* Posts by Don Jefe

5059 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Nov 2011

COFFEE AND DANISH HELL: National ID system cockup forces insecure Java on Danes

Don Jefe

Re: Oh dear

On the contrary, other governments and their suppliers will use this as value add to, say the UK, who has a more proficient and robust IT sector and who would never allow something like this to happen to them. The biggest problem is that the Denmark Govt went the cheap route. We can prevent this from ever happening to you, but it will cost more than the bottom dollar they paid.

It'll all be rubbish of course, but I can already smell the thousands of 4-color charts being printed to 'prove' it.

A $17.3bn fine, you say? Samsung begs for five-year patent war truce

Don Jefe

Legal Protections

Although I find 98.99% of patent lawsuits stupid, wasteful and generally a poor use of resources, I don't like the idea of losing/trading legal rights in lieu of a fine.

Legal rights should be inviolate, something is a right or it isn't. You may have certain rights temporarily suspended as part of a punishment, but the idea of losing rights instead of paying a fine is simply a terrible idea. Rights aren't for sale.

I say Samsung pays the fine. Pony up the cash guys, you're busted. That's the way it works. Putting a cash value on rights is bad.

Leaky security could scuttle global ship-tracking system

Don Jefe

Re: Ships full of Terrists! Pirates! Podophiples!!

Improved emergency responses are part of the idea behind transmitting the cargo data, but the entire concept was fatally flawed from day 1.

Publicized cargo manifests are so (in)famously inaccurate that they are generally regarded as fiction. On any given cargo vessel from any country there is a near certainty that things and/or people are on the ship that aren't supposed to be. Nobody in the industry takes those things seriously and any concerns about accuracy fall of in direct proportion to the size of the destination port.

As far as open water assistance goes, it isn't like calling the police to a known address. 'Official' first responders on the surface can take days to reach a vessel in distress. They'll fly over and wave, and tell you how fucked you are, but timely, organized responses can't be counted on. At sea you depend on a lot of serendipity and the goodwill of anyone nearby. When responding to distress calls you assist anyone and everyone regardless of what's on their ship. By the time official people arrive everything will be known about the cargo already.

Regardless, as everyone knows the manifests are bullshit anyway, any boarding is done with a worst case scenario mentality. The entire idea of 'well informed' first responders on the open sea was dumb from the get go.

Don Jefe
Thumb Up

Re: More scare story nonsense

You are absolutely correct. AIS is a 'convenience' technology meant to make a few things easier but it is not, nor has it ever been, a primary or secure system.

Even the dodgiest Indonesian Captain still relies on charts, compasses and radio transmissions for every aspect of vessel operation. This is a bunch of scare mongering garbage and the people who came up with all these scary scenarios are certainly the same idiots that blindly follow their satnav directions over a cliff or onto a runway. Bad ship operators wouldn't fall for a spoofed signal, much less high caliber crews.

Screw Internet-of-Things: Boffins build Internet-of-Sound UNDERWATER

Don Jefe

Yes, artificial underwater noise is an issue, but this project supersedes those concerns as the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. This experiment is related to the undersea communications challenges anticipated in the Leonard Nimoy documentary The Voyage Home.

Unless this technology is developed and deployed prior to the arrival of the probe, Earth will certainly be destroyed in retaliation for the sustained Human assaults on marine mammals. Should this project ultimately prove successful we will be able to successfully spoof bi-directional communications with the probe at far lower costs than developing warp capable spacecraft and the equipment necessary for advanced temporal computations.

Don Jefe


Radio travels well enough through water. But only at ridiculously low frequencies that limit the amount of information one can transmit in a given period. I just felt that I should point that out.

Hypersonic MEGA METEOR pulled from lake, then Russians drop it

Don Jefe

Re: stroll on

To be fair, looking at the 'recorded' acts of Jesus with skepticism is what real Biblical scholars do. There is no first hand recording of anything he did, it is all after the fact. Even assuming the original authors tried to stay close to the known facts (highly unlikely anyway) there is a 100% certainty that things were altered simply through the 'telephone game' effect.

