* Posts by fremsley

2 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Feb 2012

US military SATELLITE suddenly BLOWS UP: 'Temperature spike' blamed


Happened to an earlier DMSP satellite too

DMSP F11 exploded in a similar fashion in 2004, so it runs in the family. Only odd thing about this is that the link on Wikipedia to the report of that explosion (inserted 2004) was deleted by an anonymous user in Washington DC in June last year (now reinstated).

Of course, if you we're going to test your newest hunter-killer tech, then a large, obsolete satellite that you already own would be a great target. Doing it over Antarctica would also keep any prying radars away. But there are four Block 5D2 birds older than F13 which haven't blown up and would make more suitable targets as the OLS onboard F13 was reported as working as late as Jan 5th this year , so simpler battery/fuel explanation is more likely.

Ref to recorded presentation:


Met Office wants better supercomputer to predict extreme weather


Re: Re: The real problem ...

Revisionist nonsense. I fully support the Met Office and think they do a great job in most things, but the "barbecue summer'' phrase was uttered twice by their Chief Forecaster in a UKMO-made video.

The fault lied in the Chef Executive [one assumes] sanctioning their PR department to put pressure on scientists to use from experimental stochastic forecasting and make concrete predictions of relatively rare events- I can remember one good (i.e. barbecue) and 3-4 fair summers in my life, and I'm 44.