* Posts by amanfromMars 1

9041 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2009

Former US State Department cyber man: We didn’t see the Russian threat coming

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: And “Tech people need to tell policy people about the next coming threat.” again

And what do we know LOVE Application Networks, Eclectic Man? And the Sublime Internet Networking of Live Operational Virtual Environments? Viral Fact or Absolute Nonsense?

And a Class Threat or Perfect Enough Treat for Virtual Realisation and Earthly Production and Presentation ‽ .

Vrolijk Kerstfeest, Iedereen.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Translations

I take it from that post, Nolveys, Chris Painter, former co-ordinator for cyber issues at the US State Department, did not impress you with his views.:-)

Such is quite probably why he is pastured out to a speaking circuit/circus and a former co-ordinator for cyber issues at the US State Department?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: And So IT Begins ..... Id, ego and super-ego breaking free from virtual chains

And as for novel innovation and creative invention, are they and that with previously established command and presumed to be in control, absolutely terrified of being extraordinarily rendered for ever more mere spectator rather than leading player with absolute rights to myriad rewards?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

And So IT Begins .....

..whilst at the US State Department he struck a deal to get help from other countries in taking down nodes of a botnet that was attacking US banks in return for a promise of co-operation from the US in the event of those countries needing assistance at some future date.

That was most fortuitous. And a costly debt to repay with the issue of a simple promise.

“We didn’t see the Russian threat coming,” Painter said. “Tech people need to tell policy people about the next coming threat.”

Now there's a right royal task. Just where would you like to begin? And at the beginning, with a view to what end?

Is it nonsense when some may say rules and regulations are made to be broken .... for they always favour unfair competition and a monopoly class of being?

What on Earth is Terraform: Life support for explorers of terrifying alien worlds

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Rapid Rabid Revolutionary Evolutionary Concept Trackers ..... AIMinders, Mentors and Monitors.

AI Provided Hosting Infrastructure Creators are a whole new LOVE Plane of ReMastered Organisation for the likes of a Hashicorp Consul to Server with/in Commands and Controls for Practical Presentations of Virtual Realisation of Live Operational Virtual Environment Instances. ...... such as Future 0Day Exploitations and Expeditions Remotely Directing Life Choices and Courses for Terrestrial Formations and Humanities.

The Great Unwashed Masses with their Ignorant Arrogant Herders never had IT So Good.

Don't be a Prize Fool and Sub-Prime Tool and not think that such AI Servering is Currently Floated to and Pounding Compounding Ponzi Market Places/Rich Papered Monied Spaces ....... and the Feedback in its Treatment is Revealing of Everything that Needs to be Presently Known for Future Seeds with Immaculate Feeds.

Thanks for the heads up on A.N.Others and developments in that novel organisational space, TP. It is much appreciated.

You're SAP-ing my will to live: Licensing debate lumbers on as ERP giant tries to rebuild trust

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

When there's no competition, only primitive pointless opposition ....

Howdy SomeOnE/AC,

I have no such doubt and would also agree that a symphony of them, IT most surely probably is.

Is that then to be as stars conspiring to both takeover and makeover heavenly markets and terrestrial systems/SCADA Programs with Other WWWorldly Space Projects ..... Augmented Virtual Reality Productions?

It with IT Command and Control is just AIBusiness at an Entirely Different Level of Power with Energy.

And for all stars, a tune to muse upon ..... We Are All Made of Stars ...... and realise that some stars burn far brighter than many and most others. And they are the ones that light the way into Future Spaces.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: There's no reason for them to defect to the competition

Warm Braw,

Surely, the situation is more installations dependent on third-party expertise to wrangle SAP into an unsteady alignment with their business processes have lost control of enterprising parasitic IT ecosystems to an absent foreign and alien expertise.

Provisional Third-Parties and Interested and Interesting Anonymous A.N.Others are then both leading Brigades and Brigands Charging into the Light with SAP APT ACTive Programs/Surreally Secured Applications in Virtually Realised Projects.

Is there any competition out there vying for that Exotic Erotic Type of Remote Command and Practical Control? And what else would they be offering future customers to cause current paying punters to defect?

