* Posts by Faux Science Slayer

234 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Nov 2011


Melting permafrost switches to nasty, high-gear methane release

Faux Science Slayer

NWO directed, NAS wasted tax money on more AGW garbage....

"We cannot order men to see truth, or prohibit them from indulging in error" ~ Max Planck

Well....SURPRISE ! ! ! Planck based his "Law" on Kirchoff, who was WRONG, and then Stefan and Boltzman based their "Laws" on these errors. Then the AGW hypothesis photo-shopped this garbage to create their Chicken Little fable....


What did you see, Elder Galaxies? What made you age so quickly?

Faux Science Slayer

"Mysterious Dr X Says"

Even the 'father' of the big bang said it was a HOAX in Time magazine interview, Dec 14, 1936.

Read all about it under the Cosmology tab at the Faux Science Slayer site....

and stop with the Cartesian linear expansion myth.

We all owe our EXISTENCE to lovely VOLCANOES, say boffins

Faux Science Slayer

The baseline temperature for Earth is set by variable internal fission of the 2 million cubic miles of Uranium and Thorium that DO NOT have a constant decay rate. Fission is a function of particle bombardment which includes solar and cosmic sources, as well as the particles released by the fission itself. Concentrating fissionable material reaches critical mass and rapid increases in fission. We have been LIED to about Earth science, see the Geo-nuclear tab at FauxScienceSlayer for more on this climate changing force, the cause of Glacial-Interglacial baseline temperature changes.

Pine trees' scent 'could prevent climate change really being a problem'

Faux Science Slayer

Re: Smelling of pine forests

"NATURE" can only find the elitist directed, false paradigm, 'feudal science'....

see "Becoming A TOTAL EARTH Science Skeptic" at the "ppjg.me" site....

European Space Agency: PLATO will seek out 'ADVANCED LIFE forms'... 'SLIME'

Faux Science Slayer

Life on Earth is determined by far more than the 'magic' Goldilocks distance from the Sun. Earth has 2 million cubic mile of fissionable Thorium and Uranium that produce heat and 'elemental' atoms which form elemental molecules and compounds. Earths fission produces our protective magnetosphere. Our 70% liquid water surface moderates the solar impact with heat transfers by evaporation and condensation. Visit the Geo-nuclear tab at the FauxScienceSlayer site for more on the unique Astronomy and Geology that make our Biology possible.

Find and share Truth...it is your duty as an Earthling.

Boffins find ALIEN WORLD orbiting the Sun's LONG LOST TWIN

Faux Science Slayer

The NASA perpetrated myth of the Goldilocks planet, orbiting a Sun like ours with the mass and orbit distance of Earth is absolute statistical fantasy. There are far greater number of variables that have made life possible on this planet, and 'conscious' life is magnitudes greater probability. For those with an interest in astronomy see this new research on the solar system harmonics on Earth's fragile climate....


This a validation and AMPLIFICATION of the Milankovitch Cycle equations presented a century ago. We have been LIED to about everything. Visit the Cosmology tab at the FauxScienceSlayer site for some alternate views on the big bang hypothesis. Renounce the Climate Alchemy Chorus.

Don't panic! Japan to send nuke fuel rod into MELTDOWN in Fukushima probe

Faux Science Slayer

Re: What is Renewable about Renewables?

Ledswinger....you are CORRECT SIR !

There is NO Carbon climate forcing, only FORCED Carbon commodity markets, taxes, controls and subsidized mitigation [1]. There is NO 'sustainable' energy, as all these green meanie schemes require more energy to create than they produce [2]. There is NO 'peak' oil as Hydrocarbons are a natural byproduct of Earth's variable, climate changing fission [3]. Be skeptical of over paid, under trained, bobble head professors with peer/pal reviews of their false echo chamber hypothesis.

[1] "Becoming A TOTAL Earth Science Skeptic" at FauxScienceSlayer site

[2] "Green Prince of Darkness" at FSS

[3] "Fracturing the Fossil Fuel Fable" at FSS

We've been LIED to about everything with faux science, fake history, filtered news and financed by fiat currency, all for the benefit of the ruling monarch-monopolists, aka the Demonic Warlords. Demand a Modern Magna Carta.

Boffins claim battery BREAKTHROUGH – with rhubarb-like molecule

Faux Science Slayer


Absurd....all "storage batteries" are limited to ~ 1.5 volt of Direct Current stored output. A typical example, a 12 volt battery contains cells in eight series, but transmissible power requires Alternating Current and kilovolt ranges. Any "storage" must include the DC/AC inverter and boost transformer losses, leaving all these green meanie schemes in fantasy land. See "Green Prince of Darkness" at the FauxScienceSlayer site and question the total life cycle costs of these eco-frauds.

