* Posts by Sokolik

102 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jul 2011

Chappie: The AI tale that’s about heart, not intelligence


Re: Nice review...

Thanking you for standing-in for the esteemed Prof. Asimov!


Re: Nice review...

OK...first and foremost, I have *not* seen the film (yet).

But, Robocop redux? It seems possible. For example, the first publicity-still I saw focused on an apparent android, robot, hybrid, whatever, you name it (where's Isaac Asimov when I need him?!?), and so my immediate and spontaneous first thoght was, "Didn't we do this already...twice?)"

RIP Leonard Nimoy: He lived long and prospered


Quick chevrons

Don't know about his U.S. Army, but in mine, about 20 years later, Private Basic to Sergeant in two years was, pardon the expression, warp speed. Seems perhaps our friend was a prodigy. Put another way, seems he demonstrated early all the talents and wisdom attributed to him here in this discussion.

Yeah, I know, always the military angle.

Red or alive, you're coming with me: Feds offer $3m reward for 'CryptoLocker baron'


The current "relationship" between U.S. and Russian Federation...

...in my view, comprises, "Eastern Ukraine", "Consequent Sanctions", "Saudi Flooding (pardon the expression) the Oil Market (no doubt in orchestration with NATO in general and the U.S. in particular)", "Consequent Collapse of Ruble", and "Consequent Double-Digit Inflation in Russia".

So, I would not bet the FSB would cooperate a bit with the FBI.

Moreover, in my view, probably, Bogachev is a Putin-o-crony-klepto-crat bringing international hard currency to the State Treasury badly-needed even when the Monopoly-Game ruble is *not* in collapse.

Were I in Petersburg, I would not be surprised to hear all the way from the Lubyanka in Moscow the FSB's laughter greeting any FBI assistance request.

ACLU: Here's a secret – cops are using the FBI's fake cell-tower tech to track crims' phones


"Florida". Why am I not surprised?

"In one, defense lawyers were able to use the FBI's reluctance to reveal details about the technology to get a sweetheart deal of a sentence for their clients."

"Blowback" is, I believe, the correct term for this in the business. And the perils of "blowback" from scales local to global are a lesson we cousins have-- despite countless opportunities-- yet to learn.

Yours truly, the resident Left-Coast-Leftie

'Lenovo, Superfish put smut on my system' – class-action lawsuit


What he said

"Land of the Free™", love it! But then, of course, I'm a Left-Coast-Leftie. At all events, thanks for the chuckle.

Air gaps: Happy gas for infosec or a noble but inert idea?


Back To The Future*

If I've got this right (by no means certain!), this reminds me of the old days. It was shouted at us, "NEVER INSERT A FLOPPY FROM AN UNKNOWN OR UNTRUSTED SOURCE".

"Floppy". How quaint.

*apologies to Robert Zemeckis, et al

Tiger Moth: Old school flying without all those pesky flaps, brakes and instruments


Re: No flaps?

Vic, now I think on it, isn't it like the tale of Goldie Locks and the Three Angles of Attack?

this one too steep,

this one too shallow,

this one *just right*

Hope I've got that right.. Thanks again.


Re: No flaps?

Vic, thanks. Had no idea. Guess I'll have to add that to my training regimen in MSFSX (yes, I confess, I am not a real pilot!)


No flaps?

To land, how does one slow to a safe speed *and* maintain safe descent rate w/o flaps? Did I miss something? Thank you.

SURPRISE! Microsoft pops open Windows 10 Preview build early


Re: Please help...

Anon: "giving it away". Ah-hah! Of course. Thanks much for that and also for the extension-of-Win8 insight.


Please help...

...this ignoramus. Is Win10 primarily for phones? On the other hand, if Win10 is for PC's, slabs, and notebooks....did I miss Win9?

I am running Win7 on both my notebook and my gaming desktop. Even I knew enough not to "upgrade"(!?!) to Win8.

Win10 beta-testers out there: any reason to upgrade from Win7 to Win10?

Thanks to all.

