* Posts by Filmmaker

1 publicly visible post • joined 17 Jul 2009

Did the Vatican suppress hidden 'Galileo Cryptogram'?


Another Vatican Hit Piece?

Stephen... Excellent question...you're right, I wasn't clear. House arrest for disobedience and house arrest for discovery as paramount as 'the planets and sun don't revolve around the earth' are two different things. I wish I could remember who said, "Anything as big and old as the Catholic Church is bound to have a few warts." As has often been the case, those in authority over Galileo may have handled the situation badly, but this article perpetuates the oft repeated notion that the church's motivation was to keep the populace ignorant (thus controllable). If their intent was to suppress his discoveries, I'm sure they could have, and we wouldn't know the name Galileo. They knew about his discoveries and even helped him. The book had already been published, thus, no suppression. Again, house arrest was for disobedience.