New snaps show dazzling young galaxies furiously spawning stars - 13 BILLION years ago

Faux Science Slayer

13 billion YBP or NOT ?

In TIME magazine interview, Dec 1936 the 'father of big bang' said it was a HOAX....see

"Mysterious 'Dr X' says Universe is NOT Expanding" under Cosmology at FauxScienceSlayer site....

"Federally Funded Frankenscience" explains WHY they LIE !

Time travellers outsmart the NSA

Faux Science Slayer

Time travel is possible, visit the Cosmology tab at the Faux Science Slayer website for errors in the 'big bang' hypothesis and the reasons why the Rotating Universe Model has been suppressed for sixty years.

Scientists discover supervolcano trigger that could herald humanity's doom

Faux Science Slayer

Earth has over 2 million cubic miles of fissionable Uranium and Thorium which decay at variable rates due to cosmic particle bombardments. By-products of this fission process are enormous amounts of heat, causing expansion and 'elemental' atoms which occupy more space than the parent atoms, causing pressure. Most likely, it is a clusters of fissionable material reaching critical mass and a rapid decay process causing eruptions. One 'elemental' atom is Radon, which is Inert, forming NO compounds and having a half life of 3.8 days. See "Unified Earth Science Theory" at Canada Free Press, May 2010 and the Geo-nuclear tab at Faux Science Slayer site.

BTW...changes in the Earth's fission rate set the base line temperature for 'climate' change....

It's not gold in the frozen hills of Antarctica, my boy, it's DIAMONDS

Faux Science Slayer

Who needs a Pristine Penguin Playground ? ? ?

I say we get down there, build a nuke plant on a fault line....open some toxic waste dumps....strip mine....

cart the icebergs off to Saudi....after all....the article did say "wasteland"....

Mosquitoes, Comets and Vampires: The de Havilland Museum

Faux Science Slayer

Great article & comments....LOVE the Mosquito....unmentioned facts....the plywood was wet shaped on

poured concrète molds in half sections, then screwed together....being wooden it was invisible to the German radar.

Depressing facts about WW II is that it was stage set by bankers and prolonged to the max. The Italian Army captured Mussolini on July 25, 1943 and offered 900,000 Italian troops in Italy and over a million under German command in Russia and the Balkans to switch sides, snubbed by allies. General Patton was benched during the cannon fodder Normandy bloodbaths, but returned in July 1944, quickly surrounded 250,000 Germans in western France and was ORDERED to allow them to escape through the Falaise Gap. This and other intentional blunders caused the American OSS to assassinate our best general, see "Target Patton" by Robert Wilcox and "Overthrowing the Kit and Kaboodle" at the FauxScienceSlayer site.

Another great aviation read is "Tex Hill, Flying Tiger" on the AVG P-38 fights against superior aircraft and numbers in China. Ace Hill also documents the Dulles State Department with massive supplies to Mao to defeat the free Chinese and abandonment of allied soldiers in Japanese POW camps in North China. History repeats itself because the powerful set the same stage, using the same script, see "All Wars Are Bankers Wars" on youtube. Demand a Modern Magna Carta and an end to feudalism.

Cassini spots MEGA-METHANE SEAS on the north pole of Titan

Faux Science Slayer

The 1955 Hubbert 'peak oil' hypothesis and the intentionally deceptive misnomer, 'fossil' fuel are matrix science mind games to divert from the Truth....Hydrocarbons are created through the Universe and are NOT a finite residue of past life, but a mandatory precursor for all Carbon life forms. Hydrocarbons are produced on Earth using the variable rate fission decay products of 2 million cubic miles of Uranium and Thorium, released under high heat and pressure. The proton and neutrons released during fission form 'elemental' atoms, then elemental molecules and compounds. See the "Geo-nuclear" tab at the FauxScienceSlayer site. It is the variable Earth fission rate that sets the baseline temperature for climate change. We have been systematically LIED to about everything.