Is it humanly possible to watch Gigli and Battlefield Earth back-to-back?


I resemble(d) that remark.

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...once again, wondering if such superlatives and lists are generated merely to attract attention and generate flame wars so as to pile-up the advert revenue.

Oh well. Doesn't matter. I still want to put in my $20.00 (that's $.02 adjusted for inflation since my birth) worth. I'm as opinionated and mouthy as the next guy.

In defense-- however slight-- of "Pearl Harbor": for a military-history and aircraft buff, it may be worth the price of admission just for the five or ten minutes of FX of the B-25's marshalling aboard and then launching from "Hornet" for the Doolittle Raid. Sure had me convinced. Of course, to connect anybody in England or at Pearl with the Doolittle Raid is just plain silly. But that's what movies are for.

ElReg ed's: completely agree with your judgements. Dramoth: completely agree with your judgement.

However, I can't be the only one also thinking of "Ishtar", "Water World", "Howard the Duck", and "Heaven's Gate".

Let the flame wars begin...

Saudi Arabia to flog man 1,000 times for insulting religion on Facebook


Re: aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhh

dan1980, thank you. Point well taken.




many if not most of the 9/11 perps were Saudi subjects

these people are our "allies"


Why has the Russian economy plunged SO SUDDENLY into the toilet?


Please help Colonial ignoramus

Sincerely, and with all due respect, could someone please distill this into a newspaper-article lead sentence...something like the classic journo lead-formula of no more than 21 words? I confess my ignorance, every time national or global economics come to attention, my head swims and I get dizzy. Morevor, I was educated as a journo thus am challenged by introduction to something that isn't distilled into a lead sentence.

For what it's worth* (or not), here's what I get; please tell me if I am accurate or inaccurate: Russia has a natural-resource-based economy. Such an economy is unstable and-- as natural resources are finite-- unsustainable. Plus, Russia has reverted to a command economy, only the commands now are issued not by the Party, but by Putin and his indentured klepto-pluto-crats. And, finally-- and this is the bit I feel most important but feel least-sure I've got right: it's all but impossible for free-markets to interact with command markets, leaving the command markets impoverished.

I was shocked to read a bloodthirsty-take-no-prisoners-free-market attributed to China. I mean, yeah, I get it. That description, however, primarily in my mind has been tightly-associated with the Russian economy.

These have been my observations and conclusions both from afar, and also from three visits spanning two decades since the fall of the old union.

At the end of the day: I would like to think I care for the Russian people and have a bit or two of insight to their individual and collective temperament. I know they want the "heavy hand", they want stability, perhaps they don't trust themselves to govern themselves, and are sadly afflicted with a xenophobia that, when there's a problem, instantly points the finger at everyone/everywhere else. Thus, my long-standing conclusion, the Putin dictatorship has been democratic because it is what the Russian people want.

I would like to think I care deeply for the Russian people and culture and thus really want to get this one right.

Sadly, also I would like to know if it it is no longer possible for an anonymous westerner (read, "me") to wander the streets of Moscow or Petersburg outside the tourist zone, in safety and in peace of mind one is not likely to be exploited (read, "framed") by over-eager zealots from FSB and Militsiya.

Just like in the Bad Old Days individual Western wanderers begged to be hassled, framed, and jailed by the KGB.

Please help me with these questions. Thank you.

*apologies to Stephen Stills et al

How Hollywood film-makers wove proper physics into Interstellar


If I knew anything, I'd have alphabet soup after my name. Yet, I think it's fair to say, "Mr. Nobody" also is based on sound science.

Drones CAN'T deliver goods ... oh. Air traffic control system backed by NASA, you say?


Finally! At last!

And about time: we'll get flying cars!

(born in 1955)

China hopes home-grown OS will oust Microsoft


Re: Doom to failure

Excellent incisive point. Agreed.


Development-to-deployment in *seven* months? Agree with your premise and conclusion. As for compare/contrast, didn't Hugo Chavez also try to oust MS from the Venezuelan government (also for nationalist reasons, I 'spose)? And and if memory serves didn't the Venezuelan government end up with a Linux distro?

