* Posts by El Veg

5 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jun 2007

H0LiCOW! Hubble's constant update paves way for 'new physics'

El Veg

Re: It's Hubbles all the way out!

They could measure the apparent brightness of certain types of stars known to have a fixed absolute brightness, then apply the inverse square relationship to derive the distance.

Googlewhack trick used to slip junk mail past spam filters

El Veg

Re: I guess that's the end of tinyurl then.

Here's an alternative that avoids the disguising feature of tinyurl AND also eliminates accidental clicks on links while avoiding having to memorize and retype complicated URLs - telldodo. (for example, tell dodo: kentucky button suspense)

Hypersonic hydrogen airliner to bitchslap Concorde

El Veg
IT Angle

Obligatory IT Angle

Imagine the bandwidth of one of these creepers full of DLT tapes!

telldodo: nod to andrew tanenbaum

Delhi's deputy mayor killed by monkeys

El Veg

Re: Huh?

Yes, first floor terrace up one floor from the ground floor. telldodo: paper sugar departure

UK Gov seeks 'scientific' basis for nationality

El Veg

Is truth serum "scientific"?

Ply the poor bastards with the sodium pentothal and valium... and hear 'em sing!