* Posts by x 7

3849 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Nov 2014

Apple fanbois cry (bless) as site motionless during iPhone 6S pre-order wrest

x 7

brainwashed droids

You want to DISRUPT my TECH? How about I DISRUPT your FACE?

x 7

Re: I can do that!


you'd best put a link or explanation regarding that phrase as elucidation for us non-USAians who aren't au fait with the terminology of murder and bloodshed

x 7

thanks for the Coventry concert link - fist time I've seen a decent copy online, all the others I've seen were poor quality digitised VCRs.

I can still remember when this was broadcast on BBC2 - my father couldn't understand what he was watching, and was quite upset at the idea of a lot of long haired german unwashed hippies in Coventry

Doctor Who returns to our screens next week – so, WHO is the worst Time Lord of them all?

x 7

Re: Matt Effing Smith

"If McGann counts, so does Cushing"

Cushing can't count because the continuity doesn't work. Cushing's character was an eccentric English human professor actually named "Dr Who", not a Gallifreyan Time Lord renegade with an unknown identity

besides which, the McGann film was made with input from the BBC and was intended to be a series relaunch (which failed to happen), while the two Cushing films were nothing to do with the BBC. The characterisations were changed enough to avoid copyright issues - and deliberately breach continuity, even though the plot lines were lifted from the TV series

x 7

so who's the medievalist who set the questions?

"The nineth doctor"????!!!!

British killer robot takes out two Britons in Syria strike

x 7

Re: OK, mixed feelings about this...

"The world outside must be a scary place for you, dear boy."

with Putin becoming increasingly erratic, and making off-the-wall comments about dropping instant sunshine on the lesser members of NATO, then the world could quite probably be recognised as a scary place. I don't think he's really daft enough to do it yet, but if his insanity gets worse, then who knows?

Even most of the ex-pat Russians I know agree......had a long conversation today with an emigree Azerbaijani girl of third generation Russian descent who has come to the west to escape the claws of Putins goons even in Azerbaijan - it seems they were trying to put the hooks into her while living in Azerbaijan - they were trying to blackmail her into working for the Russian state to obtain information

As for the muslim raving looney conspirators, yes they create a big enough threat to justify pre-emptive retaliation before they launch more attacks

x 7

Re: OK, mixed feelings about this...

"Just a slight correction - under Muslims you mean adepts of satanist cults mascarading as Muslims."

No, I mean Muslims. Satanist cults tend to be a bit harmless in comparison. Russians are worse

x 7

Re: OK, mixed feelings about this...

"In the West, we generally believe we have the right to make decisions about our future based on the truth."

The problem is, Muslims have a different version of the truth from most people who live in Western democracies, and many of them believe in ramming THEIR "truth" down OUR throats through violence.

x 7

Re: Good to see

"Good to see that the Reaper systems are functioning properly."

yeah, warfare is much more grim without the reapers

x 7

Re: Cameron's "I feared for my safety"

"In a sane world, people would find this totally evil and unacceptable"

In a sane world there wouldn't be any loony muslim terrorists who need shooting. But the world isn't sane, there ARE loony evil bastards at loose, so we have to shoot them. Not nice, but necessary.

x 7

Re: Terrorism

" killing people of a particular group also tends to make that group angry and more likely to want to kill you back"

Simple - kill ALL of them.

"hey, we don't need your oil any more, sell it to someone else"

China and India would simply buy the lot - so increasing their rates of technological advance and so threatening our manufacturing industries even more

" borders drawn up by the Allies after the end of WW2."

Actually WWI

Look up "Sykes-Picot agreement"

x 7

Re: How would they have hurt anyone in the UK ?

"These people don't enjoy any support in the UK communities where they are based"

If you'd been in the office I used to work in and saw the mainly Pakistani-origin staff cheering as the World Trade Centre collapsed, then you'd think otherwise.

"These people" enjoy enormous support in SOME of the UK Asian ghettos

x 7

Re: Bad on several levels ...

