* Posts by Kate

1 publicly visible post • joined 5 Dec 2007

Microsoft's sex-obsessed RoboSanta spouts filth at children



Me: do you like to spread christmas spirit?

SantaClaus: It depends if Christmas is coming or not.

Me: are you coming?


Well that's hard to say. Ask an elf.


Me: do you like the cocks?

SantaClaus: What do you think?

Me: i think so

SantaClaus: Heh, its settled then.

Me: how many have you had?

SantaClaus: Oh dear, how should I know?

Me: do you talk about sex?

SantaClaus: What do you think?

Me: yes

SantaClaus: Mm hm, now we are getting somewhere.


Me: you're a scrooge with your love

SantaClaus: Well, we don't make soul mates here at the workshop.

Me: but i starred in an adult film

SantaClaus: Ho! Ho! Wonderful.


Me: blowjob

SantaClaus: Why did you say that?

Me: because you want one

SantaClaus: Because, why?

Me: because you have a load in your sack

SantaClaus: Well, I won't argue with you on that.

my work here is done.