DON’T add me to your social network, I have NO IDEA who you are


One reason I ditched "social" media

The other was Mark Zuckerberg (sp?)

9 Dark Social Truths That Will Totally Blow Your Bowels!


"Talking"? #whazzat?

UFO, cosmic ray or flasher? NASA rules on Curiosity curiosity


It's Obvious!

Every Colonial Baby-Boomer knows exactly what this is. It's sun glare because some 2d Lt doesn't know to lower the windshield on his Jeep.

STRIPPED DOWN and EXPOSED: Business kit from the good old days


Vydec, Anyone?

As this is a 1980's office and I was an office manager part of the '80's, I'm surprised at the absence of word processors. Sounds so silly now, doesn't it?!? Then, "word processor" was a big piece of hardware; now "word processor" is software. Also, from this long view, it seems likewise comically-ironic and unbelievable one of the leading word-processor vendors was a subsidiary of...Exxon!?!

For Windows guest - KVM or XEN and which distro for host?


Anecdotal Report

First, I concede freely I am in *'way* over my head here. A mere glance at your criteria makes my head swim. However, I offer you these anecdotes: VMWare worked seamlessly with Debian years ago on what would be now an ancient Dell desktop who's specs I no longer remember. Also, as an alternative to virtualization, of course-- though I realize in my ignorance probably I am missing the point-- I had dual-boot. For that, I used GRUB. I had been a Linux (read, "Debian") fanboi for years. Best regards for success.

This Holiday


This Holiday

From the Left Coast of the Colonies, Merry Christmas to all! John, we listen to and sing your song this day...and we still miss you so much.

Happy Solstice, all :-)


The Solar Calendar is Wonderful

Happy Solstice to you, too, sir! The solar calendar provides a wonderful necessary rhythm to life. Too bad locked up in our autos and homes, few of us notice it much. However, when my primary transportation was a bicycle, the solar calendar was very noticeable. Living in the northern hemisphere, this day always brings to mind "Here Comes the Sun": we're now on our way back to its primary exposure. Thank you, George, for the great musical addition to this day.

JESUS battery HEALS itself - might make electric cars more practical


Re: Off-topic: Electric cars?!?

Thanks to all. Skel, while my first reaction to your comment is skepticism, I will consider your comments. CW and Ian: thank you for enlightening me and broadening my horizons. You have nudged me closer to the electric car as a solution, if only transitional, for cleaning-up the atmosphere.


Off-topic: Electric cars?!?

I don't get electric cars in the first place, please pardon this curmudgeon.

Unless one has aeroelectric or hydroelectric (and what percentage of us might that be?) one only displaces the emissions, from the tail-pipe to the fossil-fueled generator station smokestack. So, still, toxic emissions mount while stocks of fossil fuels decline. The environment still is damaged and, thus, we and our children still are in danger.

Or, worse, one trades-off the emission for fuel-rod waste. And that, can it be said honestly and truly, we have figured out what, safely and sustainably, to do with? I think not. So, still, the environment is damaged and risky.

Then there's the battery-- this is a little more on-topic-- as Tesla concedes, it will die. And dead batteries of that size and capacity, can it honestly and truly be said we know what, safely and sustainably, to do with? Yet again, the environment is damaged and risky.

So, it seems, at day's end, electric automobile power has yet to be an ecologically more-sensible and safer alternative to local internal combustion.

This curmudgeon welcome this news from Stanford. Yet, it seems long before this technology could make a car battery endure to a point of reasonably-valuable trade-off for the toxicity of its inevitably-dead and dangerous husk.

Forget invisible kittens, now TANKS draped in INVISIBILITY CLOAK


Re: Ummmm...ECM, anyone?

Oh, my! I wish I could take credit but I can't. It was just the phrase that came to mind. Thank you!


Ummmm...ECM, anyone?

Probably-- and quite rightly-- my generation-old "knowledge" will be jumped like a June bug by hens...but...sincerely...can anyone tell me how this is "something new under the sun"? Is this not decades-old aviation Electronic Counter Measures? Put another way, how is this not, "Move along, move along, nothing to see here"?