Most educated religious people will say "I don't know" a lot more than you'll ever them say "yes, (x) is absolutely true because the Bible says so". Again, even the Catholic Church acknowledges that the Bible isn't a verbatim fax direct from God and is a physical construct of Man. It's kind of hard for them not to acknowledge that, seeing a how they were the original editors and simply destroyed information that didn't jive with their purposes. The Church knows this, scholars know this, it is still the same subset of loons who refuse to acknowledge the facts and big up their own fictions. There's nothing to be done for those people except ignore them.

Don Jefe

Conman, certainly. Loon, probably. That's the thing with conmen, CEO's and politicians, they are actually convinced of their own bullshit. It may begin as a ruse but after a while they perfect the act to the point it is no longer an act, it is their actual perception of reality and it is only reinforced when they experience successes.

When you buy into your own scam and start believing your own lies, that's when you cross the line into lunacy.

Don Jefe

Re: the russians

Meh. It was destined to be broken up anyway. The fact it was broken by accident is probably advantageous as it will have broken along natural facets. It will give future researchers clues as to the structure of the larger body.

Don Jefe

Only a subset of fundamentalist nutters claim Earth is only a few thousand years old. Even the Catholic Church acknowledges the very old age of the planet as well as teaching evolutionary biology in their universities and colleges.

As with so many things, the lunatics are so loud they drown out the voices of reason that are present in most things.

MPs to review laws on UK spy-snoopery after GCHQ Tempora leaks

Don Jefe

Re: Why didn't he answer the question?

Indeed, neither a TV camera nor the presence of an official inquiry committee has no effect on the degree of dishonesty spewing forth from politicians.

There jobs do not require honesty. In fact they've gamed the system so hard it is against the law for them to disclose the truth of 'national security' related matters.

Don Jefe

Re: Hmmm... not sure where to begin with this...

Your privacy is not paramount to the safety and security of others. That'll be the argument from the screaming right wing cowards anyway.

That's the weirdest part, to me, of all 'security' measures put in place in 'The West' over the last 13-14 years. It is the minimalist government supporters that push these massive government expansions. I thought they were supposed to be 'strong'. It is most certainly not a sign of strength if you're afraid of every shadow.

Dead Steve Jobs' Apple donut SPACESHIP HQ gets permission to land

Don Jefe

Re: where do you park?

You don't need parking. As a proper Apple employee you are completely satisfied staying inside the office. It is perfect in there.

Apple slams brakes on orders of (not so cheap) plasticky iPhone 5C

Don Jefe

You do understand this article is addressing future manufacturing capacity right? Maybe you don't.

When you manufacture anything at scale you forecast your future supply chain capacity requirements based on present product velocity. The issuance of near term guidance with a decrease in anticipated 5C unit production means that, based on present demand, Apple overestimated the product's popularity and does not see the potential for increased rates of adoption going forward. Therefore they are scaling back output of the 5C and increasing production of the 5S because they are seeing increasing demand for it. That's how manufacturing works...

Don Jefe

As a rule of thumb, anytime analysts agree that something should be done, it means that it absolutely, under no circumstances should be done.

Analysts are the worst. They know nothing about how any given industry actually functions. If they knew what they were talking about they'd be able to make a lot more money by participating in the industry, instead of pontificating on it.

Analysts are an extension of brand marketing strategies and nothing more. Anything they say should be treated with the same amount of skeptisim you apply to any marketing efforts. Basically ignore it all and make decisions on your own and/or weight them with opinions of others whom you trust. You'd have equally good luck asking a random hobo to assess an industry plus you wouldn't have to dress up or be mindful of your language for the privilege.

Don Jefe

Re: explains why investors are dumping Apple shares

You know who else doesn't have an answer for emerging markets? Pet food manufacturers. Just like having pets (not working animals) is a luxury, so is a smartphone.

The term 'emerging markets' is product specific, it does not mean that markets for everything are developing in that place or that a given market ever will develop there for that product.