Los Angeles' weather is just like Mordor, says Brit climate prof

Faux Science Slayer

Re: As with all Climate models

"The core part of work at Bristol involves using state of the art climate models to simulate and understand the past climate of our Earth"....with the same FICTIONAL parameters as Tolkien. First, clima-clownologists 'simplify' the half lit, rotating sphere with a fixed, constant sunlight disc. This produces a too low calculated surface temperature to the clima-clowns then add 'back radiation' from magic gas to balance a dynamic, chaotic system that is NEVER in balance, neglecting all factors. According to the Kiehl-Trenberth balance, the Earth receives 162 watts per meter square of full spectrum solar radiation, yet partial radiated IR energy from the Earth is returned by magic gas at 334 watts per meter square. Outgoing InfraRed radiation is 'absorbed' in a narrow 14 micron band by CO2 and H2O and these three atom gases have a billionth of a second vibration before 'emitting' a longer wavelength, lower energy photon that is incapable of 'warming' the emitting Earth surface, or being 'captured' by another magic gas molecule. Carbon climate forcing models are intentional FRAUDS designed to FORCE Carbon commodity markets, taxes and controls to benefit the ruling Demonic Warlords. See more on this false paradigm science and history at the FauxScienceSlayer site. Be skeptical of over paid, under trained bobble head professors with peer pal reviews of their pet echo chamber hypothesis.

Ballmer: 'We made more money than almost anybody on the PLANET'

Faux Science Slayer

"Pulling In Profits One Inherent Monopoly Property" ~ another corrected headline

for more "Another_Corrected_Headline" topics, see FauxScienceSlayer

NASA Mars tank Curiosity rolls on old WET PATCH, sighs, sniffs for life signs

Faux Science Slayer

For some reason we tend to have a static model for Earth. The fact that 60 million years ago winged dinosaurs and flying insects had double the wingspan indicates that there was at least double. But since "lift" is a function of area, a square function of wingspan, then likely four times the current atmosphere level. Our atmosphere is constantly stripped by solar wind and the molecules broken by solar radiation, as in N14 decay to C14. The atmosphere is replenished to a limited degree by 'elemental' atoms, by products of Earth's variable fission rate. These 'new' atoms are forced under high heat and pressure to form elemental molecules and elemental compounds. These compounds include CO2 and Methane gases, as well as water which feed the underground aquifers from below. Hydrocarbons are a natural, continually produced compound and NOT a finite residue of past life. More on this under the Geo-nuclear tab at Faux Science Slayer website.

Astroboffins spot HOT, YOUNG GIANT where she doesn't belong

Faux Science Slayer

Earth is not still releasing energy from origin, it is releasing heat from the variable rate fission from 2 million cubic miles of Uranium and Thorium. By products include heat and 'elemental' atoms, including Helium (SG 0.16) and Radon (HL 3.8 days). Under high heat and pressure elemental atoms form 'elemental' molecules and compounds, including CO2, H2O and Methane. Fission rates vary on solar and cosmic particle bombardments and protection level from a varying magnetosphere. Current Earth science models are flawed.

Solar enthusiasts rays idea of 'leccy farms on MOON, drones

Faux Science Slayer

Start with the fact that photovoltaics is a crude parlor trick using one-time, one-way molecular erosion process that never produces the energy required for it's manufacture. See "Green Prince of Darkness...EXPOSED" on this 'sustainable' fraud. Then compound that STUPIDITY with the losses of converting photovoltaic 1.5 volt DC to usable AC high voltage, then losses to convert to three phase. Then compound with losses converting to laser or microwave. Then fry every bird or airplane that strays into the transmission path. Then losses converting laser or MW back to electricity.

To even discuss this multilevel HOAX is proof that the inmates are in charge of the institution.

WATCH LIVE: Comet ISON DESTROYED by Sun, NASA brains fear

Faux Science Slayer

"Ison Steamed at the Sun" ~ another headline correction

KILO-MACH SONIC BOOM probed in fireball embers of 1572AD SUPERNOVA

Faux Science Slayer

Hey kids....FREE X-RAYS every time Cassiopeia goes by ! ! !

Cow flatulence, gas emissions much worse than thought - boffins

Faux Science Slayer

Ignorant on multiple levels. First, Hydrocarbons are a natural by-product of fission decay of the 2 million cubic miles of Uranium and Thorium contained in Earths 259 trillion cubic mile molten rock mass. As heavy elements decay, the protons and neutrons released form new, 'elemental atoms', which under high heat and pressure form 'elemental molecules' and 'elemental compounds'. Natural gas, is natural and bubbles out of the Earth everywhere, which is why there is Methane in every rock you frack. See "Fracturing the Fossil Fuel Fable" at Principia-Scientific.org.

