* Posts by Sarah Bee

2823 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jan 2008

Sumerians cracked world's oldest joke

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)


Goza was very big in Sumeria.


Ex-Googlers reinvent web search

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: doesn't know how to use the blur feature?

Good grief, you bunch of blouses, it's only a little bit of gay pr0n. Surely a *real* man is secure enough not to greet his breakfast at the sight of a bit of bloke-on-bloke.


Site guesses your sex via age-old web flaw

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Gawd..

I think all these false positive male readings for girls are indicative of how much we have to sacrifice our femininity to get on in male-dominated arenas.

*scratches arse, belches*


Home Office to order fingerprinting of air passengers

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @stinking sinking ship et al

If I have to mod one more tiresome comment about emigrating/having emigrated/threatening to emigrate then I'm going to... I dunno, emigrate? Or just swear at you.

I'd much rather stay here and face whatever challenges may come than end up trapped somewhere else surrounded by unbearably smug ex-pats. I find Brighton hard enough to stomach to that end.

CGI furnishes filmstar with fur

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: I'm surprised...

It was the third or fourth one. I nixed it. One does not discuss one's bikini regime. So think on.

Anyway, since I'm entirely computer-generated myself, it's a moot point.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: What happens next is private / it's also very rude

*touches nose, points*

Choon, etc.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: im sorry, what?

Focus, greg, focus.

Celebrity publicist develops mathematical 'fame formula'

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: You all have too much time on your hands.

It never ceases to amaze and amuse me how much time people will spend explaining that they don't want to waste their time on something they consider to be a gross waste of everyone's time.

Personally I don't care that I just wasted my time pointing this out. I am all about the time-wasting.

Doctors: Third babies are the same as patio heaters

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: if... but...

Curse the Moderators? But if we didn't let people speak their minds, we'd be censoring. We can't win!

I'd quite like one of those 80s sun-visors, please, I dunno if that qualifies as a hat.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: It Looks Like the Climate 'Consesus' Just Jumped the Shark

Let me get this straight, Frank - you're now planning to have another child (well, when I say 'have another child' obviously I mean 'impregnate partner', credit where it's due and all that) purely to spite a couple of scientists you've never met?

That is the most awesome justification for procreating I've ever heard.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Cretins

Hello Mr Godwin! Always a pleasure.

HP packaging madness continues apace

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: "Everything on the internet is photoshopped"

Especially your momma. Twice.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)


It's true y'know, everything on the internet is Photoshopped.

EVERYthing. Even you.

Tesco causes couple condom catastrophe

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

@AC (underwear cuddle)


Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Pokes head above the parrapit


It isn't, actually. Why would you assume that there has to be personal investment in any opinion beyond the wishy-washy?


Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @ Sarah Bee

Kane: Damn straight.

Sceptical: Women in long-term relationships often take the pill or get injections, don't they? The absence of johnnies in a house if you've lived with someone for x amount of time is kind of symbolic of the trust you have that no one's shagging around and bringing home nasties, so it works that the opposite would be true and the presence of a small packet of Mates, even virtually, would be immediately suggestive of infidelity.

(Oh and you are too kind and entirely correct on the other thing, obv.)

Which brings me to

Franklin: I know how this thread's going and you're really riding the crest of the crazy-bitch wave there and I might as well just go and sharpen some pencils, but come on, you're telling me you've never had a worried moment that turned out to be unfounded? About anything? Really?

That Nevada comparison is what's lame, and you're an android if you can't perceive how other people - even fairly normal non-hysterics of either sex - sometimes jump to the wrong conclusion out of anxiety. I'm not saying she didn't overreact but in fact we don't know what she said or how long the argument was - chances are she calmed down quicker than you think.

Or should I put that in binary for you?

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: What the hell?

I'm guessing they weren't using them since they were in long-term relationship. I think most people would have a bit of a moment of paranoia at the very least.

RIM issues patch for serious BlackBerry flaw

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: I wish...

I wish I had a brand new car. So far I got this hatchback, and everywhere I go, yo, I gets laughed at.


Ubisoft pirates game fix from pirates

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @ Sarah Bee

One day at a time, AC.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: in your own words, debaser...

OK, I'll let that one through but can we down tools now please? Ta.

The Guardian's excellent Web 2.0 blog-up

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Graun

It spelled its own name 'Guaridan' on guardian.co.uk a few weeks back. If only I'd got a screenshot.