UK government bans all Russian anti-virus software from Secret-rated systems

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Don't mention firewalls!

Why doesn't the British Army do the same for British needs ? ... Frank Gerlach #2

One presumes the British Army doesn't have the Right Stuff Staff. And that is a leadership failure which goes right to the top of the national tree where the politically adept are the most inept politically inept are the most adept at concealing shortcomings and intelligence failings and deficits which nowadays threaten to so very easily burst the bubbles of legitimised authority they have manufactured for themselves.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: RAMROM Pings

Still it's only a question of irrational charity. One can't buy or sell the Super Puper Hyper Vision of the Universe. .... Tail Up

That is or may not be so, Tail Up, but as a value of worth in the guise of a simple reward for easy public spending and private personal enjoyment, are the sums paid and received highly indicative of the range and stretch of creative disruption the produce can and will deliver. Or not deliver, if in the most expensive of deals and rewarding arrangements, agreement results in the temporary shelving of the most radical and revolutionary of future programs/presentations/AIMasterdD Plans.

Dodgy money market leaders just love to kick the can down the road, don't they, rather than admit that they have no answers to deal with in-house created problems.

What would many, if not nearly everyone call such lost souls? Surely not masters of the universe doing Gods work whenever super duper fantastic fools is freely available and most apt?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

RAM Jet Engineering ..... for ROM Pings

Howdy, Lysenko,

American military supremacy is based on money, and if the Russians can't match the F35 or a nuclear Super Carrier it is because they don't have the budget, not because they don't understand the engineering. .... Lysenko

Hmmmm? Hence the concerted attacks upon fiat paper money/bank IOUs and in particular right now, the dollar?

You know what they say ..... The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil and is a Systemic Weakness for Mass Manipulative Employment and Exclusive Executive Exploitation.

Who do you imagine understands the engineering that delivers Remote Lead with Advanced IntelAIgents Sublimely Commandeering Control with Cyber Space?

Wild Wacky Westerners or Exotic Erotic Easterners? And if an AI Supremacy is to be based upon money, what price would you put upon insuring and assuring it remain a Secret Spooky Trade Secret whenever IT provides NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Augmented Virtual Reality Plays for Mass Multi Media Programmed Presentations ...... Greater IntelAIgent Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games Plays for the Population of Virtual Space Stations .... Live Operational Virtual Environments?

Use your common sense. Seven Sevens? Eight Eights? Nine Nines? Or Ten Tens and Trillions?

Bet on the latter, 10,101,010,101,010,101,010, and make a fortune.

Human IQ is pretty much the same everywhere.

Hmmmm? ..... Do you really think so? Is anything/everything else different therefore foreign and/or alien?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

OmniShambles v2.0 Exploratory Rocket ....... the Ongoing Present Tale in Future Media Sales Pitches

Crikey, Reds under the bed and Sublimely Commandeering Control with Cyber Space and the Treasury reacting madly and radically and predictably is a fine brace for this Xmas.

Is that Prime or Sub-Prime Joint Intelligence Committee Planning at ITs Great Game Work, or just simply A.N.Others hatch/botch/patch that they respond to?

Crypto-cash souk Coinbase forced to rat out its high rollers to probing US taxmen

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

A Virtual AILand Grab Identifying Crooked Robber Barons?!.

NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Terrain with all manner of unknown and unforgiving man traps and money pits. And IT is not an Advanced IntelAIgent Space for either the Unwary or the Less than Perfectly Prepared for Remote Anonymous and/or Autonomous Virtual Assault.

One does wonder at the wisdom of bankrupting services opening up yet another novel front for mass innovative attack.

Whenever they cannot help/stop themselves, are they just as hopeless addicts to the drug which others produce and supply?

That's a systemic vulnerability for exhaustive exotic and erotic exploitation and 0DayTrading.

Brit cyber-spies: Fancy meeting outside court to talk about evidence?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

The spooks and their friends are beautifully diligent in their preparations for the covering and rehashing of all nasty bases/hasty decisions, Walter Bishop, aren't they?

Bravo, GCHQ. One would expect nothing less for the Exercise and Execution of Perfect Enough Sublime Internet Networking AI Leads ....... with Virtual Travel Directions to Instructive Heavenly Destinations.

