* Posts by x 7

3849 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Nov 2014

'Whites are taking over': Race storm hits heart of Africa's internet body

x 7

bunch of bloody crooks protecting themselves.

Need some new blood to help get rid of them

Mushroom farm PC left in the dark and fed … you know the rest

x 7

Re: Fly agaric..

"However, common ink cap breakdown products can block the enzyme that breaks down acetaldehyde."

its more or less the same chemistry as occurs in the drug Antabuse/Disulfiram which is given to extreme alcoholics. The antibiotic, Metronidazole has a similar effect. The full list of products to stay away from is quite high.....deodorants, aftershave, vinegar, pickled herrings/onions/cabbage...........

x 7

" It used to be quite common to get offers of freebies for helping them solve their computer and webcam issues"

I had something similar recently when I rebuilt a laptop for a Thai girl in Blackpool. Naturally the offer was accepted. I just have to work out how to put it on my tax return.........

x 7

Re: Fly agaric..

"I dont think anyone has died from Amanita Muscaria ever."

I'm not so sure that's correct. The story that fly agaric is fatally toxic is so ingrained in British tradition that I'm sure it must have been a known occurrence, but where, and how long ago is anyone's guess.

For me, and my primary school colleagues (I'm in my late 50's) fly agaric toxicity was just another part of the country folklore handed down over the generations. Like using docks to relieve nettle stings, or not eating watercress from ponds, or not eating hemlock or nightshade. Or learning how to kill rabbits. Or that it was safe to eat dandelions, or wood sorrel.

I'm convinced that in our pre-industrial days when most of this lore was formed, people DID die from Amanita muscaria toxicity, but with industrialisation, better education and less reliance on foraging for foodstuffs the incidence declined. Possibly the decline came before proper records were kept, hence the "anecdotal" feel to the tales of death

However, I agree totally with you over its relative toxicity compared with some of the other Amanitas. The "Destroying Angel" alone should be enough to stop anyone unknowing from fungi foraging.

x 7

don't eat the fungi in the photo unless you're a reindeer or a witch.

They're fly agaric mushrooms, and they'll send your head flying, possibly terminally

Winston Churchill glowers from Blighty's plastic fiver

x 7

the Manx Goverment released plastic pound notes around 30 years ago. Problem was they lasted too well, the manufacturers never got a repeat order and went bust. Next batch of notes reverted to paper.......

I've still got one somewhere

Tech titans demand free speech law to head off President Trump

x 7

Re: Wow


does "trumping" have the same meaning in the USA as it does in the free english-speaking world?

x 7

Trump vs Putin

which would press the nuclear button first to start WWIII? Trump is daft enough to do it..........if he's elected I can see NATO collapsing because the Europeans will be more afraid of Trump than Putin.

PS Is it true he tried to claim copyright over the name of the BBC series "Trumpton", as he claimed it was based on his home town? "Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub & Trump" definitely has a ring to it

Windows 7, Server 2008 'Convenience' update is anything but – it breaks VMware networking

x 7

if I've understood the problem correctly, this has the ability to bork every clinical server in every NHS GP surgery in Manchester. They all have VMware ESXi boxes running Windows server 2008 and Windows 7 VMs

A lot of other areas have similar solutions

Microsoft sells 1,500 patents to Chinese mega-phone biz Xiaomi

x 7

whats the point of selling patents to a company in a country that systematically ignores foreign patent rights?

Unless....the next deal is for Xiaomi to start making Microsoft-branded mobile phones for world consumption and Xiaomi wanted some kind of leverage/protection if Apple, Samsung, Google et al decided to try to sue them out of the world market.

My guess is MS are going to carry on selling phones - they just wont be using the ex-Nokia plants to make them.

Microsoft mops up after Outlook.com drowns in tsunami of penis pills, Russian brides etc

x 7

I'll happily use all my stock of penis pills for the benefit of the girl in the photo

India's tech manufacturing push to ride on the Ganges

x 7

surely there must be a way of harvesting all that shit so it powers the boats? There must be a way of capturing the crap, fermenting it and reaping the resultant methane. With a billion people, India has a national natural resource, a natural renewable resource that could be a significant factor in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At present all that shit decomposes, producing methane and sulphides, but if you burnt it to generate power you'd get rid of the methane. OK you'd produce CO2, but that would simply replace the gas produced by burning fossil fuels - and India's remaining forests.

