* Posts by Reclaim The Law

1 publicly visible post • joined 3 May 2010

Swedish Pirate Party membership numbers sinks

Reclaim The Law

Reclaim The Law

I wonder how many ORIGINAL artist(e)s are rotting in the gutter, having been royally ripped off by the media industry, then to see their material ascribed to some whore patsie "performer" and reach number one in the "charts" . . . ?

the media industry is one of the biggest scam rip-off criminal organisations on the Planet - probably in third place after criminal fraudulent banksters and "legal" (but NOT LAWFUL) pharmacutical drug pushers. . .BRING IT ON YOU SCUM LAWYERS !

btw, try doing a google search for EcoTort to find out about the REAL Nature of Law, and how it is a FRIEND of "we the PIRATES" (oops, I mean we the PEOPLE of course)!