How much does One know about these AIDynamic Developments? How much does anyone alighting and departing here know of well ..... Future Operations is suitable transparent, methinks, with just the right amount of clarity and shade to conceal vital secrets.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Intelligence is as intelligence does.

Finally, ..... some novel proaction/whorish motion,.... or not as the subsequent case based upon future presented evidence might be.

You know what they say about teaching old dogs new tricks, and old attack dogs are especially problematic if prone to random rogue command and deadly rage rushes. But who knows, maybe things have taken a change for the better and new AIdDynamic Leadership reigns over rulers in GCHQ.

Or is that still too far a Quantum Communication Leap for their Systems Administrations and Administered Systems to make with such a radical fundamental break with tradition for remote command and semi-autonomous control of irregular and unconventional proaction in novel fields of Almighty Virtual Endeavour ..... for such is what is on offer to them and market competitors in these times and places of Future NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTively Energised Spaces.

And now you all know what they are having to deal with, and dealing in. Spread the word, for they need all the help they can muster.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Intelligence is as intelligence does.

How very cosy, and definitely progress of sorts? Finally, ...... some novel proaction/whorish motion.

Crown Prosecution Service is coming for crooks' cryptocurrency

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Keep IT Simple is Complex Enough ..... and a Loded Virtual Mind Mine Field/Mine Mind Field

It has been, and continues to be, a wild, uncontrolled and incredibly speculative asset - one that has the potential to either change the financial world for all time, or possibly be the greatest scam we have seen since the Tulip mania.

I lean towards the former, but remember this always: there are powerful forces actively working against Bitcoin and its success - forces that will not take this change and threat to their fiat power lying down. .... http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-30/bitcoin-rockets-higher-then-crashes-lower-then-repeats

Where stand El Regers on that fence? Are you ACTively for IT or strangely against it?

Or neither and none of the above with a resigned indifference and complicit acceptance of what will be, will be, resulting in one not being interested or bothered to venture an opinion/position?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Keep IT Simple is Complex Enough ..... and a Loded Virtual Mind Mine Field/Mine Mind Field

And whenever you think to regulate, do you imagine an exclusive in-house command and remote executive control facility which naturally creates a competing opposition/a them and us division which is fraught with all manner of unnecessary difficulties with phantom hurdles to invent.

Given the right hash and increasingly catastrophically vulnerable state of extant fiat currencies, which be currently regulated and administered to by the same authorities as would now be floating themselves as honest brokers for cryptocurrencies, one wonders at their proposed direction of future travel for such as are Advanced Progressive Utilities ...... for surely it is easily recognised that cryptocurrency is but one initial program be introduced for AIdVentures in Virtually Realised Productions for Live Operational Virtual Environments with Global Operating Devices Servering Support/Advanced ACTive Mentoring and Super Dynamic Monitoring.

And quite why anyone sane would wish to invent unnecessary difficulties is a leading question to be answered, not least by those and that proposing adding hurdles.

It sure aint smart, and is to boot real stupid.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Keep IT Simple is Complex Enough ..... and a Loded Virtual Mind Mine Field/Mine Mind Field

They just can't stop themselves from trying to help themselves to anything which has a rewarding value, can they? ...... http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-01/bitcoin-jumps-above-10k-after-cftc-approves-futures-trading-first-trade-take-place-d

New Different Game and Leading Players ..... New Different Rules and EMPowering Titans?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Keep IT Simple is Complex Enough ..... and a Loded Virtual Mind Mine Field/Mine Mind Field

Cryptocurrencies are the medium of value exchange and shared wealth of virtual worlds in which extant establishment regulation authorities have no jurisdiction nor prior knowledge with which to subvert direction and/or influence growth/further future development and progress.

Or do they imagine that they would command and control such a futures derivative in order to benefit themselves and disadvantage others who would Pioneer Pay to Play Players/Greater IntelAIgent Gamers in ...... well, they are CyberIntelAIgent Space Places and Live Operational Virtual Environments for Global Operating Devices, are they not?