Cannabis can CURE CANCER - cheaply and without getting you high

Don Jefe

Re: Cost effective .....

'Weed junkies'? Really? Really?

Christ on a tractor. Our education system has failed in so very, very many ways.

Don Jefe

Cannabis is a CNS depressant and hallucinogen. Not sure where you're getting your info, but cannabis is most definitely officially classified a hallucinogen.

Where the article and/or the scientists are wrong is stating it is a powerful hallucinogen. Even the best smoke on Earth doesn't qualify as a powerful hallucinogen. Besides the 'regular' stuff like LSD, mushrooms and peyote, there are plenty of industrial chemicals that you can 'intentionally concentrate and inhale'* that will have you tripping your balls off and you can buy them in bulk. Those are powerful hallucinogens, cannabis is not.

Divorcing ICANN and the US won't break the 'net nor stop the spooks

Don Jefe

Re: Can you see where this is going?

Thanks for your tireless efforts Frank. Without people like you spouting off with insanely convoluted anti-foreign anything statements I wouldn't have to live up to such high standards when I travel abroad. Statements like yours set a rather high bar that requires me to do a lot of work to prove that not everyone from the US is a complete horses ass. It is a rather sisyphean task, but I will carry on, doing my best to offset the damage my fellow countrymen do overseas.

Now that's real science: CYBORG MONKEYS with PROSTHETIC ARMS

Don Jefe

Re: Electrodes.

It isn't exactly 'a lot' lot of people who have had that kind of surgery. Since the late 1960's there have been about 80,000 total brain implant surgeries and the outcomes generally haven't been great.

The implants generally don't perform as well as anticipated, they are extremely high maintenance to the point of installing 'quick access' ports permanently in the patients skull and the side effects are often intensely bizzare and difficult to live with. Infection risk is also extraordinarily high and usually fatal or at the least results in chunks of the brain having to be removed.

At present, brain implants are the last hope for the desperate and courageous. It'll be quite a while before such things become commonplace. We simply don't have the knowledge or technology necessary to make such procedures practical for widespread use.

Don Jefe

The fact of the matter is that actually interfacing with and making use of nerves themselves is beyond modern science. Nerves are extraordinarily complex for their size and not actually very well understood. Most nerve related surgeries today actually remove tissue/bone away from the nerves as not much can actually be done with the nerves themselves

Going directly for the brain is, surprisingly, a far less precise practice. The brain provides a, comparatively, much larger target as you only have to get 'close' with the electrodes then zap the entire desired area. Nerves don't allow for that kind of gross interaction, there is no room for error or it simply won't work and we don't have technology that precise yet.

Snowden: NSA whacks US in the WALLET, slurps millions of contacts books

Don Jefe

Indeed, "Customer perception of our products has been directly, and negatively, impacted by disclosure of mass global surveillance by the US Government. Revenues in the last full quarter since the information became public have fallen x% with a $M reduction in bottom line revenue."

They can not only do that, it is a fantastic way for a CEO to address a less than stellar quarter or year. They can actually blame the government and not come off as complete nutters.

Don Jefe

The financial argument is by far the most powerful of them all in this case. The privacy, safety and principal arguments can we overcome by the government. It is much harder for the government to defend financial damage it caused.

The problem is that no one with any influence or leverage is making the argument. Until a few big name companies speak up and show how the disclosure of the mass surveillance programs has harmed them nobody is going to listen. So far there hadn't been much of a public outcry from any large companies, which is sad.

MS Word deserves DEATH says Brit SciFi author Charles Stross

Don Jefe

Re: Industry Standards

You don't understand the difference between practice and theory do you? The entire point of the article was that authors have to use Word, even though it isn't the best option.

Every publisher I've ever worked with in the US and Europe required me to use Word documents for every step from concept to final post-edit manuscripts. Obviously the format gets changed when actually going to press, but up to that point authors with any decent size publisher work in Word. That's the way it is, that's the industry standard.

