* Posts by J

10 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Mar 2008

MSI Wind U115 Hybrid


all day on a single charge!

If they dumped the HDD, used the 16GB SSD as standard and ran it on Linux. I'd buy one in a heartbeat. 8 Hours battery life! Finally, I can go out in the morning and know I will be able to use the thing all day without needing the power block, which is the entire point of a mobile computer in my opinion.

Radiohead and chums demand copyright 'fair play'


95 years?!

I was under the impression that copyright was created to allow writers to profit from their work for a reasonable period of time; after which it became public domain.

In modern culture, with global marketing and viral advertising, nothing will take longer than 1 year to make a profit, otherwise the businesses in charge wouldn't make it in the first place.

Copyright should therefore be no longer than 5 years. This is more than enough time for profits to be made on the movie, song, album, DVD, BluRay, etc and after that period it should enter the public domain and be freely available.

This would force inovation and creativity on the part of artists and hopfully weaken the choke hold big business has on the arts. Why should these businesses profit from work that was done 50 years ago? 100 yearsr ago? I don't get paid for the work I did when I was 20 anymore. Why should music or film be any different?

Plastic Logic pitches skinny, light ebook reader

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This is what I think of when I think of an ebook. Light, flexable, large and easy to use.

If tehy release this commertially (with support for all major formats of course), I'd get one in a second.

MS punts gaming guide for parents


lest we forget

...that it was playing a video game that led to little Jimmy shooting his parents. Not the easy access to the hand gun, or the century of 'right to bear arms' dogma that gets preached across the US. If the kid this story refers to had never played a video game in his life; he would have had some other entertainment system taken away, would have still broken into the safe and still shot his parents.

Ultimately, if the parents had raised their child with some common sense and respect they wouldn't have been shot.

Of course; given how many children are so poorly raised by their parents these days; they really should be worried. This initiative by M$ will fall on deaf ears, but at least noone can accuse them of not trying.

Hands on with Sony's PRS-700 ebook reader


What about...

So it has a nice touch screen and a battery life equal to the previous model. the reading light is a good idea too. But what about the important features?

*Does it support the mobi book format?

Mobi format ebooks have the largest catalogue of all the DRM formats currently in use, they outnumber the Bebook format 20 to 1, but despite this the previous reader doesn't support them.

*Has PDF support been improved?

the previous reader, and most other ebooks, have difficulty scaling and displaying PDF files that where not properly formatted for the device, which very very few will be unless you make them yourself.

*Are image files scaled well to the screen resolution without reformatting them for the device?

the 505 actually does a fairly good job of this, and I would hope the feature has been refined further.

Royal Society: Schools should show creationism 'respect'



Its discraceful that this rubbish is even being considered by the royal society. Its worse still that this man has been allowed to gain such a presdigious seat in the scentific community. He isn't a scientist, he's a priest and shouldn't comment on scientific teaching as he is not capable of understanding its principles.

This has annoyed me quite considerably. I thought England was above this kind of stupidity, the Americans and their fundamentalist fools might think this is a good idea but any sane, educated persion should not.

Asus shows Wii-style controllers for Eee


Spend $70

or you could just use your existing Wiimote and a bluetooth dongle...

Transgender man prepares to give birth


medical evidence

Anonymous Coward (21:51 02/04)

You're argument is pretty much the same as my own, though I chose not to express it in my earlier comments to avoid starting an argument; but since one started anyway it makes little difference...

The issue comes down to social acceptance; it is not socially acceptable to be a disruptive child with ADHD so it seen as 'the right thing' to treat the condition. The same goes for anorexia and obesity as well.

Due to a number of factors; being transgender, gay, or whatever else you choose to label it, is seen as an acceptable state and thus it is 'morally wrong' to try and treat the condition.

Of course this is a purely scientific argument, and as long as people are happy with themselves and not suffering it makes no real difference to leave thing as they are. Its not like there are too few straight people to continue the species.

BTW. I feel I should appologise for my 'Wikipedia' comment. I am aware that all the conditions described in the posts that followed are real and backed by medical evidence. But at the same time such facts are often used by people that don't fully comprehend them in arguments (especially on the internet). Which is why I chose not to mention them in the first place.


In regards to my original post the article on advocate.com states

"so I decided to have chest reconstruction and testosterone therapy but kept my reproductive rights"

thus a woman (from a purely reproductive standpoint) is pregnant. Hence my 'non story' comment. If the language I used to make this statement caused offence It was not my intent to do so. I was just making a technical observation.


I can look up 'facts' on Wikipedia too... But I don't.

Anonymous Coward

My points were all directed at this story and I used the term 'In simple terms' specifically to avoid pointless debates about the other possible combinations of chromosomes. Sexuallity is not an issue either, I don't care if this woman 'feels' male or not, its not relevant. The point is that this is a biologically functional female that is pregnant; its a non story.


Pointless Story

What is the point of this thread continuing when the 6th person in the comments hit this on the head?

This is a woman with surgical alterations, not a man. It no different from running a story about how Jordan was preparing to give birth.

Only difference is she is surgically enhanced and the woman in this story is surgically reduced.

In simple terms a Man has XY chromosones, A woman has XX. A man with with penis cut off and inverted and silicone in his chest is not a woman, his genes have not been changed. Likewise this Woman with her breasts removed, and no alterations whatsoever to the lower half off her body (you know where the female reproductive organs are) is still a woman.