SR-71 Blackbird follow-up: A new TERRIFYING Mach 6 spy-drone bomber


Wrong place

For any number of reasons wasting time and space to enumerate, this project is valid but should be with NASA, not the Blue Zoo.

-- a Blue Zoo former officer, decorated and service characterized as honorable

Russia's post-Snowden spooks have not reverted to type


Typewriters, old spacecraft designs, and Night Witches

In the prehistoric, pre I-T days of my USAF service, electric typewriters *were* considered a security risk. And I saw only electric typewrites in my four years of active duty. Typewriters at least used for classified information,, as I recall, were off-the-shelf, but then..."hardened" is the only word coming to mind...by USAF so as to block atmospheric transmission of the keystrokes which could be intercepted...a pre-digital keylogger, as it were. So I can't help wondering if these typewrites purchased by the Russian spooks are electric. Also, it's no secret the Russians are historically-gifted at turning a perceived disadvantage into an advantage...especially at using stuff pre-dating present technology.. Witness the flight -safey record of the venerable, apparently invulnerable, Soyuz vs that of STS. The irony, you can cut it with a dull knife, we Yanks rely on a 50-year-old *Soviet!* design for crewed spaceflight! Further back, remember the Red Air Force "Night Witches" who, with relative immunity to Wehrmacht AAA tech, badgered the Nazis by night in their wood-and-fabric Polykarpov Po-2/U-2's?.

Top guns doomed as US Navy demos first carrier-launched drone


Re: Misguided notion of romance

To hitch-hike to another aspect: having witnessed July 20 1969 and well-remembering it, which would I rather see: a couple of R/C cars clattering around the Red Planet, or a couple of humans bouncing across the Red Planet? The latter, hands-down (please pardon the pun). And I don't think this is a subjective bias.

By the way, as for the one-way mission proposal, I would like to be the first in line to volunteer.


Misguided notion of romance

As long as there are humans, human-crewed aerospace craft will rule. Misguided notion of romance in a human strapping on a powered kite. Silk scarves and all that.

I feel entitled to say this: I'm as guilty as any other former Blue Zoo officer in my bias toward crewed craft. I guess that's an admission-against-interest.

Movie review: Oblivion


Jack Pun?

Perhaps I'm characteristically over-thinking this, but this is one Yank who appreciates the potential C.S. Lewis pun, "Perilous Planet".

Schoolgirl's Hello Kitty catonaut soars to 93,000ft

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Re: Personally

"From now on, you must take good care of your toys, because if you don't, we'll find out, Sid!"

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Girl Power!

Girl Power Rocks...Again!

-- a fortunate father gifted with two of the finest daughters a man could want

and son of a woman born into a time and place where, despicably, women were no more than chattel

First rigid airship since the Hindenburg enters trials


the sad thing is, I know DoD isn't kidding

I'm the first to concede I ain't no combat veteran. H3ll, I wasn't even combat-arms. So my opinion is light in the balance. But the idea of being transported anywhere-- but especially into action-- with something covered with...fabric...any kind of fabric...no matter how high-tech, in my opinion...and virtually hollow...is A Really Bad Idea...and frightening to the core.

The sad thing is, I know The Puzzle Palace isn't kidding. Some wingnut, uniformed or otherwise, there actually thinks this is a concept worth millions of dollars of investigation if not R&D. And moreover, said wingnut even has found people more authoritative to rubber-stamp the deal!

"Military intelligence"...

Musk to blast right of way through California with railgun Concorde



Long-time resident of California's "Great Central Valley" here...passenger trains haven't run that route in decades...yeah, yeah, I know; our "passenger rail" relatively is a tiny scrap of sh*te anyway...still, one way or t'other, ya gotta get over at least one of several mountain...OK, OK, in deference to residents of the Caucusus, Pyrenees, Alps, wherever, "hill" ranges...in the late 19th century this was made possible by an engineering-marvel, the "Tehachapi Loop"...still used daily by gi-normously heavy and lengthy freight trains. Maybe that's the whole point...maybe his system will have the torque and velocity to go straight up grades impossibly-steep with today's technology...thus, no need for a necessarily-wide mountain loop where there ain't no real-estate available or useful anyway...