Don Jefe

Industry Standards

In any industry there are standards that you might not like, but you have to comply with if you want to make any real money. Whatever your product is, it takes several groups of people to get it in the hands of the end user and 99.9% of the time if you don't do what you can to make the jobs of those others as easy as possible you aren't worth dealing with.

Every mature industry has some wonky standards that evolved from the earliest days of the industry and the older the industry the more shrouded in mystery the reasons for them become and the harder they are to dislodge.

Try serving beer in less than a pint glass or making car tires with 13.75" openings or making machine tool blanks that aren't 1/2" square or extension ladders with 7" rung spacing... It won't end well as you're bucking the tradition and diluting the investment made by all the others whose participation you require to get your product to market.

Is Word the best word processor, certainly not, but it is the industry standard. If you've got time to try and command the tides you're not producing enough. Best to accept some things and get back to the things you can control.

Laptops Snowden took to Hong Kong and Russia 'just a decoy'

Don Jefe

Re: Unproven allegation

That's the 'worst case scenario' bullshit talking and/or what the US would do if the situation was reversed. The Russians have their own means of getting information but rarely do they get a chance to so publicly poke the US in the eye. The howls of enraged Congressmen alone would have been worth it. The Russians get to look like the good guys? That's PR gold!

Don Jefe

Re: Just a few years in the land of the free...

What's really interesting to me is soooo much of today's problems are due to people who can't, or won't, call bullshit when something's bullshit. It is the die hards on the extreme ends of everything that aren't comfortable with the fact the world isn't black and white, with views are too narrow that cause so much trouble.

The fact is, that since not long after WWII, the world was no longer black and white. Now we can see how interrelated everything is and common sense dictates that extremes are no longer a valid route. People who refuse to compromise and find balance are unnecessary and too expensive to keep around.

Don Jefe

Employee Files

It's kind of funny how the media jumped all over the statements in Snowden's personnel file. Most employees in any large organization would be absolutely horrified at what's in their own personnel files. Suspicions, gossip and accusations along with outright incorrect information. Kind of like if 3rd parties managed your Facebook page for you, there's so much useless information it makes the whole process basically worthless.

Personnel files are either worthless or tools that an enemy/manager can use against you to prevent/retard career advancement. They don't help you advance and are only ever pulled up at review time or on find a reason to fire someone. The thing is those on charge know the process is worthless, but are required to put stuff in their anyway. It's just another busywork task for middle managers.

Reg readers rise to Vulture 2 paintjob challenge

Don Jefe

I think you should paint it clear.

Biometrics not so trustworthy: False Samsung stock-pump buy draws Swedish cops

Don Jefe

Re: It is fascinating to see how ignorant the stripy shirted sharks can be........

It isn't the mobile market that benefits the biometrics industry as much as it is consumer acquiescence. Now that biometrics are in a highly popular consumer product the general public will quickly become comfortable with the tech. In fact, they'll demand the tech in anything that's supposed to be secure. You can already hear the masses saying "My iPhone knows who I am, why doesn't your (x) do that too?"

Consumers will push the tech upstream which is fairly rare and is a dream scenario for providers of biometrics solutions. They won't even have to sell it hard, people will beg for it. Now's a good time to invest in the industry. I wouldn't base my investment decisions on press releases though...

Don Jefe

Re: Outsourcing

Yeah, their editorial take on climate change is very odd. It's like trying to learn fine art history from a blimp pilot: Useless and confusing.

Not that they're right, or wrong, but those who are writing the articles are in way over their heads in interpreting scientific papers and no amount of yelling or censorship is going to change that. Besides, the entire topic has less IT relevance than Paris, at least she makes use of low light digital videography technology.

I just ignore those articles. They simply rritate me and I'm in no better place to influence people's thoughts on the subject than they are.

Don Jefe


Everyone who printed the press release will blame the modern 'speed of information sharing' for the failure but that's not wholly accurate. When journalists outsourced their jobs to the wire services and stopped reporting this type of thing is to be expected.

The biggest sources of actual investigative journalism are the fucking tabloids who stalk celebrities around. Finding a reporter who actually goes out into the field, makes connections and checks their source material is really rare. They've become nothing more than SEO analysts with credentials.

