* Posts by Ras Sur

2 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Dec 2009

Durham police demonstrate DNA will stuff you

Ras Sur
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Stfu, this substance has not been classified as illegal, yet. And FYI I don't do drugs or need you to defend my "rights". My point, which I didn't make very well, is that the police have invented a crime so as to illegally expand their DNA database and f*** some ones life up for good. Because the fact is they are not interested in "real" crime and this story serves as a distraction for the common person away from their failings. See where I'm going with this. Obviously you lead a blessed life and have never been the victim of a violent crime.

You, muppetry in action.

Ras Sur

why is what I do to myself their business

If I want to poison my body I will ,and its nobody's business but my own. Police, more like rogue paramilitarys, c***'s. Why don't they try and catch the F***wit that burgled me or the other c*** that tried to rob me at knife point.