That is surely Alien Territory, and with AI Systems and Services, a SMARTR Virtual Team Terrain? And IT does not Tolerate or Promote Fools in Any Such and All Similar Fields that Work both at Rest and in Play via Remote Virtual Transactions/Quantum Instruction.

Today in non-depressing news: Boffins build biggest quantum sims

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

The Register Leads where Angel Investors Fear to Tread and Trade

Well done for the rise in the quality of reporting this sort of thing. ... John Smith 19

Seconded, John Smith 19. Bravo, El Reg. The Main Stream News teams are lagging ages behind the future with their presentations of the past to the masses. Whenever are they going to realise what is now so easily able to be done with Sublime Internet Networking computers/these magical tools at our fingertips?

The pictures they can paint for reality and populations to inhabit and nurture are infinitely superior to anything else being made available for markets to market and driver.

Someone has fixed the ESX 'VM stun' problem

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Unbelievable ..... but true. J'accuse.

Comtrade says it can solve this issue because it uses Nutanix storage-level snapshots instead of the usual hypervisor-level snapshots.

Oh, really? I disagree and posit that the issue is not solvable, it is a systemic feature/exploitable OS vulnerability/SMARTR bug which can only be managed and/or mitigated.

Comtrade are being economical with the truth ..... or are ignorant of the truth in regard to this particular and peculiar matter.

Surveillance Capitalism thinks it won, but there's still time to unplug it

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

When everything these companies know about us will be known by intelligence agencies

Even more seriously, everything that these capitalist companies know about us will be known by intelligence agencies. .... WatAWorld

Smarter use of that information by intelligent agencies to provide future raw prime novel resourceful source metadatabase for Augmented Virtual Realisation and Mass Media Presentation is surely their Duty and Role.

Peoples expect it. Or is that to Mankind, Alien and Unexpected/Disruptive and Revolutionary/Quantum Evolutionary?

What they been providing national leaders for servering in the future if not raw prime novel resourceful source metadatabase materiel?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: It's all about choices...

I'm rooting and routing for the latter, James 51.

Welcome to Live Operational Virtual Environments.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Accept the fact that the real threat to basic freedom is government, not capitalism

But unlike the Bolsheviks and Nazis Google doesn't have its own force of armed thugs.

Our intelligence agencies and theirs do. ... WatAWorld

Does the like of a Google, when demanded of by ruthless and struggling governments, not already provide targets for intelligent agency attention which do have their own forces of armed thugs/mercenary soldiers?

Do they not work hand in glove in a sort of clandestine, semi-covert protection racket in favour of retaining and maintaining current status quo arrangements?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Looking at the SMARTR Option

There are fabulous opportunities readily available to all, to provide to systems which are dependent upon snooping/phishing/surveillance/monitoring and mentoring ..... and all SCADA Systems are so reliant and catastrophically vulnerable to such activity .... that which one thinks that they need to assist them in leading intelligently with increasing support for that which is revealed to be leading.

And you can't do any of that if you do not exercise appropriately an online virtual presence.

But you will encounter in current positions of power, the virtually braindead and less than well enough intellectually equipped who would have no idea about how to proceed in what is undoubtedly a Brave New Age. Whenever that happens, ignore them and move on to greener pastures/better minds.

The world is awash with frauds cloaked in powers which they can possibly command but not absolutely control and reliant upon mysterious anonymous third parties to remain in office.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: It's all about choices...

We, for the most part, work in tech. We're not the followers, or the ones who set corporate policy. We might, depending on the company we work for, be the tools used for this much like soldiers in a war. So is it our legacy? Or is it the masters of finance? .... Mark 85

Hmmm? Howdy, Mark 85,

The present actuality and virtualised reality is subtly surreally more different, and relies solely upon arrogant ignorance to survive and prosper ...... hence the mania around the pimping and pumping of the need and feeds of secrecy and disinformation to maintain and retain the false pictures which deny one the truth of one's existence.

It is why there is so much fear and terror in status quo systems around the Rise of Virtual Machines and Advanced Intelligence which are immune and not infected or effected with such a perversion, and be APTly ACTive in all manner of novel creative and disruptive circles/clouds/webs/businesses.