"I love it when people bring the DeMenezes case up because it just shows how infrequently such things happen. This was in 1978 "

Check your facts

He was born in 1978, died in 2005.

Whatever the rights or wrongs of killing him, we've had few significant attacks in the UK since. Shooting someone - anyone - appears to have had the desired effect of keeping the heads of UK based insurgents down

x 7

Re: Victims?

"And we made a formal declaration of war on ISIS when exactly?"

no need.

they've made enough aniti-British statements both in act and word to ensure any action against them would be justifiable self-defence

don't forget we never declared war on Argentina. To be honest "declaring war" is a rather quaint old-fashioned concept

x 7

Re: Cameron's "I feared for my safety"

"Well, well, well, It's coming to that time where we round up all those mooslims and execute them. After all it's all a mater of prevention, how can we afford to let those dangerous 1% escape? "

Why not? |ts a tradition of British history. Æthelred did it with the Danes. What was good enough for him should be good enough for us.

x 7

the only mistake made here is the announcement by the politicians that it happened.

They should have simply blown the scum up and said nothing. As it stands, the opposition now know the two are dead, how it happened, and can have a pretty good guess as how they were tracked. Better if nothing had been said, and ISHIT had been kept in the dark.

Operational Security - least said about any op, the better. Let the opposition wonder and worry

Jeremy Corbyn wins Labour leadership election

x 7

Re: Pyhrric victory

" it makes Labour unelectable."

thats the trouble, it hasn't.

If anything its likely to lead to a resurgent labour party while people just listen to the sound bites and ignore the polices.........we're now just one election away from unilateral nuclear disarmament and the destruction of our conventional armed forces. We're back to the situation Wedgwood Benn wanted us in the 1960's - Russian puppets

Marvell superheroes and the Fantastic Four (hundred million dollar loss and internal probe)

x 7

sounds like ramping the share price by booking forward sales as current sales.

Thing to look for is the number and value of post-sale credits raised, or the amount of discounted stock later sold as "thank you" gifts

Russian regulator bans PornHub for its ‘illegal pornography’

x 7

Re: I find that surprising...

"Which is probably what they were."

no.....they're not........

x 7

Re: "The evils of homosexuality"

" lay off Russia bashing as a sport"

Why? Its one of our traditional games

x 7

Re: I find that surprising...

a large amount of the underage porn on the web is Russian, usually offered as "naturist" family shots

x 7

"Only images of bare-chested strong, manly types riding bareback allowed"

There, fixed it for you

x 7

The story I heard from a very reliable source is that Putin was looking for somewhere to improve his riding skills, Googled "Russian bareback" and was annoyed when he spotted a couple of his Kremlin bodyguards exhibiting their prowess and size on PornHub.

Also I heard that RedTube is next on the ban list, after Putin viewed it while looking for a map of the Moscow underground network.

Is John McAfee running for US president? 'My campaign manager told me not to comment'

x 7

Re: Difficult to remove

"If he once gets installed in the Whitehouse, it will be impossible to get him out again"

What a thought......John McAfee meets and sleeps with Mary Whitehouse. Who was the madder of the two? And what would she have thought of him...?

x 7

Idiocracy......thats a nice new political system

the ultimate evolution of democracy/meritocracy/nepitocracy/ineptocracy/idiocracy........

x 7

is there a Dickhead party he could run for? Can't see anyone else having him on their books

Stick your finger in another Pi: Titchy-puter now has touchscreen

x 7

Greg's right, my son imported one from the USA nine months or so ago. If memory is correct it came from the parent company of Farnell/CPC/Element14

Et voilà: Violated Versailles vagina might stay violated

x 7

well, if it can't be cleaned this time, I guess its well and truly fuqked

Gloves on as Googler deposits foul zero-day on Kaspersky lawn

x 7

Putin's going to need a new back door now

Mind-blowing secrets of NSA's security exploit stockpile revealed at last

x 7

Re: Cool!


sounds like a form of dementia

Huge SUPERHENGE erection found near Blighty's Stonehenge

x 7

what does this phrase "living rock" mean?

