* Posts by Naomi

1 publicly visible post • joined 20 Feb 2008

Die for Gaia, save the planet?

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Faith in Technology

Mr Worstall obviously has a blind faith in the constant, unlimited progession of technology; a Christian idea as John Gray suggests in his book Straw Dogs, that technology will 'save us' from ourselves. What is he hoping, that GM foods will feed every hungry person without taking up every last bit of space, that sustainable energy will give us (and more of us) enough power to sustain our current electricity dependent lifestyles, that if we do destroy every last bit of wilderness, use every last fossil fuel, pollute every last bit of water and massively destroy the ozone that it will be perfectly ok because technology will have evolved far enough to blast us off to a different, untouched planet? What, other than this, is he hoping technology will do for us?

I for one believe that technology in the form of biological warfare or bombs etc etc, will probably dramatically reduce the world's population anyway in the future. That is the faith I place in technology, what I believe will be its logical outcome and I, for one, believing as I do in a non-humancentric world, will be quite relieved on behalf of the planet.