* Posts by Roger

4 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2007

Lies, damned lies and government statistics


Nobody seems to have noticed...

...this is run by the Government, so if it makes 100 million it probably costs twice that to run, hence the uncertainty of the figures!

Remember, there are two important facts you must always keep in mind about politicians:

1. If their lips move - they are lying.

2. If their lips are not moving - they are getting someone else to lie for them.

ISPs nominate UK record industry as top internet villain

Black Helicopters

Ah, I get the idea now

Remind me to start hassling the Highways Agency for all the bad drivers using their roads. Obviously they provide the means for all the sods that make me late for work!

Simon Pegg to play Scotty



you do understand it's all pretend? Why all the fuss about a non scot pretending to be another non scot pretending to be a scot in a pretend world?

grabs coat and leaves as shouts of denial start...

This emergency alert has been cancelled by Hotmail



Regardless of how important the mail is - isn't the main point that hotmail is not filtering and delivering, but now censoring mail by deciding what they deliver?