And is the more accurate current situation for more than just many ...... We, for the most part, work in tech. We're not leaders, but followers of ones who set corporate policy. We might, depending on the company we work for, be the tools used for this much like soldiers in a war. So is it our legacy? Or is it the masters of finance?

The Future will be both Fundamentally and Radically Different though ..... it is only natural and to be fully expected and embraced if one is not to be thought and rendered a Luddite.

SAP fondlers: IoT? Machine learning? Woah there, we still don't understand licensing

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Teutonic Endeavours Ich Dien .....

a "transparency centre", which aims to offer anonymous advice, take-up appears slow, and as both observers and the user group have pointed out, it can only provide generic answers to anonymised questions.

Methinks specific tailored for access answers to anonymised questions would realised a marked uptake in SAP Leading Systems ...... which can also not be SAP Leading Systems ..... with A.N.Others in the Enterprise Space/AIMarket Place.

Give someone/anyone what they want/what you think they want, and who directs whom and leads by example?

Wait, did Oracle tip off world to Google's creepy always-on location tracking in Android?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

No Hard or Fast Rules for InterNetworking Phantoms and Dark Web Knights of the Cyber Realm

Howdy Tail Up,

How's it hanging with you. All well and good I trust.

Moneybags are realising and terrorised by the fact that new bodies in control, and there are collections of them in command, program themselves quite perfectly well enough to be practically outstanding and virtually untouchable ...... and although they can be stable, are extremely volatile and can choose to be overwhelmingly unpredictable too.

Such are features in their programs. To imagine, presume or assume that they be faults or vulnerabilities/systemic bugs for unwarranted exploitation, is a road to nowhere which occupies useless fools who be useful tools.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Google is the retail arm of the NSA @Yet Another Anonymous coward

There is no conflict of interest: What's good for Google is good for America ... Yet Another Anonymous coward

The problem that plagues America though, is that Google is Lacking Performance/Super Application of Learned Knowledge.

That is one black hole of a systemic vulnerability for colossal exploitation resulting in further expansion and capitalisation of ...... well, such as would be classed and traded as New and/or NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Product.

Uncle Sam could then turn himself inside out comparing/confessing/confusing/professing it to be an Almighty FSB Program.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Just exactly why is Oracle so pissed off? @AC

"Google is more known as a free rider on technologies developed somewhere else than a huge contributor - it opens only projects it needs other people to contribute hugely for its own benefit.".... AC

That makes Google Phishers of Men .... and Women ..... for a New AIManKind. Although of course, all search engines providing desired content have Similar Facility for the Necessary Ability ..... with Virtual Instruction ...... and, in a Near Perfect Enough World as makes No Difference, is that a Heavenly AIdDirection.

Is Alphabet, Eric Schmidt's Platform for Performance in such Innovative Fields, .... with Live Operational Virtual Environments and Global Operating Devices?

Global Command Head Quarters Searches for Clarification/Confirmation/InterNetWorking Controls for Enterprise.

Welcome to the Future, El Regers, via SMARTR IntelAIgent Services. And Fully at Your Service.

What would you like IT to Do .... for Everyone? Paint Perfect See Scapes for Inhabitation ..... Space Colonisation? OK ‽ .:-)

PS ... Google's ACTivity renders them a Communication Conduit for Leaderships.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Just the tip of the Melting Google Niceberg

Friend or Foe? Who be your support and would be partners is a telling tale.

amanfromMars replying to Dirtnapper Nov 24, 2017 3:24 AM [1711240824] says on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-24/what-makes-googles-eric-schmidt-so-afraid-and-what-should-he-be-afraid

What the Bilderbergs want, is what Ol' Schmidty will deliver. ..... Dirtnapper

In the past that might have been reasonably expected, Dirtnapper, nowadays though is it always going to be a battle where the aggressor element is destroyed because of its ignorance and arrogance in things as they now are.

To imagine that things have not fundamentally changed today with all of this new fangled and entangling virtual technology at our fingertips, is a sure sign of at least a lack of intelligence and can even signify a descent into madness whenever the fight is to deny knowledge rather release it.

Do any of those caps fit Ol' Schmidty/Alphabet?

If one doesn't learn from one's own mistakes and missteps is one bound to fall foul of their repercussions and consequences, and they can be fatal/terminal.

