* Posts by Goat Jam

2482 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Mar 2008

US killer spy drone controls switch to Linux

Goat Jam

Not exactly

"The whole point of Freedom is that you don't get to dictate to anyone else what Freedom means."

While this is indeed true it does not follow that the GPL is all about "freedom".

The GPL is already quite restrictive compared to say the BSD licence and it is not outside the realms of possibility that future versions could include such "morality" clauses.*

* Not that I would favour such a thing, I'm just pointing out that it is not altogether impossible.

Goat Jam

Executable whitelist

"You can specify exactly which exes can be run and even if the user manages to get permission to an exe that he/she shouldn't be able to run, they won't be able to run them, because they're not on the list"

I'm genuinely interested in knowing how this works. My first thought was that if I were trying to run a malicious EXE I would rename it to something that I would expect to be on the whitelist, say explorer.exe or something.

I assume that this wouldn't actually work though, it wouldn't be much of a security feature if it did.

Honda NSX reborn as a hybrid

Goat Jam

Once you've sold your liver you won't really be in a position to appreciate the car much

Bookies set odds on Apple NYC launch

Goat Jam

Robotic Teacher

meh, I had several of those when I was at school and that was in the seventies!

Ron Paul’s web campaign mired in pokey pages

Goat Jam

"Ron Paul, who has one of the largest online support networks in US"

Perhaps that means his site is the busiest and therefore less responsive?

Doomsday Clock ticks one minute closer to annihilation

Goat Jam

Stupid Breeders

See "Idiocracy"


Google attacks Twitter's search bias claim

Goat Jam

Those who seek the latest "meme" or social attitudes go to Bing instead


I hope they are very happy there, the rest of us adults will carry on regardless.

Apple accused of extortion by rival tablet biz

Goat Jam

While we are bandying about tired Internet memes

I used to use line breaks and then I took an arrow to the knee . . . .

The cure for US job woes: More immigrants

Goat Jam

Of Course Matt

Everything is OK. Don't worry, nothing bad can happen because our masters wouldn't be able to get away with it, not with intellectual giants such as yourself on their case, keeping them to heel and all.

Or not.

On the one hand there is you, throwing insults and espousing your "ignorance is strength" attitude and then there is me, who provided a link to an article that goes into some detail about how the whole thing came about.

I'm betting you didn't even read the article I posted before launching into your little diatribe right?

Perhaps you could enlighten yourself just once and actually read the evidence instead of doing the standard thing of using the "tin foil hat" insult and asserting some total nonsense that rich people are smarter everything else that happens is an accident.

Goat Jam

Yes, I am aware of the irony of using "who's" in place of "whose" in a post decrying the illiteracy of modern schooled people.

Goat Jam

Prussian Education System In Action

It is _by_design_ that Western education systems produce barely literate cretins who's primary role in life is to be good little consumers and not rock the boat.

From http://www.cantrip.org/againstschool.html


Inglis breaks down the purpose - the actual purpose - of modem schooling into six basic functions, any one of which is enough to curl the hair of those innocent enough to believe the three traditional goals listed earlier:

1) The adjustive or adaptive function. Schools are to establish fixed habits of reaction to authority. This, of course, precludes critical judgment completely. It also pretty much destroys the idea that useful or interesting material should be taught, because you can't test for reflexive obedience until you know whether you can make kids learn, and do, foolish and boring things.

2) The integrating function. This might well be called "the conformity function," because its intention is to make children as alike as possible. People who conform are predictable, and this is of great use to those who wish to harness and manipulate a large labor force.

3) The diagnostic and directive function. School is meant to determine each student's proper social role. This is done by logging evidence mathematically and anecdotally on cumulative records. As in "your permanent record." Yes, you do have one.

4) The differentiating function. Once their social role has been "diagnosed," children are to be sorted by role and trained only so far as their destination in the social machine merits - and not one step further. So much for making kids their personal best.

