* Posts by EvanR

2 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Mar 2010

US lawmakers urge trade commission to scrutinise Google Buzz


More stupidty from the google fan club...

Wow, more asinine google fandom here... big surprise.

Yes, I should be "okay" with google throwing away my legally protected privacy rights because I can just host my own domain... ya.... okay.........

I think the real concern is that so many people who have IT backgrounds are supportive of google stomping all over them.

Why the Google antitrust complaint is not about Microsoft


Google Supporters = Illogical?

Most of the commentators on this blog are the same people who decry Microsoft doing things like bundling productivity software, security software, entertainment software, and web browsing software with their operating system suite. Many of you have voiced great support for the anti-trust suits brought against Microsoft on that very issue. Yet almost all of you sit here and state that there is nothing wrong with Google using its core product to bundle new products in new markets to drive out competitors.

Google is doing exactly what Microsoft has done in the past. It is bundling all of its new products with its main product to quickly drive out all competitors. You cannot be against Microsoft bundling products and yet be for Google bundling products! What makes it even more dangerous is you could argue that it is even harder for the customer to fight against Google’s bundling since Google holds enough control to prevent you from even knowing there are alternatives and if that, how to find them.

Google seems to most certainly hold a monopoly on the search advertising market and seems to clearly be using it strength in that area to drive out ordinary competition which is anti-competitive and *illegal*.