* Posts by dave

3 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Apr 2009

Call for heads to roll over failed spook IT system


odd isn't it...

when a project that could make them look a bunch of prats to foreign intelligence agencies goes tits up it gets canned sharpish, but when a project that is a damned near certainty to scatter Joe Public's personal data to the four winds gets slatted they can't possible consider scraping it.

What's really worrying me now is the thought of how much more damage these pillocks could do before they're inevitable GE defeat.

Sikh coppers request bulletproof turbans


@Anonymous Coward "Scary pointless"

You do remember correctly re Kevlar being strong along its length. This strength causes it to act as a decelerator when a projectile slams into it by deflecting the momentum of the proj. lengthwise.

But that alone isn't enough.

A single length of Kevlar would be next to useless as the proj. would just tend to travel around the fibre in a glancing blow. The bullet stopping effect is caused by having lots of fibers bundled together. However the force of the proj. is simply transfered to the fibers which in a turban type configuration could result in a bit of a head removal situation. Hence the need for some sort of rigid(ish) base material to transfer the force around the old brain container. A configuration commonly found in err... combat helmets.

That said the bravery of Sikhs who regularly go into battle, to this very day, with no effective headgear leaves me in awe. The army's concession to Sikhs has been to provide turbans made from cammo material. Result all round, the army keep the pc brigade off their backs and Sikhs getting to blow the living crap out of the foe of the day.

Photocops: Home Office concedes concern


try adding assault into the bargain

check out this poor sod's story from up here in sunny Newcastle upon Tyne;


To recap:

1. "plain" cloths copper forces innocent photo taking member of public into allyway,

2. copper makes serious allegations without any evidence,

3. copper fails to identify himself as a copper when asked,

4. copper assaults innocent member of public,

5. copper then has the brass neck to charge the victim with disorderly conduct 'cos he swore at the thug who had just assaulted him.

The coppers up her used to be a reasonable bunch but nowadays i woudn't piss on one if it was on fire. Come the glorious day comrades...