Anyway, it's just become an affectionate nickname, Grauniad, and it's too widespread as a thing for us or anyone else to stop it. And so.

Divorce for shouty YouTube wife

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Sara ....

Richard: 'Sarah'.

Steve: GENDER.

That is all.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Retarded

Look, she's not one of us, OK? She's defected.

NASA: The Moon is not enough

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: 19 or 39?

I'd explain this but I'm sure 20 commenters will do it better in a matter of seconds.

Japan kicks off electric car format war

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)


Yes, Michael is dyslexic, I believe, he's said so on here before. What's you're* excuse?

*Before you start, sic sic sic sic sic.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: I call Bullshiite!

It's really heartening to discern that you are neither judgemental nor smug, Dennis.

Dangerous mobe chargers flood UK

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @Sarah

It's site policy, fool. If only because it continues to wind you up with such beautiful efficiency and predictability.



Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Mobe?






Jeremy Clarkson tilts at windmills

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

stop for one mile

It works if you spin the middle side topwise.

EU abolishes the acre

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: A what?

Never mind all this, I need to be able to gauge how much 15kg is in clothes and <strike>weaponry</strike> shoes so I can pack for my hols.

UK.gov tells throttling petition: Choke on it

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: I have similarly given up

Snopes done this quite brilliantly a while back.


Amazon opens video on demand shop

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Anon has a point you know

Well, we were hoping to run those naked pictures of you, but then the lawyers stepped in.

Clay minerals point to vast Martian lakes

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: viz;

'Just because' is no longer adequate justification for Paris.

So think on.

Sun calms investors with early Q4 dish

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: I feel spoilt

I'm so sorry, Pierre. Would you like to have a guest column to make up for it?

App Store clean-up follows allegations

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)


It's true y'know. Hellboy was originally called Fanboy, but they changed it because it was just too terrifying for a general audience.


Global warming to stone US kidneys

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)


I'm not presiding over another fat-fight. Keep it civil and general please folks.

Busts 4 Justice battles Bulgarian airbag tax

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Titillate me

Good lord. Well, yes, surely some kind of subsidy from male taxpayers is in order. But um, don't encourage them.

May I say how pleased I am to welcome the 5th female Reg reader ever.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Why is everyone bashing Matt?

Whether they did or didn't agree with him (and I've nixed maybe three comments in this thread, FYI), they were just being inflammatory and childish and I don't really fancy moderating that kind of fight. Just too messy.

And yes of course there are far far far far far more important issues, but a) surely this is part of a wider issue about profiteering, which I'm sure we'd all like to see less of whether we are fat or thin or have big tits or none, and b) I refer you to http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/jul/14/6.

BT breaks up families

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: subtle... is that like a rubber pick-axe in the forehead?

When did the Bisto family ever break up? Pictures, or it didn't happen.

I'll give you 'pettle'. Or meths. As you prefer.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

@Steve Evans

Of course. I still have much to learn.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: @Sarah Bee

>Do you?

Not at all. I was just being breezy.

It has been a long old day.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Her name was

I knew that wouldn't work. I was um, making a point about how the press release made much of the one actor's name and didn't mention the other's, like.

La la. Well done though. Lovely lady. Great hair.

British drivers face jail for causing death by dangerous driving

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)


Oof. Calm down, Martin. Have a fag.

Criminal record checks could hit over 14 million people

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

@AJ Stiles

It's a good point. But still let's not resort to the usual xeno-insults.

'Limey' isn't too stinging, though, is it? Not unless you get it in your eyes.

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Well, that's the problem

I accept no pompous lecture from a man who suggests that not being a gun-waving constitution-misinterpreting blowhard is "weasely".

And yeah, I find the ID stuff pretty scary, but I'll resist it without resorting to - I don't know, are you suggesting some kind of McVey-esque direct action, or what?

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Remember yesterday?

Um, I'm not sure the best way to ensure your government fears you (respect would do nicely for me, thanks, in an ideal world) is to swagger around with a rifle. It seems kind of, I dunno, primitive? Maybe it's just me.

Carla Bruni sings of deadly luuurv

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: fess up

Haha! I wish I had her wardrobe allowance.

Unpatched Windows PCs own3d in less than four minutes

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Infection

How crude.

*resists 'fag' joke with heroic effort*

Baptist church in assault rifle giveaway

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

an armed society is a society that often needs a change of underwear

What an absolutely terrifying thread this is.

Homer Simpson's email address hacked

Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

RE: Sounds like...