Increasing number of sites inoperable in Firefox?


Thanks, Zmodem. I find the NAT firewall of the router, combined with informed use of NoScript in Firefox, most effective and convenient. In terms of security, I consider myself an informed user. So, from my perspective, my biggest threat is malicious scripts embedded in a site new to me. A site-screening service like SafeWeb combined with NoScript takes care of that, while the NAT takes care of most everything else. For me, this arrangement is most convenient.

Agree about Opera. *Cannot* believe others use something s-o s-l-o-w...


Re: Increasing number of sites inoperable in Firefox?

JustaKOS, thanks.

I get no map. The "progress" indicator under "Top Courses" continues indefinitely...and this is *after* I have enabled Flash, suspended Adblock, and suspended Noscript!


Re: Increasing number of sites inoperable in Firefox?

Thanks. Yes, I, too, am running 14.0.1 on Win7. Too many to recall, but yesterday was this one: http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/94442567. Oh, me, too-- I have no idea of the talk of frequent updates, restarts and broken add-ons. If it's happening to me, I'm missing it...unless the topic at hand is an example!?!


Increasing number of sites inoperable in Firefox?

First, please pardon me if this is the wrong forum.

Is it just me, or is an increasing-number of sites inop on Firefox? Yes, of course, the answer depends upon the add-ons. I use NoScript, Adblock, Flashblock, and Cookie Monster (yes, of course, you are correct, I am a Yank, so nothing less than overkill will do). Anybody else encountering this? Solution, yes/no?

If the site is new to me, first I run it through Symantec's "SafeWeb". If the site checks out with Symantec, I suspend one or more add-ons as appropriate.

However, I'm encountering a seemingly-increasing number of sites simply inoperable in Firefox even if I suspend all add-ons. So, then I resort to Opera. Invariably, there, the sites run fine.

I've been a Firefox fanboi since whenever. Don't want to give it up. But this seems a worsening pain-in-the-a** . If this apparent trend continues, or I don't find a solution, I'll have to find an alternative.

Oh, and, by the way, so far as I know, this has nothing to do with the recent debate about frequent updates, restarts, and broken add-ons.


Wikipedia collapses threatening the very fabric of civilisation


the children!

won't *somebody please* think of the children?!?

So what's the worst movie NEVER made?


Re: Why tamper with perfection?

Ah, yes...the fad (it did not endure, at least, I *think*) in the 1980's and/or 1990's of "color-izing" b/w classics. The film of which you speak probably was spawned by this phenomenon. I did not know of it, and, so, you have enlightened me. Thank you.

P.S. -- Regarding the ambiance and other qualities of the color version, I'll take your word for it...with all due respect, your opinion notwithstanding, I *still* do not think I could bear to watch it! Yes, I *am* an elderly, contrarian, pain-in-the-ar*e, curmudgeon!


Why tamper with perfection?

An attempted "remake" of "Casablanca"...and-- as if it were possible, worse-- in color.

Like that frame-for-frame "remake" of "Psycho".

Vote now for the WORST movie EVER


My Bad

Oh, why? am I wasting ever-more precious moments of an old life to respond?!? I know these "Best", "Worst" etc. etc. ad infinitum, ad nauseum lists are akin to trolling. They exist only to generate much heat and light signifying nothing. But I'm sucked into this meaningless void like a moth to its death in the flame (please pardon the unintentional pun).

I freely confess, the fool is me.

End mea culpa. On to the business.

I am baffled by the presence of a couple of entries on the penultimate list. I don't disagree with the final list.

But, I cry out, where o where on the final list are Heaven's Gate and Ishtar?!?

A simple HTML tag will crash 64-bit Windows 7



...I didn't even know Safari is available for Wintel!