oh, and Linux - good OS. I prefer FreeBSD but Linux gets more love and hardware support, so it might make a better OS for end-users than FreeBSD would. And, of course BETTER THAN WINDOWS, I say, if the devs would get OFF OF THEIR ASSES and make LINUX versions of their applications.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Firefox

"Or, for those of us who dislike Chrome, some other browser."

I'm considering forking 52-LTS or ESR or whatever they call it. If I had more time... and could get paid to maintain it. At least you can build it on FreeBSD without mega-downloads or stupid build environments.

I'm considering a proper port of midori without the hamburger menu crap. Maybe a fork of an older version of it... one that still had a menu.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Firefox

"something in common with Hard Brexiteers"

Uh, no... [I would've compared them to 'globalists', or even 'socialists', actually, more in line with Mozilla's 'Silly Valley' politics... but I digress]

had it not been pandering to the perception, and was actually based on reality, I would've laughed at that.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Take two off and

"Only 11 years to go!"

and you think Micro-shaft is done shoving their mediocre-ware at us 11 years from now? By then they will have been able to eradicate the Win32 API by forcing developers to use UWP and whatever other 'new, shiny' they excrete from the Halls of Redmond...

and of course, this:

Jngle Bells, Something Smells, Must be Win Update!

Computer's on the fritz again, 'New Windows' ain't so great!

(I'm waiting for 'Windows Classic' but looks like ReactOS and Wine may be the only alternatives for legacy windows applications at some point in the future...)

On the first day of Christmas, MIPS sent to me: An open-source-ish alternative to RISC-V

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Interesting

"executes the instruction following a branch"

as I recall it's referred to as a 'guard' instruction and can sometimes be taken advantage of by the compiler. But as often as not it'll be a 'nop'

just as a reference, several devices that were used for Wifi access points about 10 years ago (like Linksys) used MIPS rather than ARM. So OpenWRT was designed for MIPS, particularly Broadcom's MIPS CPU, back when it was first released.

Oh Deer! Poacher sentenced to 12 months of regular Bambi screenings in the cooler

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Down

Re: 'Murica never ceases...

well, then you won't want to know that LEGAL hunting not only helps pay for conservation, but controls the deer population. It's illegal to shoot a doe, and you're limited in the number of bucks you can hunt. And you can only hunt them in a season where it's easy to tell the bucks from the does, and a bit of herd-thinning would actually be GOOD for the deer population.

And I happen to *like* venison. So yeah if you kill it, you must eat the meat. or let others do it for ya!

Or is it the RIFLE part you don't like? Yeah, thought so.

/me notes that if EVERYONE has a firearm, criminals will be a LOT more afraid to use them to commit crimes...

(but yeah, poachers should face penalties, regardless)

Jingle bells, disk drives sell not so well from today. Oh what fun it is to ride on a one-horse open array...

bombastic bob Silver badge

"Are you saying that you can store more on a mechanical drive than SSD"

Yeah, price per gigabyte is STILL better for spinny drives vs silicon drives. They tend to have more storage per device [since buying a <1TB spinny hard drive is kinda pointless nowadays] than the SSDs so if your laptop has space for a 2nd hard drive, it's likely to be just that - a spinny hard drive. Same for PC as well but that was kinda obvious.

bombastic bob Silver badge

stimulate market: make easier to download videos, and non-windows-10 OS

even though youtube-dl works really well for downloading (and keeping) youtube videos, it's constantly in need of updating as youtube mangles the way it delivers content [perhaps to thwart it].

But if MORE people had an EASIER time of downloading youtube content, then MORE people would SAVE it [rather than streaming every! single! time!]. this would fill up hard drives, requiring BIGGER [and perhaps FASTER] drives to replace old "full" ones.

So if youtube invests in hard drives, they can help stimulate the market by ENCOURAGING people to download content, etc.

They might actually make MORE money that way than if they spy on us or track us for advertising purposes.

Now, would they choose the 'more honorable' path of stimulating a market that they invest in, or are they going to continue to "do no evil when we define evil the way we define it" like they've been doing for a while now... ?

And another market stimulation would be for Intel and hard drive manufacturers to COLLABORATE on getting an OS alternative out there, pre-installed on computers, one that's the equivalent [to businesses] of Windows, and also to the 'Home' user crowd, that's marketed and supported and so on and BASED ON LINUX such that you can install your OWN version of Linux over the top of it [i.e. no 'secure boot' lockouts].

This WOULD stimulate PC sales, thereby stimulating HARD DRIVE sales. Google could even get in on it with Chrome OS and perhaps an option of having Mint pre-installed...

ALL of these things WOULD stimulate hard drive sales. But is anybody LOOKING at this? Must the Win-10-nic MONOPOLY _CONTINUE_ to depress the new PC market? And, apparently, depress the 'new hard drive' market as well.

Boffins don't give a sh!t, slap Trump's face on a turd in science journal

bombastic bob Silver badge

what would happen if I'd put Obama's face on a turd in a scientific journal? Or Mrs. Clinton? Or Nancy Pelosi? And so on.