India has a valuable resource pile of shit that is going to waste. Indeed, properly harvested and used, India's future economic development could be based on crap.

You deleted the customer. What now? Human error - deal with it

x 7

"Then there was the small business where a staffer accidentally pressed the delete key for files held on an Iomega ZIP and then clicked 'yes' to confirm. Unfortunately, the Recycle Bin doesn’t always save you and the business owner was unable to recover the data"

I find that hard to believe, unless the drive was overwritten. The usual recovery tools should have worked

Systemd kills Deb processes

x 7

why would you want a process to run while you're not logged in? Surely you need a user-initiated process to be tied to a user session, simply so you can control it - or terminate it. This complaint sounds illogical

x 7

"........ it kills running processes on logout.

The result, .......... is that long-running processes are killed."

I've heard of stating the obvious, but that is a bit extreme

India launches hypersonic space shuttle precursor

x 7

hypersonic reentry vehicle?

once they've got the guidance sorted it will become an interesting orbital bombardment weapon.

A 1700kg body accurately impacting a target at Mach 7 is a fearsome weapon, even without explosives. Is this aimed at China? Or the muslim nuclear states? Given enough rockets you could have a non-nuclear first strike against hardened silos

Hypersonic flight test hits Mach 7.5

x 7

Re: Completely off topic...

"Maybe the saying refers to some other type of shit"



The ‘Vaping Crackdown’ starts today. This is what you need to know

x 7


@ S Raith

" I'd suggest readers click on x 7s name to see his previous baseless assertions, and my comprehensive destruction of them."

1) I haven't made any baseless assertions

2) You haven't comprehensively destroyed anything I've said

All I've seen from you in response to my comments are a series of rambling unstructured monologues which appear alcohol-fueled, irrelevant unsubstantiated hearsay, based on what you would LIKE to be true, as opposed to reality. In the main I've chosen to ignore your comments as arguing with a deluded fool rarely provides a return on the energy and time expended.

However......your comments about shops selling vaping kit being "exclusively over 18" is total bollox. Go into any shop round here selling the stuff and the kids are in the majority. Same on the street - who do you see vaping? Kids and impressionable young women. Your argument that "those kids would have been doing it anyway" is irrelevant and misguided. The point is that the new cigarette labeling legislation was specifically intended to make tobacco products less appealing to kids, so that the take-up by new users would be reduced. Instead you now have the vaping industry providing an alternative route into consumption, and most importantly, an alternative route which bypasses the advertising restrictions so enable marketing to be directed at kids. Combined with the fruity flavours, you are looking at products which are designed for kids, marketed at kids, and consumed by kids and young women. Totally following the marketing routes already tested and proven by the alcopops industry.

Alcopops and vaping share one simple fact: both are new products aimed specifically at the underage market, with a view to creating and securing future demand as the kids grow to maturity.

Its wrong, its unethical, and its immoral.

x 7

you're all missing something. With the new rules over cigarette labeling, the assumption by industry is that the appeal to kids will be lessened so the market will drop. Big industry needs an alternative product to sell to kids, and the vaping market is it. Vaping creates a whole new alternative market in which children can be suckered with sweet fruity tastes, with the hope that they'll graduate to tobacco in one form or another. And of coure, advertising vaping isn't banned.

Its the same mindset as created the alcopops market: fruit flavoured alcohol aimed at the underage drinking market. Catch 'em as kids, you've get 'em for life

x 7

1) Vaping should be banned in public. I don't want to smell / inhale your second-hand chemical flavourings.

2) The risk of long-term damage to the lung lining by solvents such as glycerin and propylene glycol is a gamble I wouldn't want to take. I can see a major "degreasing" effect taking place, removing the lungs protective mucus, destabilising the lung leading to partial collapse.

If you know what's good for you, your health data belongs in the cloud

x 7

Re: Oh hell NO!

