* Posts by Vladimir Plouzhnikov

3264 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jul 2007

Doomsday Clock ticks one minute closer to annihilation

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Re: why not young carrots?

Because agricultural land is much cheaper for now.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

@Jim 59

You forgot to mention Cuba.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

"There was no effort involved really, we are merely the product of a complex evolutionary process."

How can there be a complex evolutionary process without effort? Dinosaurs and prehistoric forests toiling for 100s of millions of years, storing sunlight energy inside their bodies, plants making oxygene so that Khaptain could breathe, animals storing nutrients so that Khaptain could eat, bacteria breaking down Khaptain's waste products so that he would not sink in his own shit...

"Since we know of no other intelligent lifeform anywhere other than our own planet"

Not knowing about them is not a proof of their absence.

"Can you think of any other species capable of so much destruction just for personal satisfaction."

I know that each species acts for its personal satisfaction, because that's how evolution feedback works - If a wolf will ignore its hunger it will die and so will its species. If a chicken who outgrew the egg will not act for his satisfaction and hatch it will die and so will its species.

Now, you accept that humans are a product of the evolution. However, somehow all other species produced by the same evolution have turned out to be beautiful, peace-loving cuties who poop rainbows on regular basis but we, the ugly humans, producing hairless, crying, crawling, revolting babies who grow into greedy, promiscuous, regularly drunk monsters are the one exception?

Isn't it more logical to assume that the humankind, with its thirst for resources and inability to live "sustainably" was produced by that same evolutionary process specifically to be thirsty for resources and not being able to live "sustainably"?

Has it ever occurred to you that the evolution, having moved from pre-cellular to single-cell to multi-cell organisms to plants to animals to Khaptain, must not necessarily stop at the latter?

And if the evolution is to continue then, eventually, whether Khaptain or a post-Khaptain will run out of resources on this particular planet?

And when that happens, who will take the process of evolution beyond the planet?

Hint: that will be Khaptain's job.

But how will Khaptain know what he is supposed to do? There are no evolutionary manuals and leaflets printed in stone, lying on top of a mountain, as far as we know, at least.

That is actually simple - he will do things to achieve personal satisfaction and they will guide him to do the right thing even if he himself will not be capable of understanding why or what for.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

"The extinction of the human race from the planet earth will probaby have "Zero" consequences in relation to the earths existence, well except for the polution that is."

It will just mean the complete failure of this planet to produce life capable of competing even on intrasystem scale, let alone on galactic or universal scale. Seven billion years of efforts with bugger all results. Other that that - no consequences at all...

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


"So you're either doing it because you don't know the value of children, or because you haven't managed to have any."

I think it's a simple fear of responsibility, which is then rationalised and hidden beyond the self-delusion of "having made a free decision"...

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

To the Register team

Empty lines are banned now???
Vladimir Plouzhnikov


"I have taken the liberal and freeminded decision not to have children." Thank you, Khaptain! Very nice of you. My kids won't need to worry about bumping into your offspring in the future.
Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Getting closer to midnight?

Wake me up when it's 6:00am...

Bomb threat lobbed at Finnish anti-piracy squad

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

That's an old dream

Of RIAA/MPAA and the like and they don't even hide it much. Also known as replacing the "Play" button with the "Pay" button.

The pushing of DRMs (however easily circumventable), "piracy" claims etc were never about the actual "piracy", which has a negligible impact, if at all, but solely about denying the users any degree of control over content (in fact over infromation), even in their own homes.

DMCA, SOPA - they would use any excuse to push these through. Watch out now for claims that SOPA is needed to fight international terrorists...

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

@Sean Baggaley 1

You seem to be confusing filtering as a commercial service which helps to separate the wheat from the chaff (making your choice easier but not precluding you from accessing unfiltered information) and filtering applied as a brute-force blanket censorship (where the choice is made by somebody else and is forced upon you).

You think you are defending one but in fact you are giving support (hopefully unwittingly) to the other.