Yeah no hypocrisy nor academic arrogance to see here. Jedi business. Move along.

Visual Studio Code's Python extension goes to Jupyter

bombastic bob Silver badge

"venerable" '.Not' framework?

I had a different adjective in mind. Age does not make it respectable, but it DOES make it 'old'. And quite possibly, 'outdated'.

".Not Core" isn't any better, in my opinion, with the exception of open-source-ness.

It's all Micro-shaft putting even MORE lipstick on the non-oinky end of the boar.

Now, if they could make the UNDERLYING OPERATING SYSTEM better, by fixing all of the bugs THERE, or maybe RE-ISSUE a new 'LTR' version of Windows 7 [without the forced updates, naturally], or at the very least let us SHUT THE [profanity] OFF in Win-10-nic and CUSTOMIZE it [including a 3D skeuomorphic look and no 'the metro' bright blue on blinding white 'settings' screens] I'd be a LOT more likely to give them due accolades.

But they haven't. And so I won't. It's just more disappointment, from my perspective.

(oh but making python work better, I guess that's something good. yay.)

'Bomb threat' scammers linked to earlier sextortion campaign

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: 1980s library art

"Being shown round the office - every person was smoking. One even had a cigarette and a pipe in his ashtray."

I wouldn't have got past the door, would've been sneezing/headaches the entire time. _NO_ _WAY_ could I _EVAR_ work in an office with open smoking like that.

(fortunately, the rest of the world has caught up, and you don't see that any more in any place I'm aware of)

bombastic bob Silver badge

I'd love to be able to reply, and have it read by the perps, something to the effect of "Bring it on, I'd _LOVE_ a good street fight!"

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Not so sure it's the same group

could just be "the same botnet" or one of a group of botnets.

So finding the botnets' owners might be a good start... [yeah I'm sure they already are on this]

Vitamin Water gets massive publicity for new flavor: Utter BS

bombastic bob Silver badge

I just want something that has CAFFEINE in it

One year on after US repealed net neutrality, policymakers reflect soberly on the future

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Your headline says policymakers...

also, from the article:

"Claims of the damage that rejecting the rules would have on internet access have not come true and so therefore, by extension, the rule change was good."

I'm not entirely sure that THIS is the only justification for the rule change being 'good'. I'm sure it has everything to do with REMOVING regulations, and the lifting of what has been considered to be 'overreach' or 'a power grab' over the internet by the FCC, which could have (in theory) been used to CENSOR or RESTRICT content.

For an example of the latter, consider the so-called "fairness doctrine" that was imposed by the FCC on radio and TV broadcasts, which was (finally) REMOVED in the 80's thanks to Ronald Reagan. FYI Ronald Reagan was NOT just an actor but had been a radio broadcaster AND was the head of the 'Screen Actors Guild', aka a union boss. So I think Reagan had a REALLY GOOD grasp on the CHILLING effects that the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' had on broadcasting in general.

And the general opinion _I_ have (and others too, from what I hear) is that ONCE a gummint agency has its foot in the door, they'll creep along gaining more and more power and control over time until "the agenda" has been acheved (whatever agenda that is), usually to empower those who are appointed to positions within the bureacracy.

So yeah, the DE-regulation has been GOOD. So-called "Net Neutrality" was ONLY a means of preventing someone from "paying for a fast lane", which, from my perspective, is ANTI-PROGRESS. By removing the fast lanes, instead of regulating them to a sane level, you FORCE EVERYONE to be EQUALLY MEDIOCRE.

Anyway, I've argued these points many times. If your mind is made up, you'll just disregard it anyway. But I had to say it, regardless.

Home users due for a battering with Microsoft 365 subscription stick

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Yes, what MS really needs now is more marketing...

unfortunately (from the perspective of wanting only the BEST QUALITY merchandise available at reasonable prices) Micro-shaft's marketing ACTUALLY WORKS.

I've said it before: They could sell icewater to Eskimos, in the middle of winter, and use poor quality ingredients in it, and their customers would STILL buy it instead of melting ice or using some other reasonable method of getting fresh water to drink.

P.T. Barnum was right.

Windows 10 can carry on slurping even when you're sure you yelled STOP!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: diving headlong into the Registry

ads down both sides? I'm not seeing it...

I don't mind ads, I just don't see them because, NOSCRIPT.

Now,, El Reg, please consider that MANY readers of your fine on-line news thingy are SECURITY PROFESSIONALS and IT PROFESSIONALS and are likely to do things *LIKE* block script.

I wouldn't mind seeing ads. ADS WITHOUT SCRIPT IN THEM, that is. I might even BUY something from one of the advertised vendors. It's relevant to my interests already, no need for TRACKING via script by the 3rd party ad providers...

bombastic bob Silver badge

"What you're using a computer for should be a consideration in choosing an OS"

with few exceptions, I would recommend "testing it under Wine, first" before purchasing a Win-10-nic machine/license JUST to run "that application".