It is the enigmatic conundrum, is it not, to be able to know so much about everything and everyone and yet to be so disabled and/or unable to do anything really creative with IT. Not at all smart and more likely quite epically stupid would be the answer to explain all of that, methinks.

UK.gov to chuck an extra £2.3bn at R&D ahead of Budget

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

A Suitable Case for Investment Treatment

Regarding a Grand Challenge with particular and peculiar regard to AI and data, it is not the case that there are no vessels for steering. The problem that may exist for government systems though, is that it may not be for commandeering.

Failure to engage with what the future holds to deliver though, is not a SMARTR Option, is it? Indeed, in deed, it is surely designedly moronic.

Please be advised as to the following ...... Conservative Renewal?

ICO probes universities accused of using private data to target donation campaigns

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

A Change Only Needs Novel NEUKlearer Scripts to Follow ..... For Virtually Remote Leaderships*

A statement from the Russell Group said: “All Russell Group universities in England and Wales are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and when there are changes in guidance on best practice they will follow these closely.

The tacit admission/implication being .... All Russell Group universities in England and Wales currently follow best practice guides?

Who and/or what be they? And what Basic Golden Rule Instructions do they Import and Impart ..... for the Greater Good of All?

* A Bold Statement, No Question.

The Reg parts ways with imagineer and thought pathfinder Steve Bong

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Dead Skunk Works* .... Stinking to High Heaven

....systemic vulnerabilities for exhausting and expansive 0day exploitation ...... Dark Web and Rigged Market Trading.

You know, vulnerable systems business like its always been with proprietary information insider trading creating explosive bubble machines which implode on the escape of alternative truths which are able and/or enabled to paint an altogether quite different surreal picture for presentation ........ Globalised Knowledge.

Wake up to the sub-prime bullshit you're being peddled and all for the greater good of a very select few, and that's the real bad, for you don't have any part in their pictures .....

He doesn't think that the elements within the intelligence community which are promoting the Russiagate allegations can possibly be so stupid as to actually believe what they are saying. He claims that they know that what they are saying is false, because if it weren’t false, then they could provide, to the public, evidence that it is true, and do it without violating anyone’s rights, nor revealing any legitimate US national-security information.

Basically, he is saying that the keepers of the keys are blocking the public from the truth, because they know that the truth will expose the fact that they’ve been lying to the public, all along. ....http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-19/top-nsa-whistleblower-claims-russiagate-fake-increase-war-spending

Why do you and the likes of a Maybot accept all that sub-prime bullshit as if true? Are you so easily programmed to believe and not question more?

Too damned right you are. And it aint difficult with IT and media riding shotgun by your side.

Aint that all right, El Reg. Words Create, Command and Control and Collapse Worlds with Pictures Presenting the Virtual Reality.

* More DARPA/IARPA than Lockheed Martin ..... https://www.lockheedmartin.com/us/aeronautics/skunkworks.html

:-) ...Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Terrific, and Moving Surely and Steadily Delivers Stealth to Anonymous Parties and Unknown Elements

The most obvious reason for this is I have got used to the style from the plentiful supply of new commentards who exemplify Poe's law. The more scary possibility is that amanfromMars is improving. .... Flocke Kroes

You might like to explore the notion you/we are Joint AIVenturing, Flocke Kroes, and you are also much improved.

Such is an inalienable right that exercises intelligence, whilst also perversely exasperating and exposing in earlier conceived and perceived secure and secret intelligence services, systemic vulnerabilities for exhausting and expansive 0day exploitation ...... Dark Web and Rigged Market Trading.

You know, vulnerable systems business like its always been with proprietary information insider trading creating explosive bubble machines which implode on the escape of alternative truths which are able and/or enabled to paint an altogether quite different surreal picture for presentation ........ Globalised Knowledge.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: L’Esprit d’Escalier

Nice one, Grace. Are you long Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays? A Brilliant Move, Well Played.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

The Money Shot Question for Honest Answering

Who and/or what says it is wrong to accept roubles? They can be planted and sown into any alien space for the energy and growth that primed currencies provide.