Next, there is NO 'greenhouse gas' that has a 'back radiation warming' effect. Carbon Dioxide is impacted by Outgoing Longwave Radiation, an electromagnetic emission moving at the speed of light. In the 14 micron range a CO2 molecule can 'absorb' this energy for one billionth of a second, reducing the photon energy and 'emitting' a longer wavelength, lower energy photon that CANNOT WARM THE EARTH, and cannot be absorbed by additional CO2 molecules, which are merely 'vibrating' in air and NOT warming.

Finally, Methane has NO ability to do twenty times the MAGIC that CO2 can not do with OLR either. Everything about 'climatology' is a fraud. This elitist created and directed, but taxpayer funded faux science is modern alchemy. Visit FauxScienceSlayer website and read "Becoming A TOTAL Earth Science Skeptic".

Astronomers spot 13-BEEELLION-year-old hot galactic threesome

Faux Science Slayer

"96% of the Universe is composed of math particles and hyper-dense equations" ~ anonymous

Isn't it odd that with over 90% of the Universe hypothetically composed of "dark matter"....

that we can "see" 13 billion light years away ? ? ?

And isn't it odd that we can see 13 billion light years in EVERY DIRECTION, meaning that just by happy coincidence, WE ARE IN THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE ! ! !

OR NOT....big bang is government funded bull dung to avoid discussing the REAL parameters of reality, see the "Cosmology" tab at FauxScienceSlayer. Conscious is the fifth dimension and the Demonic Warlords do not want humanity to "expand" our conscious.

Hello Warsaw: Greenland ice loss will be OK 'even under extreme scenarios'

Faux Science Slayer

There is NO Carbon climate forcing, only FORCED Carbon commodity marketing, taxes and draconian controls. There is NO' 'sustainable' energy as all these green meanie schemes require more energy to crate than they produce. There is NO 'peak' oil as Hydrocarbons are created throughout the Universe and are a precursor to life, not a finite residual of past life.

See "Becoming A TOTAL Earth Science Skeptic" and be skeptical of the Demonic Warlords fables.

Deep beneath melting Antartic ice: A huge active volcano

Faux Science Slayer

Re: "The Executive Committee"

Earth has 259 trillion cubic miles of mostly molten rock, heated by over 2 million cubic miles of fissionable Uranium and Thorium. By-products include massive heat and 'elemental' atoms, see the Geo-nuclear tab at FauxScienceSlayer site.

'Only nuclear power can save humanity', say Global Warming high priests

Faux Science Slayer

Re: Sigh...

We live in a false paradigm, directed by the elites and funded by tax payers. This false paradigm requires LIES about science, history and current events. If you've not noticed any LIES, then you've not been paying attention. There is NO Carbon climate forcing, only FORCED Carbon commodity marketing. There is NO 'sustainable' energy as all these green meanie schemes require more energy for creation than they produce. There is NO 'peak' oil as Hydrocarbons exist and are created throughout the Universe and are a prerequisite to life, not a finite artifact of past life.

All these science LIES explained in "Becoming A TOTAL Earth Science Skeptic".

Climate change made sea levels fall in 2010 and 2011

Faux Science Slayer

Bullocks...there is NO such thing as Carbon climate forcing, NO such thing as 'sustainable' energy and NO such thing as 'peak' oil. This trifecta of TAXPAYER FUNDED, elitist selected FRAUDS are described in "Becoming A TOTAL Earth Science Skeptic" and the bigger set of LIES including faux history are described in "Fractional Reserve Banking Begat Faux Reality".

We have been lied to about everything, and Clima-clownology is over-funded, under educated Alchemy. Demand a Modern Magna Carta. Find and share Truth...it is your duty as an Earthling.

Comet ISON seen eructating 300,000km-long methane and CO2 BELCH

Faux Science Slayer


The trifecta of elitist directed, taxpayer funded Carbon frauds are climate forcing, 'sustainable' energy and 'peak' oil. Carbon climate forcing was all about FORCED Carbon commodity marketing. No sustainable energy produces the energy required for it's own production. Hydrocarbons are natural and occur though out the Universe, as mention above comment has frozen Methane crystals. Earth produces Hydrocarbons as a by-product of fission, see "Fracturing the Fossil Fuel Fable".

