* Posts by Bill Baggott

1 publicly visible post • joined 10 Sep 2008

Rogue SF sysadmin may cost city over $1m

Bill Baggott
Paris Hilton

No crime has been committed. I See a Big Settlement Coming

So far the majority of offenses that San Francisco DTIS, city officials, the police, and the District Attorney have alleged against Terry Childs has been exaggerated, standard network engineering practice, or just plain wrong. The remainder is grounds for counseling, reprimand, or at the most discharge. Prison time? Please.

For those who are interested I highly recommend infoworld.com's Paul Venezia and his blog series on this event. I think there is a 90% chance that Terry Childs will win a big settlement from this case.

San Francisco officials at all levels are so far demonstrating worse judgement than even UK local councils, couldn't resist!

Paris, because she is WAY smarter than San Francisco politicians and DTIS managers.