* Posts by Sarah Bee

2823 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jan 2008

Adobe opens Photoshop for freetards

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @Sarah

>>The original point seems to have been lost in the "oooh, we've found a new insult that winds loads of people up. Let's use it at every available opportunity" sniggering and giggling.

I fail to see the issue with this. Meheh.

But, really, it is possible to satirise your own satire. Without the world collapsing in on itself. Much.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @Sarah

I get it, but context is everything.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @ Sarah, this is not an English language lesson!

Pretty much all Reg readers hate it? Some Reg commenters have expressed dismay. I don't know how representative those are.

It's satirical. Satire is provocative. And you don't have to take it seriously - in fact, if you're doing it right, satire has 'don't take this entirely seriously' running right through it like a stick of snarky rock. Same goes for the taking of things literally, and personally.

But I don't make the decisions here - maybe some day 'freetard' will go the way of 'mobe', and never ever be seen again.

Oh wait.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @Sarah Bee

I believe you're confusing dumbing down with snarking up.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Time to retire the "freetard" epithet

Oh I ought not to weigh in, I know, but the thing about 'freetard' is that it's an example of how language evolves in the short term. It's a flippant and slightly off-colour pun that now has a life of its own, retains its derogatory connotations, and is instantly understood as shorthand for a rather complex issue by pretty much everyone with an interest in this subject. It's evidently irritating some people, but I can't really see the justification for retiring it.

If anyone's got suggestions for suitable replacements that they think would catch on, there's a whole open forum here, so fill your boots. Otherwise, y'know - this! is! El Reg! If you can read it all day without getting your proverbial panties in a knot about something or other, I think we're probably doing something wrong.

Wombat rape ordeal turns NZ man Australian

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: fricken el key!

If anyone asks bob_blah if those were typos, I will come round and break their computer with an axe.

I think 'drink a pint o'cock' is the new 'eat a bowl of fuck'.

Transgender man prepares to give birth

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Whats all the hubbub?

Wow - a hint of compassion and open-mindedness. I'm going to have to go and have a little lie down.

El Reg offers cut-and-paste comments service

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: The problem with comments...

Oh no, we are all about the pith. It's just that sometimes we have to stop war breaking out.

Still, keep the commentspiracy theories coming...

Ofcom hits green on in-flight calling

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Plane peace

Yes! Break out the free Valium with the first round of refreshments.

US airline pilot pops a cap in cockpit

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Armed Flight Deck

But what is the ideal deterrent to stopping a hijacking plan? I think the possibility of getting killed might deter me from stopping one.

Bloody double negatives. And these people make the decisions that affect the possibility of our deathiness.

British youths think Churchill went to moon

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

good morning spacemen

Man, by the looks of these I really need to work on my projection of ironic distance.

Famous Five film lined up

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @Sarah Bee

Easy now. Lester taught me everything I know.*

*Except that one thing and that other thing that I found out when I overheard it on the tube.

Tolkien first edition goes for a bundle

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: BdT

Watch The Orphanage also. GdT produced, out this weekend. Think I enjoyed it even more than Pan's, in fact.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Benito del Toro??


(Jackson is producing, I understand.)

Peking University preps online swearing edict

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: "What's the fucking internet for... "?

You're confusing the fucking internet with the fucking-internet.

Teachers cower in face of cyberbullies

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Oh French

'la-la bin'

That's the most spectacularly un-PC expression I've seen in quite some time.

I shudder to think what became of your English teacher.

Captain Cyborg plans to milk you, human scum

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: If humans need milking...

I have rejected that comment, Ishkandar, because I think it plumbed new depths. I'm sure the rest of you can imagine.

Excuse me while I go and put some soothing drops into my mind's eye.

Boozed Belarusian dodges birthday train squish

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @Sarah

Why thank you, AC. I will not be smiting you today.

(I've done a few bits before actually. How could you forget the plight of the Tasmanian devils? HOW?)

Scotland Yard criminologist: DNA-print troublemaker kids

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Major/minor crime

Actually some bloke went into my flat years ago and nicked my wallet and left a fag butt behind, and the police got him on the DNA from it. So it does happen with small stuff. I was surprised myself that they'd bother, but I suppose it counted as burglary. Impressed they could get it from a dog end, too.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: it's that old if you've got nothing to hide thing again

Well, that's watertight, DR. I'd certainly feel a lot safer walking home late at night knowing that the shifty man following me knows he has his DNA on file and therefore will suppress his beastly urges. In fact, when it's warm out I might just head out wearing nothing but some frilly knickers and a smile. Can't wait for the future, me.

I thought I'd put your email address up here, by the way, that OK with you?

California Highway Patrol rounds up queens, workers

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: May I bee the first to say

I would like it to be known that I had no part in this whatsoever.

Google Sky brings the heavens to a browser near you

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @Sarah Bee

Oh yes. That's pretty bad, isn't it. But not as bad as a link the length of the M25.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: That's no moon...

Hello. If you want to post a Google image link that is long enough to actually reach the moon, please TinyURL the beast. Thanking you.

Lonely Paris Hilton seeks new best friend

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Dim? Or Devious?

