* Posts by Tinjam

2 publicly visible posts • joined 24 May 2007

US in The Long Good Friday remake outrage


And another thing

Martin Scorcese seems to know how to do it..... The Departed = Infernal Affairs.

Not the same title and not the same film.... well not entirely.

And there are many others like this.

Thats how to do it :D


Commenting on your comments

"This is as baffling as the film version of The Avengers. North American teenagers are not going to flock to a new crime film because it is a remake of The Long Good Friday; they will not know the original. Outside a small number of thirty/forty-something British men the film and its name are meaningless. It would be no less effective to make a wholly original film, or at least take the basic plot and give it a new name."

I totally agree with this.... If we are going to rehash movies then at least rename them. I remember when reading reviews you used to get told things like " a remake of" or " loosely remade from". Now it is just coldhearted remakes and Hollywood just aint got the nouse to rename it.

"For an excellent proof that a remake can ***actually*** make money and be popular is "The Magnificient Seven"; a remake of "The Seven Samurai" with a Mexican flavour !!"

Dude, surely you are commenting on the wrong thing arent you..... read my point and many others. It needs to be renamed. Why did the Magnificent Seven work?? Because it was a remake in a different setting , with a different name. It wasnt a western with samurais running around and it wasnt an eastern with cowboys running around. It was remade WITH A DIFFERNENT TITLE, bearing no resemblannce to seven samurai.[ If you didnt know then you would have to be told something like this.] God, WAKE UP.