* Posts by myhandle

54 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Aug 2009


Bonuses all round for failing Border Agency


One word

Windfall tax.

Crooks 'too lazy' for crypto


Catching pedofiles

Actually, this is the joke of it all. Clearly the government is not really interested in catching pedofiles, having how many pedo rings you could catch if you actually spent 500 million pounds of detective salaries for following up leads of just pedos? Heaps I bet. I'm sure that there's enough leads out there just now "real" desire to bother catching any. Smoke and mirrors.


How do you know the file is encrypted

If it hasn't been decrypted. I can't wait till the first person to get jailed for refusing to hand over the encryption keys to a file of white noise.

Vetting database shows suspicion and spying are the new trust


Won't somebody please think of the adults!

I won't to know what safety withdrawal services are available once children hit that magic age where they are adults? You know, the age range where the vast majority of us live our lives. Sounds rather like cute puppy syndrome, they are oh so cute when they are puppies but no one gives a shit when they are adults.

i.e. fuck all the rights of adults for those oh so cute little puppies.

Boy, the next generation of adults from these kids will be such whooseys they will become natural targets for all criminals.