I've got to say - none of you would have the level of Paris-awareness that you do if she didn't have excellent business instincts. Of course she's got the right people around her, but she's actually pretty shrewd, which you have to be to maintain this level of exposure (no, don't start - I mean it). I'm not suggesting she's a genius, but she's no one's fool.

And if you believe the show is a genuine attempt to find lasting platonic intimacy, I've got some swampland in Florida I'll sell you real cheap, etc.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Please God let nobody apply

I think at this point it'd be harder to find a best friend for Jodie Marsh, though, to be fair.

Three questions for the Jesus SDK

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: meh

Everyone put down your crayons and look at what Alan Parsons is doing.

There's a reason it's known in some quarters as CrackBerry. I've lost several friends to that stuff. Ruins your life, man.

32nd Carry On film is go

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: My nominees...

Man I'm sick of the sight of Paris.

AOL buys a friend for $850m

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: WHY???

I see what you did there!

I showered this morning, actually. Maybe I should update my status to reflect this.

Darling budget fails to paint Brown government green

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @ Sarah

Quiet you.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Disappointed

I bet Paris could beat you up.

(Er, no threats of domestic violence, please, even against figurative future versions of celebrities.)

MoD loses 11,000 ID cards

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: You're all a bunch of loosers

Ah, loosen up.

Of course I agree. I just couldn't resist.

Yes, dammit, and while you're at it, please sort your 'you're' from your 'your'.

Mobe software firm Picsel prunes 10% of workforce

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Oh do keep up.


Steve Jobs unveils plans to dominate RIM BlackBerry, Life, the Universe, and Everything

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: The anti-apple fanboys here make me laugh. :-)

OK, I'll let you have that one, Norm, but remember every time you 'LOL', a kitten dies.

Vote now for your fave sci-fi movie quote

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Nice quiz.

"But next time how about letting people submit a pre-quiz round up of the best candidate quotes, the best 42 of which go into the main quiz???"

No. We have jobs to do. JOBS.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Babylon 5 sadly missing


Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: My favourite is probably...

Apparently Ford changed that line from Lucas's original glurge and rescued the scene. But I guess you all knew that one.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: What no Red Dwarf ? !!


"Vote now for your fave sci-fi *movie* quote"

"Please note that since our word is final on the available choices, there's absolutely no point in protesting along the lines of "I can't believe you haven't got [insert quote] from [insert film], jeez you guys suck", etc, etc."

Specsavers have some great deals on at the moment, folks.

US gov now says Eye-o-Sauron™ border masts are crap

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: How it was defeated

Right. The next person to make a pantomime cow/horse/elephant joke is banned from the entire internet.

Vista SP1 kills and maims security apps, utilities

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Is there any way...

Nope, we just have to sift through them lovingly by hand.

Sigh. It is getting old and your comment's more likely to be junked if you use it. Try putting a blob of Marmite on your '$' key. Unless you like Marmite. Doesn't feel very nice on the fingers, though.

Facebook loses a few bitches

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Back to...

So, y'know, just out of interest, does anyone have any new insight into this whole crazy Facebook thing? Or are we just going to remind each other, lest we forget, that it is for losers with no real friends and it's all rubbish and made of poo and was always going to be an epic fail and so there?

I mean, genuinely, I'd like to know.

US cruiser nails crippled spy-sat on first shot

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Video.

Hi folks - I've just had to reject a comment with a link in it as it was insanely lengthy. If you've got a long link to post it's more likely to be posted if you tinyURL it first. Cheers!

Alienware confirms existence of Area-51 m15x laptop

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Gimme!

Puppy's what?

*retreats back into lair*

Please don't leave me... bitch

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Just my tuppence

So, hey, Louis, you Wade-dumping muscle-beast, what are you doing later? I'm free, as soon as I've finished mopping up the raw testosterone that's simply oozing down my monitor here.

Finland censors anti-censorship site

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Re: @Sarah Bee

Damn right.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @Sarah Bee

It wasn't me, actually, but I couldn't resist it.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

This message censored

Just to let you know, anyone complaining of comment censorship in this thread is being censored for no good reason at all.


Häagen-Dazs battles honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @ Sarah Bee

I couldn't possibly comment.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)


"Tell me where the IT angle is BEFORE I STICK PENCILS IN MY EYES."

It's in the Biology section, if you look. Oh, I must be too late, you've gone and done it... ooh, should I ring a doctor?

Prince and Village People dive into Pirate Bay

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Macho Men!!!

"At least Right Said Fred understood that he was a one hit wonder."

How could you forget 'Deeply Dippy' and 'Don't Talk Just Kiss'? I ask you - how?

(And there were three of them. One of them even had hair. He didn't last long in that baldie-favouring climate.)

Armed police swoop on MP3-packing mechanic

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @Sarah Bee

No. You're at liberty to refuse fingerprinting or a DNA swab, and they can use force if they choose, - but they're not even supposed to take those if you haven't been charged with a recordable offence. They seem to be doing it as a matter of course because they're getting away with it.

Oh, and I believe the samples should automatically be destroyed in this case, but he should get onto them and check. Like, now. They should never have been taken.

I'm still absolutely astonished by this one, although I shouldn't be, as similar things happen rather a lot.