* Posts by AlanBrown

3 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Feb 2014

City of Edinburgh Council in £186m outsourcer swap


It's difficult to believe that anyone within the council who authorised the contract has the technical ability to understand what this entails. This is a council that cannot get the basic services like keeping the streets clean, emptying the bins and filling in potholes working correctly. You just have to look at the tram fiasco and how the lawyers of the contractors took the council to the cleaners over the parts of the track building that went to arbitration. So to expect Councillor Lesley Hinds and her cronies to have understood what they are getting into is beyond belief.

Computer expert and broadcaster Ian McNaught-Davis dies at 84


Sad day

I remember him well. It is a sad loss. The BBC Micro was my second computer and I loved watching his programmes, The trial and error of placing my light sensing diode in its rubber sucker on the TV screen to down load a free program for the BBC Model B. Mac introduced a lot of people to whom computing was a strange thing done by men in white coats in locked rooms to the joy of a writing your own code and making it work.


Sad day

I remember him well. It is a sad loss. The BBC Micro was my second computer and I loved watching his programmes, The trial and error of placing my light sensing diode in its rubber sucker on the TV screen to down load a free program for the BBC Model B. Mac introduced a lot of people to whom computing was a strange thing done by men in white coats in locked rooms to the joy of a writing your own code and making it work.