"Nothing, NOTHING belongs in the cloud except data you really don't care about. Personal health information? Go fuck yourself."

if you're wheeled into hospital A&E 300 miles from home over a weekend you could be very very grateful that your GP's records are available online. It could mean the difference between diagnosis and death

x 7

Re: I would have loved (and hated) this as a kid

" putting the data in the cloud for processing is a net detriment, since it requires connectivity and availability to be of any use whatsoever"

but the point of using "the cloud" is that the data becomes available through existing connectivity: it does not require a new bespoke network. Agreed, internet access can be patchy in places, but in reality this kind of data needs little more than a 2G text message so should be reasonably reliable. Certainly using "the cloud" is better than the alternative: no connectivity at all.

x 7

something you lot don't realise.

In the UK, virtually all GP medical records are already "in the cloud". The three major providers of GP clinical systems: Emis (Web), TPP (SytsmOne), INPS (Vision) run hosted data centres in which your medical data is stored. Emis and TPP have their centres in Leeds, I don't know where INPS keep theirs.

Between them they have something like 90% of GP primary care records.

That data is restricted to the "owning" GP surgery, but in emergencies it is accessible to third parties e.g. by "out of hours" GP services, or by A&E departments

They take to it later, but when women FLOSS, they mean it

x 7

if you want oatmeal stout, get the best


x 7

we all know only women buy toothfloss

'Acts of war in a combat zone are not covered by your laptop warranty'

x 7

Re: For insurance purposes...

theres a bit more than that........besides the handful of air-launched Exoceta, the Argies also had a number of ship-launched ones. After the Belgrano sinking, the Argentine Navy more or less refused to play, so some of their Exocets were flown to Stanley, where the French team mounted them on the backs of trucks. At least one attacked and hit a British vessel off Port Stanley, though with limited damage

x 7

Re: underwater.....

" if they had a two-kilometre ULF aerial trailing out behind them."

thanks Rich, I didn't know they could talk back on VLF - I'd always assumed Anthorn and the others were strictly one-way broadcasts

x 7


Back in my days at Time Computers I took a call from a Navy Lieutenant whose laptop had failed and (he said) required urgent replacement as he needed it to plot his navigation courses.

The call sounded like he was down a gurgling drainpipe, and he explained the sound quality by saying he was "underwater" - but couldn't say where or which boat (but hinted it was a big submarine the Russkies would be keen to find.....). Presumbly some kind of secure satellite link tied into the phone system.

Bit of a catch-22........if the boat and its location were secret, and it was underwater, how the heck were we supposed to do an exchange on the laptop? I think in the end we couriered a replacement to Faslane and let the Navy work it out from there

Google asks the public to name the forthcoming Android N operating system

x 7

is Android N equivalent to the stripped down version of Windows N with Media Player removed?

Brit twitchers a-tizz at bearded vulture sighting

x 7

theres an interesting summary of it at the RBA site at


second item down

Ooh missus, get a grip on my notifications

x 7

Re: "My problem is with predictive text, "

"I guess my one-time possession of a BX qualifies me for tosserdom"

nothing wrong with a BX, that gas suspension made it one of the most comfortable cars even now, and also one of the most forgiving if you like throwing cars around. The self-leveling made it damned hard to unstick one when cornering at speed. Wish I still had mine

x 7

Re: "What I say means what I want to say when I say it. More I cannot say."

FLA? Funny looking alien

Aussie wedges spam javelin in ring spanner

x 7

"Leftpondian doctors solve this problem by draining the fluid hydraulicly trapping the appendage in the offending object."

leeches, thats what you need

x 7

anyone who gets trapped like this must be a nutcase

x 7

he must have felt a real tool.....

Russia poised to unleash 'Son of Satan' ICBM

x 7

Re: Sorry that handle Voland's right hand Two steps forward...

"From what I remember, the effectiveness of Patriot when used against Scud back in 1991 was massively overstated, but that's 25 years ago."

