* Posts by Chris Hartley 1

9 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2011

Online tools to 'end the scandal of empty homes'

Chris Hartley 1

I still hear some whooshing.

I am not sure I get why you see this as a bad or thing, or at least a thing to complain about.

Sure, the planet is overpopulated and we need to get the birth rate down, make the idea of having lots of children less popular and all that....

But this is about making use of the resources we have already; namely empty homes. Just leaving them idle and unused (filling homes with people - isn't that what homes are for?) won't do a thing about lowering the population. And building more homes while so many are left empty will waste resources and lead to more greenbelt being eaten up.

And yes, screw the owners of these unused proporties. Its not like they won't have a shortage of takers* if they; a.) let the property or; b.) sold it. But if you are leaving a house empty you holding onto something that a lot of people do need and creating scarcity which is driving up high house prices even further.

*Barring homes on sink estates. Even then sell it and at least let housing authority make use of it.

£1.1bn Royal Navy warship finally armed, sort of

Chris Hartley 1

Socialist: The perfect scapegoat.

Oh Jeez!

The Torys are as much to blame. The decline has been long-term and presided over by governments of both stripes.

We have politicians who have no long-term vision because that won't happen during their time in government so they can't take the credit. They just dick about and micromanage.

And don't forget about the inter-service rivalry for funds: Namely the constant bickering between the RN and the RAF.

ET, phone back: Alien quest seeks earthling coders

Chris Hartley 1

Taking this a bit seriously...

...for a post that was merely mocking disposable's rampant paranoia

Chris Hartley 1
Black Helicopters

*For tin-foil hat, break glass*

How do you know your company isn't just an NSA front?

How can you trust your fellow employees aren't NSA spies?

How do you know the NSA haven't installed key-logging software onto your computer and are sending the black helicopters over right now?

Fukushima: Situation improving all the time

Chris Hartley 1

#"What makes you think so"? a.k.a Calm down lad.

Awwwsomeones not had their Wheatabix today.

If you've been paying attention like a good little boy then you would have learnt that the radioactive isotompes that were released where very short-lived, mere minutes. That's the reason behind the fluctuations ( that big word means going up and down) in the level of radioactivity. And so far, the longest lived isotope detected outside the reactor is Iodine-131 which has a half-life of 8 days.

Thus the radioactivity won't last long at all. Not just from the dilution in the ocean from any contaminated run-off, but becaus the most of the isotopes would have decayed to a more stable element before the water even carried them to the sea. And Iodine 131 would be effectively gone in weeks (and the small amount released would ensure dilution to conentrations barely detectable above background radiation levels)

Maybe you sould read read and learn about this issue from something other than The Sun or a GreenPeace pamphlet and not be such an angry 'tard, asking someone to kill themselves because they pointed out errors in your 'reasoning'.

Threat to third Fukushima nuke reactor

Chris Hartley 1

# withstand mag 9+ earthquakes

Probably right. but....

1). I can't see new designs passing without the integrity in its vital systems being able to withstand such a quake better even if such a quake is exceedingly rare. The public and hence the politicians will demand that.

2). Now you have that design there on paper, it makes sense to build it en masse rather than design each individual ractor seperately.

3). The tectonic pressure was only released on a 200km stretch of the subduction zone. The tension has just been passed elsewhere along the plate boundary. Further big quakes might well happen along japan's western coast in the next 50 years.

Chris Hartley 1

# Good /bad publicity

You know it'll never be seen that way.

Chris Hartley 1

# We have the technology?

Same sites most likely. Energy company owns the land and has the infrasturcture there already (albeit damaged). Hopefully any future reactors will be designed to withstand mag 9+ earthquakes with backup generators placed out of the way of any tsunamis

Wooden spaceship descends into Moscow sandpit

Chris Hartley 1

Try again...

That would in fact be 41 years (and a half)

The first moon landing being in 1969 and all that.