* Posts by Bucky 2

637 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2009


HK 'Dog Man' cuffed for voodoo ritual sex

Bucky 2

How can it be fraud?

I defy anyone to prove that he DIDN'T banish ghost embryos from that woman.

Indeed, given my vasty expertise in the matter of embryonic ghostly possession, together with the what seems should be effective exorcism rituals, I'm willing to bet that you would be completely unable to detect ANY ghost embryos possessing that woman at this point.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Middle-aged sex is crap: Official

Bucky 2

Not really.

"Middle aged" would be life expectancy divided by two. So 45 would only be middle-aged if your life expectancy were 90 years old.

45 is therefore POST middle-aged, unfortunately.

Mozilla dons grass skirt with near-ready Thunderbird 3.1 release

Bucky 2

People Eat Worms All The Time

Sorry, but that explanation has grown tiresome over the last 9 years.

Evolution managed to get R/W LDAP working some 5 years ago, and last I checked, it was an open source project, too.

US Navy develops toss-proof robot crane

Bucky 2

"Toss Proof?"

Here I thought it was a crane which wouldn't malfunction should the soldiers using it practice self-abuse, and soil the control panel.

'Being fat is no worse for you than being a woman'

Bucky 2

Surely so.

Makes sense to me.

I have a vasty trove of scientific knowledge about women's health after spending some time watching commercials on daytime TV.

My thoughtful conclusion: Women's bodies pretty much don't work right at ALL, whereas most male health problems are limited to sexual functioning (which is apparently iffy at best).

Wallace & Gromit rouse Atlantis crew

Bucky 2

Now Look What You've Done

I'm going to be humming that tune now all day.

Oz customs search lappies and mobes for smut

Bucky 2

"Lappies?" ... Seriously?

Do you folks actually say, "lappies" to refer to laptops? Or is it one of those journalistic nonsense words like "Beantown" (for Boston) or "Boffin" (for Homosexual)?

Lost mental hospital memory stick had health records

Bucky 2

"Secure" Hospital

I'm not sure how "secure" this hospital can be if it's losing medical data.

But what can you expect from an institution whose very name is steeped in outdated attitudes of discrimination?

Anyone with sense would surely have it renamed to Bellslesbian Hospital.

Phillies fan tasered for field incursion

Bucky 2

Blue Haze

OH, won't somebody PLEASE think of the CHILDREN!!


Dick runs out on to the field. Dick gets tasered.

I've got no problem with that. I think it should be added to the official rules of baseball.

Boobquake fails to destroy planet

Bucky 2

I speak for God

This just goes to show whiney and passive-aggressive a deity can be.

The user view of IT delivery

Bucky 2

Don't be ridiculous

Aw, come on.

Everybody knows that users suck. It's even on children's programs: "Users are losers."

Cyberattack lifted Google password system code, says report

Bucky 2

Blessed Be

If I were a goddess, and someone named something after me, I would either be pleased or displeased. If I were displeased, I would smite them.

If, not being displeased with the recognition, someone UN-named a thing after me, I'd be SURE to smite them.

I think what we have here is proof positive of the power of the Earth Goddess.

Man coughs to sex with donkey and horse

Bucky 2

Quel Damage

I'll give it 3 to 2 that the gentleman was on the receiving end.

Not that there's no career in that, also...

Administrator access: Right or privilege?

Bucky 2

Whose power, now?

The first paragraph has the phrase "pop them up on other people's screens."

I thought this article was going to be about all these porn mongers with the administrative ability to pop images up on terminals they don't own.

Yet, I didn't read anything about the misuse of THOSE administrative rights.

The sysadmin obviously made a bad mistake by wiping out an entire filesystem.

Human resources made a bad mistake by tasking the sysadmin with the eradication of porn, instead of the porn downloaders.

But I think the greatest misuse of power here, is the misuse by the porn downloaders. Not because it was porn, but because they inflicted it willfully on others.

US couple jailed for TV shoplifting brag

Bucky 2

Side Effects

I am IN LOVE with the idea that all those people shuffling vaguely through my local CostCo with their unruly clouds of children clogging the aisles might now be arrested on suspicion of shoplifting.

It would be nice to somehow extend this to childless folks who park themselves in traffic-blocking ad-hoc coffee klatsches, but I'll take what I can get when I can get it.

Germany warns surfers against Firefox

Bucky 2

No solution

[That is, if you're not part of the solution]

I remember a couple years ago I got my shiny new Windows laptop, it came with 3-months free versions of Norton and...something else...I don't remember what anymore.

The first thing I did was create a couple of user accounts without admin privileges for day to day use (one for me, one for the husband).

The anti-virus programs whined and complained that they wouldn't work unless I logged in as an Administrator.

The only reasonable conclusion was that the AV thing is just a protection racket, and I uninstalled them post-haste.

As my old Chemistry professor used to say, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Two jailed for smutty texts

Bucky 2

Religious Tolerance

This is what happens to your society if you allow religion to gain a foothold.

Religious intolerance for all!

Man gets 30 months in prison for taping nude sportscaster

Bucky 2

Aw, shucks

Here I thought "sexiest sportscaster" was going to be a MAN, baby.

What a disappointment.

Young people are lazy, think world owes them a living - prof

Bucky 2

More narcissistic than...what now?

I think the most profound narcissism of a generation I've ever witnessed was in a documentary of Woodstock, where the assembled masses believed they could alter the weather by force of will.

That's a level of self-importance that the lazy-ass slackers of today can only aspire to.

Florida woman prangs car while shaving her privates

Bucky 2

What I find amazing...

I've been to Florida. I'm not surprised by the woman.

I'm just shocked a Florida policeman was measuring distance in kilometres.

