* Posts by suferick

7 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Sep 2011

UK admits 'spy clause' can't be used for scanning encrypted chat – it's not 'feasible'


Re: About those bad guys......

I'm twice as secure - I use ROT26

The UK's bad encryption law can't withstand global contempt


Re: making it a crime to use strong encryption

But HMG usually mandates the use of commercial software, not having the budget to develpp that sort of thing from scratch. I bet the legisltators in their "wisdom" haven't considered the necessity to beef up IT budgets for Government departments


Re: One rule for them, another for the rest of us.

Is that the same Tim Davie who once stood in local elections as a Conservative candidate?

NASA mulls restoring Saturn V to service as SLS delays and costs mount


Glad to see...

that you mark the date in the customary manner, even in these difficult times

Zionists stole my SHOE, claims Muslim campaigner


Apple has no assassination squads (that I know of)

Countdown contestant pays homage to IT Crowd's Moss


Try using a UK proxy

UK cyber security plan delayed till October


So what? It's not as if we don't have one already - this is just the updated version. We will muddle through somehow on last year's strategy