* Posts by Gary Weaver

2 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Oct 2007

Texan boffin fixin' to make cheaper fuel cells

Gary Weaver

Another Honda Mistake.....

As if their Insight, Hybrid Camry, Hybrid Civic weren't enough of an embarrassment, now Honda thinks mobile hydrogen is the path. Even Ford was smart enough to adopt Toyota's Hybrid Synergy Drive method for Escape rather than Honda's or even the half-assed boondoggle that GM is adopting. Instead of 10 years ahead, Toyota will be 15 years ahead. All they have to do is drop a diesel and advanced lithium, or perhaps a rechargeable ZnAir / AlAir if it materializes, and they're good for another 10 yrs; or more.

You have energy-dense biodiesel with competing sponsorships from McDonalds, Burger King, etc for the title of the best french fry smelling exhaust!!!!

Skype founder quits

Gary Weaver

It's The Outage Stupid.....

I bet the real reason for the shakeup was the recent outage which extended beyond reason. That single event, especially it's length, ruined any momentum Skype had been developing, especially for business deployment.

Also, volume growth seemed stagnant; stuck at 8-9 million simultaneous daily at peak. With eBay's deep pockets there should have been no lack of resources to accelerate development and hardend the network for outages, etc. Perhaps some supernode redundancy.

@ Walter Mellon - you can always tell an embittered SIP'er like him who has had his vision, and perhaps investment, in SIP-based shattered over the years with low growth, banckrupcies, Vonage marginal future, etc. Having Skype with volumes probably close to all other VoIP combined. Skype with practically unlimited potential with minimal infrastructure investment. At the cusp of WiMax deployment which would offer real wireless cell competition.

On the other hand, I bet the founders where poor businessmen and perhaps didn't respond as expected during the outage. Keep in mind Skype had serious ongoing problems just handling SkypeIn/Out payments for a long time before eBay. They FUBAR'd payments, credits, etc.