* Posts by Denise Harvey

2 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Nov 2008

Aussie government muffs plans for internet filtering

Denise Harvey
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Bob Brown's comment

Bob Brown is quoted in this article as saying:

"We're very, very concerned that there's going to be a unnecessary clampdown on the internet and it has to be watched."

How long have people been listening to political doublespeak?? What did he really say? NOTHING!

For all we know he will just sit on his hands and watch it happen - that \'s all he is saying he will do - watch.

maybe there was more to the comments than were quoted, but what is quoted really shouldn't give anyone hoping the laws are not passed ant hope at all.

Denise Harvey

Torpedos are a problem for many filters

merely because of the letters between 'tor' and 's'.

On a board I frequent we had to call them 'those long long explosive things submarines shoot at ships'.

It's like all things politicians do for us - they know stuff-all about it, but they still know all about how to regulate it for us!