5) The selective function. This refers not to human choice at all but to Darwin's theory of natural selection as applied to what he called "the favored races." In short, the idea is to help things along by consciously attempting to improve the breeding stock. Schools are meant to tag the unfit - with poor grades, remedial placement, and other punishments - clearly enough that their peers will accept them as inferior and effectively bar them from the reproductive sweepstakes. That's what all those little humiliations from first grade onward were intended to do: wash the dirt down the drain.

6) The propaedeutic function. The societal system implied by these rules will require an elite group of caretakers. To that end, a small fraction of the kids will quietly be taught how to manage this continuing project, how to watch over and control a population deliberately dumbed down and declawed in order that government might proceed unchallenged and corporations might never want for obedient labor.



Microsoft copies Google with silent browser updates

Goat Jam


maybe he himself touted the idea of moving to OSX which would preclude any legacy software issues, ergo, the option to *try* Linux is still available.

Goat Jam

"they'll have to use something else for the world wide web"

That is assuming your users actually need access to the www.

Unsurprisingly, an inability to browse <random_website>results in quite a productivity bonus for the majority of workers.

Goat Jam


For nada, you could step out of your comfort zone and try say, Linux Mint.

You are only "stuck on vista" because you choose to be "stuck on vista"

Goat Jam

In Fact

When you first install Chrome it asks you which search engine you want as default.

IIRC your options are Google (goog), Bing(msft) or Yahoo(msft) so actually 2 of the three options you are given are for MS provided search.

Does IE give you such a choice? No, no it doesn't, you have to deliberately figure out how to switch to Google.

Despite MS illegally leveraging their monopolies* (Windows->IE->Bing), Google still has the highest market share.

I think that says something about what people actually want despite the whining coming from Redmond and their hordes of sycophants.

* IE is less a monopoly than it once was, despite it still benefiting from being prominently installed on every mandatory installation of MS monopoly OS. That also says something about what people actually want.

Why there's real hope for webOS - if HP is committed

Goat Jam

"You are, with respect, both underestimating the business & marketing risk of a hardware manufacturer creating a physical tablet intended to run an OS and presumably apps ecosystem under significant control of a competitor"

Or not.

Google (now) owns Motorola Mobility, who is a direct competitor to Samsung, HTC, et al.

I'm not sure what the difference is here.

Goat Jam

"Will a company such as say, Samsung or HTC, develop tablets for WebOS? Which is "sponsored" by HP, a potential competitor?"

Permit me to answer a question with another question.

"Will a company such as say, Samsung or HTC, develop tablets for Android? Which is "sponsored" by Google, a potential competitor?"

Goat Jam
Paris Hilton

"Also, isn't Android based on Linux and iOS on net/freeBSD?"

Well by that criteria, WebOS is also based on Linux.

I'm not sure how that is pertinent at all.

Foo Fighters gig goes seismic

Goat Jam


I thought Hot Black was spending a year dead for tax reasons?

Goat Jam

Filthy Pirates

“The concert vibrations were recorded as a semi continuous harmonic signal with a peak osculation of 3 Hz,”

They can expect a visit from thier local MAFIA representative any time now I'm sure.

Nokia lightens Dark Knight with Batman blower

Goat Jam

Badass symbol of macho

or Lame symbol of nerdiness?

There's such a fine line between them, no?

Regulator reckons telly advert caps are just peachy

Goat Jam

Lucky Bastards

In Australia, we can have more than 20 per hour of adverts in an hour.

That, the constant moving of programs around and the year or more lag between overseas releases anbd their air dates in Aus its no wonder that so many people turn to <ahem> "alternate sources" for their viewing material.

Not that I would do that of course.

Microsoft gives up on proprietary 2D barcode, accepts NFC

Goat Jam

"Using colour data increased density"

It also increased printing costs.