El Reg does more actual journalism than one might expect from an organization their size. Why the 'big names' don't do that is amazing to me. El Reg doesn't even have a paywall and still manages to usually get things mostly right. It shows too. El Reg might not be the first to publish a story, but it is generally worth the wait as the information therein is valid. First across any given line in most anything generally isn't the best.

NHS tears out its Oracle Spine in favour of open source

Don Jefe

Re: Total Overhaul - Really

Modular building is most certainly results in the better end product, but does not provide the best options for expensive billing. Vendors don't want to built a part of something because obviously, the total costs are lower, but they also miss out on making themselves the complete system experts. Kind of building their own monopoly.

Don Jefe

Re: Check out how much security is in this system ...

Reducing project costs by not documenting them well is in no way exclusive to OSS. Bad and/or arrogant practices are everywhere.

As to your costs statement; at scale there is little cost savings over closed source implementations. The licensing fees are obviously lower, but the increased HR costs and the longer hiring timeline pretty well negate those savings.

Going OSS shouldn't be about saving money, that isn't going to happen. What does happen is that you've got better security options as well as greater latitude for extensibility. Done well OSS projects allow you to fit the software to the business and business rules. Closed source projects often require a substantial amount of change and/or workarounds to business processes.

If the project is well managed you end up with a system that is better suited to its purpose for approximately the same money as a closed source alternative.

Don Jefe

Re: Have to agree, David Dawson.

Most any government IT project failures are not due to the failures of the chosen technologies. They are due to really bad project management. The way a project is managed is far more important than the tech that is being deployed.

Almost all successful projects are down to a few key figures who knew how to build an actual requirements set on top of whatever garbage requirements the agency developed without derailing the project or building ill will within the user groups. Good and effective project managers who can get through all the bullshit involved in government IT projects are very rare.

Seeing as how having actually useful managers in house is no longer popular, you're basically getting a random person for each project. There's no way to compare a future project with the successes of a previous project because every single variable is different.

NASA's Jupiter probe wakes up after unexpected snooze

Don Jefe

Space "Scientists"

Yippie skippy, they went off to some fancy college and got themselves a graduate degree in 'space science'. Fat lot of good it does them if they never bothered to learn even basic science fiction.

Everybody knows when a person or a probe 'disappears' from communication for a while then reappears it is no longer the thing that went missing. It has always been replaced with the consciousness of an alien being or reprogrammed and it is never a positive thing.

I can't believe these assholes haven't hit the self-destruct button yet. This is all going to end in tears. And screaming. Yep, definitely tears and screaming.

Turkish TV presenter canned for flashing too much cleavage

Don Jefe

Re: And very nice goods she has too!

People offended by boobs are too far gone to be educated. We'd all be better off if such people were all just sent to some isolated place where education isn't important and that doesn't like women to begin with: Texas maybe?

Don Jefe

Re: Ross K Pong Jefe Cultural

Most Semites aren't Jewish... The whole term anti-Semite is a silly, shallow and wholly misunderstood term, that currently has cultural acceptance, but in reality is kind of insulting. Like saying anyone from the UK is a Scotsman or any black person is a Moor. Being Semitic does not make one a Jew. Being Jewish makes one a Jew, that's why people came up with that convenient term: Jew.

The term isn't very old, and one day cultures will be ashamed they used it. Especially the smart asses who whip it out anytime someone mentions Jews in an anything but completely positive light, but doesn't do the same for all the other Semitic people's who are about as far from being Jewish as one can get.

Don Jefe

Re: Cultural

I would suspect fact Israel is in Asia might have something to do with not being in the European trade group. You kind of have to draw a line somewhere in groups like that and being from a different continent is a convenient boundary to use.

NSA tactics no better than a CYBERCRIME GANG, says infosec'er

Don Jefe

Re: Just because they have money…

You're correct, but like most any agency that's flush with cash, they overpay for even the simplest things. Not having a practical budget spells doom for financial and operational efficiencies in any organization.