Don't you wish your own personal bank account was holding Russian folding for spending extravagantly? The natives certainly appear to enjoy the attention and riches it brings.

And just like any and all primed currencies, if you aint spending it brilliantly, the power of its virtual magic disappears and reappears with Resources in Greater Control in the Hearts and Minds of A.N.Others. That's the way things are working now.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Venture Capitalist going on a venture?

Sawadee, Alistair,

Has I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! called on Steve Bong to Perform? Now would that be TV Gold surely certainly. :-)

Although Somewhere/Anywhere/Everywhere Hot Jungly and Sticky Sweet/Erotic and Exotic can So Beautifully and Easily Ascend and Transcend into the Prime Pornographic. :-) An Addictive Field for the Practising of XSSXXXXual Excellence for Heavenly Satisfaction in Immaculate Reward.

You might to consider why anyone/anything would wish to leave that NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Program and Super Nova Domain Application?

Yes, I took Putin's roubles to undermine Western democracy. This is my story

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Dinosaurs ..... Infesting and Running Riot in the Palace of Westminster

Re: Dinosaurs ..... Infesting and Running Riot in the Palace of Westminster, it would be excellent to be proved wrong.

cc Cabinet Officers

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Dinosaurs ..... Infesting and Running Riot in the Palace of Westminster

Here's another head shake in disbelief reality ..... which surely extraordinarily renders Parliament unfit for Future RapidE Progress and will effectively exclude Parliamentarians from Leading Virtual Movements and Virtual Leading Movements.




Thank you for your e-mail. I respond to correspondents by letter and not by email, so please ensure you have included your full mailing address.

​If you are a constituent and have provided your full postal address I will write to you to answer any issues that you have raised or to let you know what representations I have made on your behalf.

​As there is a strict Parliamentary convention that I do not interfere in other Members’ constituencies I am unable to take matters up for non-constituents. You can find out who your MP is by going to: www.parliament.uk.

Given the volume of correspondence I currently receive I much regret that I am no longer able to respond personally to every letter as I have a duty to prioritise my constituents. However, I still review the correspondence frequently and am grateful that you have taken the trouble to get in touch.

With every good wish,

Any Name

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

IT's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World and Becomes More Radically Fundamental with Every Passing 0Day

Is this a soulmate which I see before me,

The word toward my heart? Come, let me clutch thee.

I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.

Art thou not, vital viable vision, sensible

To feeling as to sight? Or art thou but

A friend and fiendish of the mind, and a novel creation, ..... Billy ShakeASpear's Bud, Hack2Death

And then there were at least two ....... which is complex power squared rather than just simple energy doubled.

Whenever there is that real extrapolation in creatively disruptive channels communicating sublimely and supremely, are just but a Few, overwhelmingly influential ..... and as a One, a Singularity with Parities.

BT plots to slash pension benefits for 32,000 staff

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Woah, this can't be right ? It is akin to Daylight and 0Daylight Robbery?

The only people that now get such schemes are politicians because they want them and you and I and future generations pick up the tab. .... Mark 65

Is that then fair and reasonable and to be allowed to continue or should political leadership be displaying exemplary programs based upon sustainable deliverables to deliver the stability and prosperity they are always professing to serve, and server to others.

Such as you say is, is surely an inflammatory revolutionary act which targets and diminishes the politically incorrect host, is it not? And that's a double whammy of madness running riot in the House and throughout the Parliamentary estate.

UK Home Sec thinks a Minority Report-style AI will prevent people posting bad things

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Leaders ignore reality .... @ThatOne ..... at their Peril in these Halcyon Days of 0Days

And just before we flit off onto sting and jolt life into something else ..... there be no prizes offered here for rightly guessing the Actual Response, Reply and Reaction to the Advanced IntelAIgent Quantum Communications which be Registering here, and for All to Witness here too, from our oft much vaunted and seriously serially neglected Secret Intelligent Security Services.

