* Posts by lord_farquaad

55 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Dec 2007


Orange UK: the iPhone's latest colour carrier?

Jobs Horns

singapore not a reference

The singaporian situation has nothing to do with the british one.

The deals and the exclusivity T&C that have been signed with AT&T and with 02, Orange and T-mobile (resp. UK, France and Germany) have nothing to do with the conditions for the iPhone 3G and the new countries.

Cheque-red flag for Max Mosley

Paris Hilton


Please, could someone clarify (or as the article is not 100% clear on that, shall I look for information somewhere else ?)

Was the judgement based on the privacy invasion globally, or only on the "wrong" (according to the judge) claim that there was a Nazy connotation in the sexual activity ?

World's biggest ISPs drag feet on critical DNS patch

Thumb Up

Orange France

I am on holydays in France and connected to Orange and it seems safe ...

Web startups crumble under Amazon S3 outage


Get real real

Anonymous Coward wrote :

"No ISP/ISV will *ever* provide real-time data from their monitoring systems to their customers. Such data will always be vetted by their systems/network engineers prior to "disclosure". And that takes time, so get used to it. (Real-life ain't CS skool.)"

Shall I conclude that the real time data my hosting company is sending me is a fake ?

Adobe plugs multi-platform Flash vulns



This is just a little trick from Adobe to "encourage" users to upgrade to their latest version of software.

I read "The Reg" every day because I can see people "understanding" PR and not just replicate them. On this one, I think the message is not really analyzed.
