* Posts by Pat

3 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Apr 2007

California outlaws RFID tag skimming

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Illegal to find if my kids been tagged? screw that!

Setting a baseline for legality is fine, except in this case its illegal for me to find out if my kids been tagged, that's screwed up. I can see it now; teacher overhears the conversation "hey dude, my dad's got this scanner and found out our school id has some chip in it, says its got my birthdate, sex, said its M, glad the old man didn't find Y,and how did the school know..."

Then I find myself talking the mind police

Just friggin great

Dead woman's medical records case could undermine FOI law


Next of Kin and Snooping Historians

I, for one, would rather not have my medical records a matter of public record just because I shove off. I would rather leave my family with making the decision to release info, as it may affect them in some way.

The presidential letters comment is a nice support for this as those letters are generally made public by the decedent or their relatives (by donation to the Smithsonian or the specific presidental library). Just look at the fight the family of James Joyce is having related to his letters. Thats a bit extreme, because the guy is trying to censor already public info, but he has a right for the estate to profit from Joyce's work.

Embedded devices a cinch to pwn


Dr Dobbs been talking about this for years...

This shouldn't be news... go to Dr Dobb's and look up Ed Nisley's articles, you'll find a wealth of information there. He won't tell you specifics, but enough detail to get you seriously thinking...