And before anyone asks - no, I don't think bomb threats are acceptable means of making your point in any argument. Whoever sent those messages is an idiot.

Gamers grumble over Steam outage

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


"I am sick of disc checks and other such DRM shenanigans."

What do you think Steam is? LOL!

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Why is everyone so upset?

This is what you all always wanted (judging by every thread about Steam until now) - a Big Daddy kindly keeping his games on his servers and from the kindness of his heart even letting you play with them from time to time, if you behave well enough.

Now the Daddy got a bit pissed (Xmas, New Year and stuff - who can blame him?) so you have to just wait until he sobers up and, maybe, will let you play with his games again. Suckers.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


"That is an investment lost."

No. There was no investment in the first place.

When you invest you exchange your money for ownership of an asset. With Steam and the like you do not own anything. You pay for a "licence" which is a temporary permission to do something with someone else's assets. Ownership stays with the company behind Steam. If it goes bust you have no claim on "your" game collection whatsoever.

In fact, the receivers (or at any time Steam itself, for that matter) can decide that the old permission is no longer valid and demand you to pay more if you want continuing access to the games they "licensed" you in the past. Again, there will be nothing you can do about it - pay or forget about those games.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine pirate caged

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


"a movie whose sole appeal is the CGI is going to be a bad movie by definition."

Yes, but people still go to watch such movies purely for the effects, knowing full well what to expect, and they are not going to be deterred by an obscure enthusiast basing his opinion on a leaked copy of an unfinished film, obviously missing those very bits which the average punter was interested in in the first place...

After all, they all paid in total USD 150,000,000.- for it - that's double the original investment. Why should anyone even think he has any right to expect a better result?

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Even they must realise it is nonsense

"Fox were so agitated about the leaking of Wolverine because it cost them millions of dollars from people who would have gone to see it, but did not because reviews of the leaked workprint"

Only complete movie nuts would have troubled themselves to DL and then *watch* an unfinished copy of a movie which sole appeal was supposed to be in the CGI and the CGI was exactly what was missing from the leaked copy!

Those movie nuts have all probably watched the movies when it was leaked, watched it when it came out, bought DVDs, bought merchandise etc.

For the rest of the population, the whole schebang was just an extra bit of publicity, so probably more people have actually watched the movie as the result of the "leak".

Homeland Sec., RIAA Torrent lists published

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

The schmucks!

They say I DLed loads of things, like "piss party 19", "teensexmovs pussika" and, just think of it, "Microsoft office 2007"! All from a 3G eyeBad...

And MS Office 2007! Now I am really offended!

2011's Best... E-book Readers

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

I know it must be fun for some

"fuck around with extra software, converting, etc"

But I'd rather fuck around with my wife in my free time...

Having said this, I've spend the last Saturday de-DRMing my son's Kindle book collection. Which only reinforced the above point for me further...

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Re: Teh bad

"But a lock-in to a propriety format and single retailer is totally "teh bad"."

I will vote for any politician who will undertake to make DRMs illegal as a concept. A vendor must not be allowed to have any control over the product he gives to the customer from the moment the money changed hands.

E-book reader sales to boom as prices plunge

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

My books

Come each with its own reader - 100% solar powered, great contrast, nice interface, VAT-exempt too, for good measure... :-)

London 'Tech City' quango burns through £1m on admin

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


Do you really think he knows what "subway" even is?

Executive class limo service for that gentleman, all the way, please.

Demon Currys iPad showered kids with HARD-CORE smut

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Shocking! Disgusting!

Didn't stop her from ogling at it for a couple of minutes though...

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Reasons for crying

Realisation of what she has been missing all these years?

Moviemakers on a quest for their real-time 3D Holy Grail

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


If anything, this type of gimmicks will only turn people off 3D completely.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Careful approach

"and having a careful approach to things like Windows Update"

You mean like turning the bloody thing off? :-)

US stealth bombers finally get nuke-nobbling super bomb

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Disagree on both points

The Iranians know that Israel also has nukes and won't hesitate to use them. If Israel won't the US will, even Russia will not object in that case. Whatever you may think of the Iranian ideology those people are not stupid, they know exactly what game they are playing.