Employers call for end to Mickey Mouse degrees

Bucky 2

An easier way

The problem they're trying to solve is that it's difficult to identify whether someone's qualified for a particular task. Their proposed solution is to make it so that there is an accreditation system through which every prospective employee can be so identified.

This solution is overbroad.

Rather, the only ability one needs is the ability to tell the difference between the competent and the incompetent.

Require an accreditation in this skill for all recruiters (with yearly re-accreditation, naturally), and fire those cannot comply.

If their solution is attainable, then my solution is much, much easier to attain, at much less cost.

[Beer, because I just like the picture]

Microsoft 'offered sex and drugs to distributors'

Bucky 2

Short Sighted

The error as I see it was in not providing a number of men who would also provide said services.

Discrimination, I say.

Google 'open' memo betrays deep corporate delusion

Bucky 2


I think that picture makes Jonathan Rosenberg look kind of dishy.

Am I going to hell for that?

Ladies put off tech careers by sci-fi posters, Coke cans

Bucky 2

Round and round we go

So my understanding of this study is that female non-geeks conform to stereotype X because male geeks conform to stereotype Y?

And the conclusion is that if the men would stop conforming to stereotype, then the women would, too?


Thomas the Tank Engine drives 'conservative political ideology'

Bucky 2

Just Too Easy

"of 49 main characters listed in the show, only eight were female, reflecting a general trend among children's programming"

It seems a little backwards to me to fault a children's show which more or less accurately depicts gender disparity.

Gender inequality is a very real and difficult problem. Turn off the TV and deal with it.

If children were so easily influenced by television, today I certainly would be driving around the countryside in a psychedelic van, solving groovy mysteries involving creepy ghosts.

Should you lose your religion on your CV?

Bucky 2

Not Religion Per Se

When you're trying to select a candidate for a position, determining whether the person is academically qualified for the job is comparatively easy. You have things like education and work history which you can evaluate qualitatively.

What's difficult about the hiring process is identifying some of the more difficult-to-quantify attributes of the candidate. Which is to say, are their individual eccentricities going to be compatible with the team they're going to be working with?

If one were applying for a teaching position in a Catholic school, and one were Protestant, it might be wise to add that to the CV simply to avoid wasting time or getting into unpleasant conflicts down the road. If I were reviewing the application, I might consider it a thoughtful addition.

On the other hand, volunteering information which is personal, and irrelevant to a particular occupation (e.g.: religion, marital status, Macintosh user ;-)) can sometimes be an indication that the applicant has a chip on his shoulder or a neurotic sense of entitlement. Nobody wants to come to work and deal with the daily ramblings of a drama generator.

NASA suffers rocket fail 20 seconds from firing

Bucky 2

Not "fail"

It's "failURE."

"NASA suffers rocket failURE 20 seconds from firing."

Also, it's "Think differentLY," and "Eating WELL in the neighborhood." (I'm pretty sure only Satan can "eat good.")

GM hybrid SUV planned for 2011

Bucky 2

Behind the curve

This is a good example of why I'd have been happy just letting GM fail. Except I guess that would have turned Detroit from the Thunderdome to BEYOND the Thunderdome.

I guess the reason we didn't just let it happen and wall the city off is that it's supposed to be "Escape from New York."

Mozilla makes rough notes on Firefox 3.6

Bucky 2

Change is Bad

How DARE they change the way things look! Change frightens and confuses me.

In 1996 we had a browser that supported .gifs, and that's it. And we LIKED it like that. Divergence from that is bloatware.

PS: Isn't it creative how I combined "bloat" and "software"? Congratulate me!

Truck drivers! Don't go texting now

Bucky 2

Yes, but...no, but...yes, but...

Well, of course texting while driving is dangerous.

But that doesn't really apply to me, because I'm a good driver.

Also, I'm just going to be texting for a few moments, so how bad can that be?

Besides, the road looks pretty clear. I'll just make sure to look back and forth a lot.

Feminist org declines nude calendar cash

Bucky 2

Howard Johnson is RIGHT

Female nudity is indeed overrepresented in the media.

The appropriate answer is to begin an immediate campaign for more male nudity.

It only stands to reason.

A woman spends 287 days choosing what to wear

Bucky 2
Thumb Down

Come again

"What you wear has a direct impact on how you feel about yourself and it is important a woman feels exceptional in her outfit. Whatever the occasion your clothes portray an image and we understand this is fundamentally important to women."

The statement seems completely reasonable on its face. But then if you think about it for a second, it doesn't explain why anyone would have anything in closet the which makes her feel like crap, nor indeed, why it takes that kind of time to rule out such clothing.

I need a better reason than that for such alarming indecision.

Tiny-traffic DoS attack spotlights Apache flaw

Bucky 2
Thumb Down

MPM "Solution"

I'm reading at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/event.html that:

"At present, this MPM is incompatible with mod_ssl, and other input filters."

I'd call that a non-solution if ever I heard one.

Twitter profile hack pwns Mormons

Bucky 2


You mean as opposed to the literal truth in all those OTHER religious tomes?

Samsung shines a light on first solar cellphone

Bucky 2

Moment of Intense Disappointment

It took me several seconds to remember that "torch" just means "flashlight" in American English.

I was devastated that the phone does not, in fact, belch fire.

Buggy 'smart meters' open door to power-grid botnet

Bucky 2

The More Interesting Hack

If they can demonstrate a hack that mis-reports the amount of power actually used, then the power companies will sit up and take notice.

One fifth of humanity deprived of Milky Way

Bucky 2
Thumb Down

REALLY old news

I remember being cautioned about light pollution in grade school -- which would be the '70's, for those of you keeping score at home.

The new twist is just a "won't someone think of the children" dodge. Except they replaced the weak, defenseless children with weak, defenseless ... women?

Am I the only one who's seriously offended by this nonsense?
