* Posts by John

3 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Apr 2007

Half a million kids' DNA on UK police database



I am on this database because of a minor offence when I was 15, I have no record but they keep the dna on file.

What worries me is that it would be very easy to frame me for a crime now, you would just have to leave one of my fag butts at a crime scene.

Is there a way to have yourself removed from this database?

Virgin throttles national cable network



I'm on 2M Virgin at the minute and torrents rarely get speeds higher than 100kb/s with a max of 30kb/s up.

So it looks like I'm going to be capped on the days when Lost and Heroes are on tv in America.

The numbers they throttle to seem to be perfectly fine to continue downloading torrents and will only affect my browsing experience.

So it looks like the folks doing the most downloading will be able to continue doing so at the same speeds while only sacrifing browsing/ftp speed.

Way to go Virgin....

Dutch escort agency to service geek virgins


Hello World

So is this like the Hello World of love for geeks?