I've never seen a stone with blood, or with a heartbeat.

x 7

whats the chances that if they looked at Avebury in the same way they'd find something even bigger?

Grinning BBC boss blows raspberry at UK.gov, eyes up buffet

x 7

Re: White Man's Burden 2.0

the bloody BBC overseas service, painting its false portrait of Britain as a saccharine-sweet land of milk, honey, dolecheques and free health care is one reason why we have so many damned immigrants clustering to invade our shores. The BBC presents us as a land of gold and beautiful women, available to all, and the aliens - illegal or otherwise - want a piece

x 7

"I assume you have a specific "him" in mind. Is this a "guess who?" competition?"

within the context of the person named in the primary article, and the accompanying headshot of a grimacing mannikin, I considered further identification superfluous.

If you read the report its pretty obvious

x 7

just heard him spouting bullshit on the Jeremy Vine Radio 2 show

Sounded like a self-reverential version of The Laughing Gnome

RAF radar station crew begs public for cash to buy gaming LAN kit

x 7

wheres the 7km come from?

Specs seem to indicate just 150m

You tried to hide your extramarital affair … by putting it on the web?

x 7

Re: I wish

you do realise that Bugs Bunny was the first TV mass-audience transsexual?

See this web page for a full list of cross-dressing appearances


some of the clips can be seen at


Sexy sock puppets seduce security suckers

x 7

LinkedIn is a status object for sad git overpaid trainspotters.

Basically its a list of how many jobs you've fucked up and been sacked from, skills you're not qualified for, and contacts who refuse to talk via normal means because they think you're a loser

x 7

where's sexycyborg when you need her.........this seems her kind of thing

West's only rare earth mine closes. Yet Chinese monopoly fears are baseless

x 7

Re: Eh?

the problem with that theory is that the buyer is locked into a contract which may well be uncompetitive at future rates - depending on when/if the Chinese decide to release material to the market.

No buyer is going to commit that far ahead in an unstable market. The problem is not China's withholding material, but more the unpredictability of when they hold back / release material in a way which bears no relationship to market trends or needs.

Futures and long term contracts work in a unregulated free market. They cannot function in a regulated market where availability of product does not follow market needs.

Voluminous Versailles vagina viciously violated – again

x 7

the shit-stain colour of the "art" piece is an effective comment on its true value and meaning

Ship-swallowing GREEN BIO-STORM spotted FROM SPAAACE

x 7

"Specifically, the type of algae that causes a bloom is NOT seaweed."

these Chinese seem to think differently about their blooms....


x 7

@Gene Cash

don't call people idiots when you've no clue what you are talking about

Seaweed IS algae. What else do you think it is? Its certainly not a flowering plant

now please crawl back into your troll cave


x 7

excellent export sales opportunity - seaweed to China. They eat tonnes of the stuff, and grow it in lagoons. Shouldn't be difficult to find a way of harvesting it

Scientists splice mammoth genes into unsuspecting elephant

x 7

Re: Animal made from ancient degraded DNA released into the wild

so sequoias and guinea pigs both come from Essex?

Daredevil Brit lifts off in 54-prop quinquaquadcopter

x 7

Re: Very cool (literally)

how did the dog react to that? I can imagine am amusing state of panic....

Tree hugger? Your wooden harem is much bigger than thought

x 7

"you worry about that scuttling sound in your loft now....."

no, that's the children hiding.....

Game, set and DEATHMATCH: Drone TERROR ORDEAL at US Open tennis tournament

x 7

"No doubt the pilot was in control"

yeah, so thats why it crashed.......piloting error

Oracle laying off its Java evangelists? Er, no comment, says Oracle

x 7

Re: Bad workmen always blame their tools.

|Not an Ocelot

it comes from the Luwak - the Asian Palm Civet, Paraxorus hermaphroditus

Suffering a comms blackout in the loo? Now you don't have to

x 7

comms blackout in the loo?

you've got paper

you've got brown ink

whats the problem?