I think its now fairly well accepted that the tally of Scuds intercepted by Patriot during the Gulf War was zero. However as you say, that was some years ago and there have been some targeting mods made which MAY give SOME ABM defence ability. But the Patriot was never designed as an ABM defence and can't be relied upon

Kazakhstan wins bid to get Mega IP address info on state secrets hackers

x 7

"I like your comment, but for "Cossack land" try the Wikipedia"

historically "cossack" and "khazak" were synonymous, though I accept there are other areas of Russia and Asia which were also homes to cossack tribes - not least the Ukraine

x 7

I've got a little old lady customer who is a Khazak national, living in the UK with her husband, a former Para. She likes to read the "alternative" Khazak press, and communicates with "liberal" friends back home. So far in three years I've had to rebuild her PC four times because it had been hopelessly compromised by rootkits, keyloggers and multiple other infections. Her e-mail box is permanently hammered with malware-ridden spear-fishing attacks. All coming from Cossack land

This woman is in her 70's, frail, and about as much risk to the Khazak government as my son's pet hamster.

The Khazak authorities are nothing but a bunch of stalinist brutalist oppressive thugs

Microsoft phone support contractors told to hang up after 15 minutes

x 7

Re: Want to increase your personal call stats? @x 7

"Erm, I think you misunderstood what x 7 did.

There is a metric (call time). If you find a way to improve this metric in a bullshit fashion that violates pretty much all other metrics, and you go ahead and do it, you should be fired. Publicly. With a clear warning to the others."

precisely accurate description of what happened

x 7

Re: Want to increase your personal call stats? @x 7

I sacked people who were taking the piss by dumping customers calls, muting customer calls, placing customer calls on hold, or cutting customers off unreasonably. They were being paid to do a job, and they weren't doing the job - and at the same time were destroying our reputation with customers. Kicking out the bad apples was essential.

One of the worst was an immigrant/refugee chap who thought falling asleep mid-call was perfectly acceptable. I gave him a bollocking the third time I caught him asleep, and he walked out on the spot. Good riddance. I later saw him on BBC TV Question Time complaining about racial discrimination at work........I really wish the lazy fecker had tried to sue us for that.

x 7

answering the calls on the Barney line would have been easy:

"Oh you have a Barney dinosaur? You say its fucked? Yes they all do that. Have another for free. Oh you've already had two replacements, well have another."

80% failure rate on them at Time Computers, we gave up selling them after around 3 months. Real useless unreliable crap. Not like Microsoft at all........

Strange that the other Microsoft toys (there was going to be a whole range) never got released........

x 7

Re: Want to increase your personal call stats?

"erm, if its a pay per minute call what difference does it make how many he takes as long as the total time on the call is the same or greater?"

In a contract call centre one of the KPIs will be the proportion of incoming calls answered: the higher the proportion, the higher the number of happy customers. In theory.

x 7

Re: Want to increase your personal call stats?

"A guy who sat opposite me would regularly disconnect his headset while listening to a punter, watch his phone LED until the call was dropped (i.e. the punter got sick of saying "hello? Hello?..." and hung up) and then reconnect"

I sacked a few people for that. Motivation soon went up

Big Pharma wrote EU anti-vaping diktat, claims Tory ex-MEP

x 7

@ Steven Raith

I wasn't aware you were waiting for a source......

as it happens we used to synthesise a range of nitrosonicotines and nitrosonornicotines. The products we made were the standards used by several major cigarette manufacturers in analysing their products. Now I'm not going to give away the manufacturing methods as they're proprietary and unpublished. But I can assure you that burning the nicotine wasn't part of the synthetic route. However I can assure you that heating nicotine WILL produce nitrosonicotines

Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.

x 7

"Nitrosonicotines are a result of burning tobacco, hence why vaping nicotine doesnt have the same risk profile."

wrong. Result of HEATING not burning

x 7

if you heat nicotine you get carcinogenic nitrosonicotines.

Vaping may not produce the tar, but it will produce the carcinogen. It should be banned

Cracker hacker 'edits' biggest subreddits

x 7

whats a subreddit? Sounds like some kind of small rare bird

A cracked window on the International Space Station? That's not good

x 7

you have to have windows, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the damage when they get broken

x 7

Re: Transparent ALUMINUM?

actually......"Aluminum" is the older name and should take precedence. "Aluminium" only exists because of a later British attempt at systemising the name to match other metals

x 7

"transparent aluminum"

so Scotty and Co really did travel back in time?