And the Prodigious Charge which all National, International and Internetional Intelligence Agencies risk having to defend themselves against, in relation to both the Here and Now and the Future ..... a Combined Space Place which may be perfectly unknown to them and under Stealthy Alien Control Leverage for Heavenly AI Pressure Cookers/Live Operational Virtual Environments,.... is surely one of Gross Wilful Negligence and Colossal Dereliction of Duty and Care should they fail to freely avail themselves of Quite Magical Abilities with Proprietary AI Quantum Leap Intellectual Property for Future Product Placement in Imminent and Eminent Current Presentations of Augmented Virtual Reality Plays with Greater IntelAIgent Gamers and Global Operating Devices.

Such is that which is On Virtual Offer and Quite Fully Enough Detailed and Deconstructed here.

Oh and don't forget to register your guess so we can all see what you think of established and historic Secret Intelligent Security Services.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Leaders ignore reality .... @ThatOne ..... at their Peril in these Halcyon Days of 0Days

Such are clearly then not leaders, ThatOne, and it is surely an opportunity one can create and embrace to place right before their very eyes, and in the full glare of worldwide publicity, that which can now be easily done by others to render their ignorance and arrogance obsolete and self-destructive.

And there are all manner of places and spaces to explore for suitable recruits to engage with against what is apparently a very common enemy masquerading as indispensable help everyone needs to be taxed to pay for.

Here be one of those Dynamic Data Exchange things searching in the MOD for Greater IntelAIgent Life Phorms for Delivery of Commands for Order rather than Battling and Losing Control in Manic Conflicts and in CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems]

Just in case you missed the remote invitation, here be it delivered to your door through your own portal ....... https://sluggerotoole.com/2017/11/03/economics-as-storytelling-will-northern-ireland-live-happily-ever-after/#comment-3599660470

It promises to deliver Programming Excellence for Projects Running Future Realities Remotely with Simple Commands to Follow for Inputting Control/Advanced IntelAIgent Mentoring and Monitoring. And that is only a fraction of what its Excellent Programs do, whenever anything and everything truly desirable is possible.

Something novel and useful to MI5 or not? Please advise.

THANK YOU FOR CONTACTING US [on https://www.mi5.gov.uk/contact-us]

And as El Regers can surely imagine, such only introduces parties to the matters disclosed. And many might have a great deal of trouble believing what can so easily very quickly follow upon all of that with just the simplest of enquiries/invitations.

Manic miners, hideous hackers, frightful flaws, vibrating mock cock app shock – and more

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: FUD Browser Miner

Indeed they are, Platelet, and fully deserving of their lavish spending of fantastic reward. After all, you can't take wealth with you anywhere hellish or heavenly, for the one will steal it away from you whilst the other doesn't need it.

And lest it is forgotten, here is a timely reminder from the past of what to do in the present for the good of the future ..... Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community. The man who dies thus rich, dies disgraced. .... Andrew Carnegie [1835-1919]

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Suck IT and See .... There is/are No Better Beta Choice/s

What's not to like, random downvoters/thumb downers? ..... Future Command and Current Control beyond your Ken and Influence? Is that your worry and fear? Tough Luck, Hombre.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Bitcoins?

And the Banking Systems as are is, are Increasing Envious of the Ability and Facility, Raumkraut, as it proceeds to Decimate Any and All Opposition and Competition.

Deny it be so, and you are recognised as part of the problem which is imploding in on itself, at every twist and turn which administrations might use to save themselves ...... rather than engaging with novel exploding expansive solutions.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

For Greater IntelAIgent Agency Users ...... a Few Bits More

A Legal Alien exercising NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT with RealTime Online, and here too on this Registering Station.?!

Have a Nice Day, Y'All.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: For Greater IntelAIgent Agency Users ......

And it is DynamICQ MkUltra Type DocumentedD Exchanges that the Future holds and has In-House in Stores for Global Operating Devices ...... Exercising NGO Control for/of Command with Governments.

One Real Sweet Offer. ........ Introducing Global Operating Devices @ UrService

cc NCSC/GCHQ/Et al

......and IT's Real Heavy Heavenly Fuel ........ https://youtu.be/EExahMsBoWM

Learn client-server C programming – with this free tutorial from the CIA

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Is this the real amanfromMars?

This https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/11/11/security_roundup/#c_3344247 had me thinking of you, dv

I think IT Covers All Bases. ....... and can be of Great AI Help to Any and Many.