Goat Jam


"there is increasing frustration among consumers over not knowing which reader to use"

1) No there isn't, nobody has ever seen an MSTag

2) If there was, whose fault would that have been then?

Microsoft adds iPhones to SkyDrive party guest list

Goat Jam


There used to be an Applesoft back in the Apple II days

Sony off the hook for killing Linux on PS3

Goat Jam

It's True!

Sony fanboys are the worst


World's biggest music streaming service launches - for tech idiots

Goat Jam

Hear Hear

The moronic talking heads on TV and radio promulgate this attitude constantly, proudly announcing at every and any opportunity "Oh, I don't know how to use <slightly technical thing>" as if it is some sort of badge of honour to be displayed with pride.

As for people who just want you to do it for them rather than participate in the solution I'm with you there.

I'll _guide_ you towards the answer but I sure as hell won't just do it for you just so you can maintain a pseudo-elitist position where you are not required to comprehend anything that you consider to be beneath you.

2011's Best... Smartphones

Goat Jam

"since when has the iPhone ever been able to handle flash"

Since iphone4 I believe.

Works as a great flashlight too!

Greenland 'lurched upward' in 2010 as 100bn tons of ice melted

Goat Jam


Reporting that the Met Office says that the annual temperature averages have been declining in the last four years (weather) is not the same as saying the world is not warming over a longer period (climate).

You are conflating "weather" to "climate"

Durban failed: Relax, everyone

Goat Jam

I bet that every hotel, restaurant and car, not to mention the venue itself was heavily airconditioned.

I also bet they were all chauffeured around in individual limousines, probably with some hand wave towards some nonsensical "carbon offset" scam to make it all seem acceptable.

A bigger bunch of hypocrites you won't find.

Apple stores getting close to overload

Goat Jam


I said;

"Perhaps, but then none of the other manufacturers seem able to undercut them with their me-too products."

Bullseyed said;

"that people who buy Apple products have no comprehension of cost benefit analysis"

So Samsung, RIM, HP, Sony all sell tablets _at_the_same_price_ as the ipad but it is apple buyers who are unable to do a cost benefit analysis?

What you are suggesting is that people should compare the ipad to other tablets and choose the other tablets because they are cheaper and/or better than the ipad.


An excellent plan sir with only two drawbacks. The other tablets are neither better nor cheaper than the ipad"


Goat Jam

Stupidly High MArgin

Perhaps, but then none of the other manufacturers seem able to undercut them with their me-too products.

I wonder what that says?

Is Bill Gates mulling a return to Microsoft throne?

Goat Jam

It would probably give their share price a bump

for a while but other than that, yeah, what he said.

HP throws WebOS to open source community

Goat Jam

The Fail is for HP, not WebOS

Bill Gates discusses nuclear development deal with China

Goat Jam

It's a bit rich having your posting history brought up (in lieu of any actual valid point) by someone cowering behind an AC shield.


Just for the record, the two points I made, which you have thus far failed to adequately address;

1) Bill Gates stands to make a profit from his investment if this company succeeds.

From the article:

"The system is being developed by Intellectual Ventures, the investment vehicle and sometime patent troll set up by former Microsoft CTO Nathan Myhrvold, and taken to market by TerraPower, which is partially funded by Gates."

Now, if that sounds like a benevolent charity to you then I'll have some of what you are smoking.

2) Bill Gates has done immeasurable harm to the IT industry and has destroyed a multitude of innovative businesses in order to protect his illegally leveraged monopoly.

This is a matter of historical record which I am not prepared to argue about.

Now, instead of attacking my posting history from behind an AC cloak how about you actually respond to those points with something that is not arrant nonsense.

Or bugger off, I don't much care either way.

Oh, and "Microsoft facilitated the placement of an affordable computer on every desk" is nonsense. He provides an over priced and underwhelming monopoly OS and forces it to be installed on every PC sold.

How things may have turned out without the drag of the Microsoft Tax holding the industry back is anybodies guess.