Curiosity team: Massive collision may have killed Red Planet

Faux Science Slayer

Earth's atmosphere is under continuous erosion from solar wind and cosmic ray decay. During the Jurassic period reptiles and insects had double the wingspan of current flying animals. Since 'lift' is a function of wing area, the longer wingspan and increased wing area suggest an atmosphere of between double and four times current atmospheric pressure. The solar wind is blowing the top of the atmosphere into space, modulated by a varying magnetosphere. Cosmic rays cause decay Nitrogen and Oxygen two-atom molecules and lighter molecules reach escape velocity and exit to space from the top of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is partially replaced by fission by-products that are outgassed primarily at under sea volcanic vents. This is described in "Earth's Missing Geothermal Flux" at the Faux Science Slayer site. Find and share Truth...it is your duty as an Earthling.

What does the Titanic's sinking tell us about modern science?

Faux Science Slayer

Faux Science Slayer

"Futility of the Titan" was a nineteenth century fiction about the worlds largest ocean liner, termed "unsinkable" and not fitted with enough lifeboats. In the novel, this liner srtikes a North Atlantic iceberg and sinks with few survivors. Fifteen years after being published the JP Morgan owned White Star Line built an intentionally defective "unsinkable" then arranged for many of the top industrialists to accompany JP Morgan on the maiden voyage, only he 'accidently' missed the accident, along with may of his 'friends'. Read the Wiki report on the seven who missed the Titanic, that included Vanderbilt and the Tesla radio patent thief, Marconi. J P Morgan had already stolen all of the Edison and Westinghouse patents and funded Marconi on the radio theft. There was considerable resistance to the Federal Reserve and many promonent opponents went 'down with the ship'. Life imitating art....or another mass murder by the elites ?

Earth once had hazy methane atmosphere like ice-moon Titan

Faux Science Slayer

Methane has a whopping 1.7 parts per million in the atmosphere and has a dwell time of less than four years. See "Strange Tale of the Green House Gas Gang". Organic sources are minute and the main source is 'elemental' production by Earth's fission by-products. This is described in "Fossil Fuel is Nuclear Waste" and other articles at the Faux Science Slayer website. There is six-time the proven reserves locked in Methane Hydrates at the poles and ten-times the proven reserves in Methane Calthrate crystals on the ocean floor. Peak Oil is an even bigger lie than Carbon Climate Forcing....and brought to you by the same robber barons as all the 'other big lies'. Find and share Truth.

NASA to blast 5 rockets in 5 min in jet stream test

Faux Science Slayer

The atmosphere is under constant erosion. It is stirred from below by Earth's rotation and blown away at the top by solar wind. Solar radiation ionizes all atmospheric molecules, Nitrogen14 becomes Carbon14 being the most familiar. In the last 60 million years Earth has lost half of its atmosphere by these two process, witness the wingspan of Pterodctyal to today's condor. The Moons polar ice caps are accretions of the leeward transit thru this solar blown former Earth air. All Paleo-climatology is thus incorrect extrapolation of today's conditions to a past that never existed.

Ocean currents emerge as climate change hot-spots

Faux Science Slayer

These changes in ocean temperature are a direct result of changes in Earth's variable fission rate, which is controlled by variations in solar and cosmic particle bombardment. This is fission force also creates 'elemental atoms' and 'elemental molecules' which provide Hydrocarbons and replenish our constantly eroding atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide is produced in massive quanties and stored as liquid on the ocean floor under 150 atmospheres of pressure and at 0C temperature. EVERYTHING about Climatology is an intentional lie to promote a false Carbon Commodity Market. It is past time for a new Universal Magna Carta.

Climategate 2.0: Fresh trove of embarrassing emails

Faux Science Slayer

Faux Science Slayer

Question: Where do you go when the whole world knows you are a dishonest, incompetent

shill for the greatest FRAUD ever created in the history of the planet ? ? ?

Answer: To JAIL for eternity due to Crimes Against Humanity !

And this includes the monarch/monopolists who dreamed of this Carbon Commodity nightmare. But this is just the first of the 'big science' frauds to fall. Read "Green Prince of Darkness" on the true molecular erosion process that is the 'photovoltaic' rip-off. Then read "Fossil Fuel is Nuclear Waste" on the true Abiogenic origin of Earth's renewable petroleum and the 'peak' oil lie. Then "The Cure for Cosmology's Peptic Ulcer" for the non-expanding universe truth. Faux Science could never succeed without a unhealthy dose of Faux History. Read "I'll Take Some E Pluribus...but Hold the Unum" for the truth about the theft of patents by Edison, Westinghouse and Tesla. YOU HAVE BEEN SO LIED TO...FOR SO LONG !