Of course, the balance of power will shift immediately - the West won't be able to play the war card anymore. But I don't think it will be a bad thing, all in all.

And the sanctions, yes they are suppressing economic development - such sanctions make it really easy for the existing regime to maintain its power over its people. They make the regime look as the only salvation against an existential threat. They justify the regime to apply extreme repression against any opposition. The opposition loses public support because it is seen as the fifth column of the enemy.

The present Western policy towards Iran does not have an end-game. It's untenable because the sanctions can only resolve itself with an all-out war and neither the US nor Europe can ever afford such a war. The use of Israel as a proxy is not feasible either - it will either have to lead to denunciation of Israel or, again, to an all-out war. This time not only with Iran alone but with the whole of the Middle East.

The sooner Iranians will demonstrate they have a workable nuke the better it will be for everyone, mark my words.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

@Matt Bryant

You raise multiple points, some of which I agree with, some not, but they can all more or less be boiled down to the main thing: will they or won't they use the nukes if they had them?

I think the answer to that is already in your post: "we are talking a large number of the people in power in Iran"

People in power do not want martyrdom. Period. Otherwise they would not have been in power in the first place.

And another: "the Iranian rulers think constant confrontation with the West is going to unite Iran and prop up their unpopular regime"

If they wanted to be blown up in the blaze of glory there would be no point for them to try tp prop up their regime.

And a corollary: all the current US and EU sanctions do is propping up the Iranian regime.

Online store offers secondhand MP3 marketplace

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Are they mad?

The description of the proposed functionality exactly matches the definition of a "trojan rootkit".

Yeah, either mad or high on something illegal...

'Rebel' biologist and neo-Darwinian skeptic Lynn Margulis dies

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


Entropy levels must remain constant or increase only in adiabatically isolated systems. When there is energy exchange between the system and its surroundings the entropy decrease is not prohibited. Earth biosphere has constant influx of energy from the Sun and its core + it radiates the heat into space.

What feeds back? How does it do it? I have no idea. What makes things fall into gravity well?

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

@Richard Wharram

"Local entropy you mean ? Total entropy always increases."

Yes and yes.

"Local entropy could be decreased by freezing the planet and pumping the heat into space."

Or by adding heat from the Sun.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


Firstly you need a criterion for movement, secondly you need to choose which way is good and which is bad. Movement - change in entropy, good - entropy decreases, bad - entropy increases. How about that?

This way a "system" forms which is the total aggregate of all subsystems (i.e. every living organism in that system, from virus up to the top of food chain) and whose "good" is the collective "good" of all of its subsystems, just like your body is a collection of individual cells, yet is in itself an entity with identifiable interest in the overall result of its components' activity.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


Increased complexity, decreased entropy.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

@Richard Wharram

All it can show are the limitations of the mathematical model and data collection...

Just the fact that we are here today means that there is more that 50% probability that disequilibrium in ecosystems will cause changes which will benefit the system rather than being detrimental.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Not so sky-fairy

I came to conclusion for myself that Earth must be a complex self-regulating and evolving entity long time ago, before I even heard of Lovelock, Margulis and their "Gaia theory".

I don't have a theory, mine is only a hypothesis and I can't be arsed to develop theoretical backing for it. Someone else please do it, it's not my field.

What I see in earth is a kind of acorn - it has a shell (atmosphere), nutrient rich kernel (biosphere) and embrio/seed (humans). As it matures, and in the right conditions, the embryo starts to germinate, first using the stores of nutrients in the kernel, then rooting into the soil (the rest of the Solar system). Our role as the seeds is to spread the Earth version of life to other planetary bodies, just like the role of the acorn embryo is spread the DNA of its parent oaks by becoming a new oak tree and so on.

