* Posts by NameTaken

3 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Apr 2014

Web protection: A flu mask for the internet


Benevolent cloud??

"Benevolent cloud

An enabling factor in smarter web protection of this kind is cloud-based services. "

Funny man. Is it April already?

Sick of Chrome vs Firefox? Check out these 3 NEW browsers


Still using Opera 12 ... till the wheels fall off.

Spy-happy Condoleezza Rice joins Dropbox board as privacy adviser


dropbox in bed with the feds?

What did Rice do for DropBox or top people there to land a cushy deal.

With the potential for this controversy is it unreasonable to suspect this is the price dropbox must pay for past favors. What did DropBox give up for having to give Condi a cushy job?

As if Ms Rice would care if this hurts DropBox or not.