* Posts by astifter

4 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Apr 2013

Seoul plans anti-GPS jamming system to thwart NORKS


Re: Is There Proof Of Nork Nuke At All ?

Read this: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/nuke/RL34256.pdf

So far no irrefutable proof of a nuclear device detonated. It could be all bluff and some wasting of TNT.


Is There Proof Of Nork Nuke At All ?

Has anyone except the Norks any proof of them actually having detonated a nuke ? You can easily stuff 500 tons of TNT into a mine, attach a proper detonation system to that and let it go off.

Then issue a press release "we, the mightiest of the might and our allmighty leader have just detonated a nuclear bomb".

So far I have not heard of any real proof that still holds.


Re: No way to stop NK being a serious threat.

At a time where the meltdown of finance in various locations seems to be an imminent threat, it could be useful to play a diversionary theater somewhere else.

I assume the Norkies are paid some way or the other to play the "dangerous bogeyman". In reality, they would commit self-murder if they did anything remotely serious. Their threats are 100% useless.


How Exactly Is This Going To WORK ???

Methinks this piece is Very Shoddy Journalism Indeed. Because:

A) GPS satellites are very far away from the receiver (20000 kilometers)

B) GPS satellites transmit a weak signal, as satellites cannot have arbitrarily strong transmitters for several reasons, the most important being that they need an energy source to supply that power.

C) A rather simple and unsophsiticated Jammer of about 10W can overpower the genuine Signal on a rather large area of land quite easily. Attach the jammer to a physical noise source and place it on a hill to make it especially nasty.

Just copying the assertion that you can "defend against jamming" is hilarious in the face of the points above and in the face of the fact this is a tech journal. You could at least have taken time to discuss this with the local ham radio folks.

The only feasible "defence" I can think of would be

I) hit the GPS jammer with something like a HARM missle. Not good if you don't want to risk serious deadly exchanges.

II) Attach the highest-gain antenna you can get hold of to the GPS device. Ie. a parabolic antenna. Then, develop a computerized device to point that antenna towards the GPS sats. Not exactly a nice solution and it won't work for these 10 million GPS devices consumers have bought. Finally, the jamming party can always increase the power level of their jammers to something like 1kW and then they will overpower the legitimat signal via the sidelobes of the high-gain directional antenna.

GPS is very much a brittle piece of of crap that can be disabled by every electrical engineer and the dog in the bedroom of the engineer's mom. Let's just stop our self-delusion.