* Posts by i like crisps

555 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jun 2012


Rare AutoCAD worm lifted blueprints from Peru, sent them to China

i like crisps

Pan Pipes, Paddington....er....

What on earth have they been designing in Peru to

warrant such skulduggery?

Larry Ellison buys island 1000x bigger than Branson's

i like crisps
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Thunderbirds Are Go!

Billionaire...Private Island....Volcano...

Maybe Mr Ellison is finally going to get to live out

his Jeff Tracy fantasy?

America's X-37B top-secret spaceplane returns to Earth

i like crisps

including my beloved wife

Returning to an earlier theme in this thread,

My top ten are:

10 Jupiter 1, (2001)

9 Thunderbird 3

8 The original Klingon battle cruiser (TV series)

7 The Battlestar Galactica

6 Gunstar 1 (The last starfighter)

5 Every Starship Enterprise ever

4 Red Dwarf

3 Mothership (Close encounters)

2 The Liberator (Blakes 7)

1 The Millenium Falcon

Home Office spunks another £12.8m on face recog tech

i like crisps
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Like the use of the word SPUNKED, very apt.

Girl Geek Dinner lady: The IT Crowd is putting schoolgirls off tech

i like crisps

I think Ms Lamb has missed the point

As i recall the Jen character wasn't an IT specialist to begin with. As i recall she blagged her way through the interview, she then continued this deception throughout the series, successfully pulling the wool over

both her employers and subordinates eyes to become a valued member of Reynholm industries.

Not only that but she also achieved this success whilst having to put up with an extreme Bi-Polar boss, a horny bosses son, the two dickheads she had under her and a suicidal goth in the office next door.

Instead of rubbishing Jen, Ms Lamb should watch the series again and realize what a strong and positive role-model the Jen character was......the Red Shoes episode was very funny though.