Goat Jam

Bill Gates

Estimated net worth is $57B. And you reckon he's given "practically all" his money to charity.

As to never accusing Bill/ms of doing good?

So fricking what?

Does that make my points (he will make money from this deal/he has caused great harm to the IT industry) any less valid?

If the best you can do to defend Bill is a nonsense claim that he gave all his money to charity and to attack me on a personal level then I would suggest you get yourself a better comment writer.

Oh, and Bill Gates did not invent "affordable computers". Not even close. I have absolutely no idea where you got that particular bit of nonsense from.

Goat Jam

And If You Buy My Reactor

I will throw in 10 free copies of Windoze to run your Seimens PLC's on!

Goat Jam

Saint Bill

1) I'm sure he stands to make a pretty penny if the deal goes through.

2) He has a looooong way to go to balance out the serious negative difference he has made (and still is)

Dell pulls Streak 7 from US online store

Goat Jam

Old Skool PC and Phone makers

Apple sure have them rattled!

It's astonishing that not one of them, except for maybe Samsung, have managed to counter the ipad in any significant manner.

It's also astonishing how quickly these companies give up when they don't manage to whip up significant sales for the overpriced and underwhelming products that they apparently believe people desperately want to buy.

UltraViolet: Hollywood's giant digital gamble is here

Goat Jam

It's not clear to me

how the "digital file" works.

Am I only going to be able to play a movie if I'm connected to the Internet?

No playing movies on flights then?

If that is the case then it is a big fat fail.

HP tempts Elite computer buyers with capacious Box

Goat Jam


"free storage from Box in the first year of operation, and a reduced annual rate"

So, just more preinstalled crapware that requires an ongoing subscription then.

At least it's better than getting a measly 3 months AV subscription (followed quickly by exhortations to pay up" or become "unprotected"

Facebook disses Effin Irishwoman

Goat Jam

Surely, that would in be the beginning then?

Chrome passes Firefox in global browser share

Goat Jam

Firefox has jumped the shark

I run Ubuntu Natty in a VM here at work and Firefox is a bloated, memory leaking mess. It get's slower and slower as the hours pass, requires frequent restarts and refuses to remember my tabs.

By coincidence, I just switched to Chromium this morning and it absolutely flies in comparison.

Mozilla need to debloat Firefox and stop with this insane major version update every two weeks madness.

I don't know what is happening out there in OSS project land but I don't like it. Not one little bit..

The people in charge of Ubuntu, Gnome and Mozilla have clearly gone batshit insane over the last couple of years.

Artists craft the ultimate iPhone fanboi holiday gift

Goat Jam

I have acheived the same result

by placing my phone in a beer glass.

And I got to drink the beer first.

Samsung imagines see-through bendy tablet of the future

Goat Jam


I have no doubt I will be arriving home from a 10 minute commute in my flying car to be offered a refreshing choice of drinks by my monkey butler before a product even remotely like this is actually developed.

2011's Best... DVRs and Media Streamers

Goat Jam


Boxee (not included in this list) does a pretty good job of this, although it uses filename matching rather than metadata to match shows to the IMDB

That means you need to name your files to a convention such as;

My.TV.Show.Name.S01E01 - The Pilot.avi

Windows 8 fondleslabs: Microsoft tip-toes through PC-makers' disaster

Goat Jam


What you are telling us is that you are the exact sort of person who didn't buy all the crap Windows tablets that were made during the last 10 years.

Samsung brings out superskinny flash drives for ultrabooks

Goat Jam

I Agree

I have a 40GB SSD and it is more than enough, I keep the bulk of my stuff on a NAS, not some shitty, easily broken/stolen laptop.

Globe slowly warming, insists 'Hansen's Bulldog'

Goat Jam


Thank god that science is "settled" then, eh?

Snowbound Alaskan survives on frozen beer

Goat Jam


Stop trying to make sense of them, you'll just do your head in.