* Posts by David Holland

2 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Nov 2013

BA IT systems failure: Uninterruptible Power Supply was interrupted

David Holland

A lost neutral?

480 Volts is unlikely, as is the suggestion that supplies were connected in series to give 480V. Entirely possible when a fault or mistake happens during synchronising three phase generators to the mains or another 3 phase supply, is a lost or floating neutral, which usually results in phases being substantially under or over or voltage by anything from near zero change to near 240V. If your are lucky you just fry equipment but less than a month ago such an incident also burnt down a pair of semidetached houses

The ZOD FILES: Climate documents from 2007 'must stay secret'

David Holland

2001 TAR Ch2 and CH12 Drafts and Comments Released

To my pleasant surprise, the Met Office have released the drafts and comments on Chapters 2 and 12 of the 2001 IPCC Third Assessment Report with a covering letter at:


The ZODs have not been released and I have asked whether or not they are held by the Met Office. However, the interesting thing is that the Met Office say that the drafts and comments were sent to Harvard on a CD-ROM. Remarkably, in 2009, I had been told by the Curator at Harvard

“They are not available in electronic form”

It will be some time before I can go through the information in detail.