If Google, for example, wants to overspend because it is easier, that's fine. It is their money and the money of investors who trust them with dispersing it. For a government agency to do it really sucks because they aren't spending their own money and generally don't have a lot of trust from stakeholders.

Office wage slaves face extinction at hands of ROBOTS - if bosses listen to Gartner

Don Jefe

Analysts Replaced by ROBOTS

I've got a TRS-80 that can replace the worlds entire population of tech analysts. It'll be cheaper and at least as accurate. The world will also be a better place.

Who here needs to explain things to ELEPHANTS?

Don Jefe

Re: Pointer dogs?

Pointer dogs point themselves by stopping and 'pointing' with their muzzle in the direction of their prey, not in response to a Human pointing for them. Pointer dogs point and Humans look. The opposite of what is discussed in the article.

21st Century Elite remake to support Oculus Rift virtual reality rig

Don Jefe

Re: Colour me skeptical...

People who want to make everyone else miserable isn't unique to MMO's. It is rampant within all civilization. The world abounds with people who are so fucking miserable that the only way they can find their version of happiness is to shit in someone else's pool.

They are incapable of doing the hard work required to make a bit of happiness, so they take the lazy way out and just destroy it for others. Bunch of cock suckers they are.

WikiLeaker-in-chief Assange refuses to meet Benedict Cumberbatch

Don Jefe

I think the entire premise is why it's fallen flat. The actual information published by WikiLeaks was of negligible importance, especially considering how much if it there was. All the attention they've received since then has been because of Asange's antics; not his glorious mission. Like watching a movie about the internal workings of FIFA that focuses completely on Gennaro Gattuso. The clown steals whatever interesting parts of the story were there.

All in all, nobody much cares for perpetual antics. They can occasionally be funny or interesting, but they wear thin. Like the class clown who doesn't realize people long ago stopped giving him attention and he now has to take it, at the expense of everyone in class. After a while people just want to move on but the clown won't stop acting up. You can't take a person like that seriously. Someone who has no respect for anyone other than themselves and will take advantage of every person who gets involved with them. That's just not good movie material. Everybody knows at least one asshole like that at the office, who wants to go see a movie about it when you live with it everyday.

MI5 boss: Snowden leaks of GCHQ methods HELPED TERRORISTS

Don Jefe

Re: Majoring???

It's hard to get in the program though. It takes a very special type of person to terrorize your fellow citizens by directing your nations top military intelligence resources at them. Most people stand a better chance of winning a lottery prize than they do of getting accepted into the Terrorize Your Countrymen graduate program.

Azerbaijani election app announced winner before polls even opened

Don Jefe

Re: @ Don Jefe

Your posts all seem to be about my posts. I suggest you address your content issues first.

Don Jefe

Re: @ Don Jefe

I don't know, it really isn't important to me. Unlike yourself, who obviously cares deeply about others opinions or you wouldn't run around like a coward. Following me around and commenting about my comments is kind of funny in a weird stalkery way...

Don Jefe

Re: Oops

Why bother. It'll be the same sleaze bag who gets elected, regardless of their name. That's the only thing democratically elected leaders have in common: They are universally the worst possible people for the job.

That 'DIAMOND SUPER EARTH' may actually be WORTHLESS ball of gas

Don Jefe

So it's more like moissanite planet then? Looks like diamond from a distance, but the closer you get, and the longer you look, the more apparent it becomes that it isn't, in fact, diamond but an imposter.

EU digital tsar 'Steelie' Neelie Kroes: Telcos must adapt to losing roaming cash

Don Jefe

Shareholder Payouts

She's got a point. Telcos throughout the West have a real bad habit of paying out to shareholders then leaning on governments to pony up funds when they want to expand. The telcos want an 'open market' but want the government to open it for them.

As long as you're taking tax breaks and taking government funds and incentives you are not playing in an open market. You're playing in a taxpayer subsidized market and that just isn't the free market at all. They're trying to have it both ways and only the customer loses.