For all this to appear there is no need for divine intervention. Once you accept the idea that life evolves, you cannot escape the fact that it evolves in a particular direction and not completely at random. That vector of evolution must be scaleable from single cell organisms to planet-wide and may be star system-wide structures. I believe that this is a fundamental property of the physical world, just like charge parity violation, which rid the universe of much of the primordial anti-matter.

As far as Gaia theory is concerned - for reasons inconceivable to me they stop short of recognising that humans are an integral part of their Gaia and not just a bunch of extraneous parasites sucking on good Gaia's resources.

Our roving reporter snaps Tenerife sex dangle

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


Wot, no Optimus Prime?

What should a sci-fi spaceship REALLY look like?

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

3D control

I found Descent really easy to control with keyboard + mouse. I also very quickly learned to turn auto-leveling off and that meant no disorientation.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

OK I correct myself...

Let it be CoM instead of CoG.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Re: Fail yourself

"then there's no reason it can't be in different directions in different parts of the ship, so there's no reason for it to be in one constant direction that could be called "up""

Yes, it can be in different directions in a ship designed by a drug abusing fashion designer. In an interstellar battleship you want your crew to know where their up and down are. You also don't need the extra stresses due to gravity gradients between different parts of the ship when you have to think about dealing with photon torpedo impacts.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


Or is "a vast, light-bedecked mothership" not mention enough?

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


I don't understand why Landis is coming down on the Enterprise design so hard. Up and down? Surely there is up and down when you have artificial gravity. Thrust vector offset from CoG? Does he really know where CoG is in the Enterprise? Does warp drive generates thrust in the Newtonian sense at all? And perhaps the impulse drives' thrust vector goes precisely through CoG... And if it doesn't then the script writers can always make sure that it does.

How digital audio ate itself and the music industry

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Good article but

Surprisingly, it did not mention aliasing at frequencies over 1/2 of the sampling rate.

It is that phenomenon which was mostly responsible for the choice of 44.1kHz (which is twice as high as 20kHz plus allowance for filter leakage). Anything below that would have meant that the bandwidth of the recorded signal had to be lower than 20kHz and therefore not acceptable as vinyl replacement.

Rogue Russian Mars probe communicates - but in gibberish

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


The Russians could have build and launched the whole Phobos invasion fleet for the cost of 1 STS launch...

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

I think they should

Shoot it down before it turned out to be something like the transmission from "White Cane 7.62".

Oh, and shoot anyone who has heard or read it too. Better be safe than sorry!

Exoplanet ranking suggests INTERSTELLAR WAR imminent

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

With that spirit

You may one day become citizen. Would you like to know more?

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

"There are many theories that require not only a habitable environment, but a sequence of ‘luck’ events to kick start life in the first place."

I think "luck" is required for life not to appear where it remotely can.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Interstellar war

Might just be the thing our economy needs!

Provided we win...

‘We know where dark matter is hiding’ claim boffins

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Re: Easy

"Don't use fractional reserve model"


Then what exactly are you going to use instead?

Huge PDP-11 in a lorry: How I drove computers into schools

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

TECO was a nightmare but KED (KEX, K52) was a wonderful editor. I'm sure Brief and Multi-Edit were strongly influenced by it subsequently.

I remember Trap-4's too! But hardly a BSOD, it would just terminate your program (for trying to access memory beyond the one it has been allocated) and return to KMON.

Vladimir Plouzhnikov


Just starting the thing was like launching a ballistic missle (ours was a Soviet knock-off, SM-1420) - multiple PSUs, fan blocks, disk drives spinning up like jet turbines (with the same sound FX) and my favorite - turning the key to "START" position.

I could load the bootstrap sequence from console switches from my memory (and was immensely proud of it).

Run TSX-Plus over RT-11.

MACRO-11 assembler was the main language I used.

Fragged, fragged and thrice fragged! 20 years of id Software’s Doom

Vladimir Plouzhnikov

Two pillars of the 3D revolution

Doom and Descent.