* Posts by Shane Lusby

57 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Feb 2007


Sprint boots 1,000 phone customers for talking too much

Shane Lusby

Lets be fair

There are some customers out there who simply are unreasonable. Ive been in service long enough to know this and there is a point beyond which its better for the company to cut free the problem cases so they can devote those resources to customers who there is at least some hope of actually helping.

Catherine Tate to accompany Doctor Who

Shane Lusby

Martha can save us?

Remember Martha is returning mid-season. With any luck she'll snap and torture Catherine to death, then dump her body into the time vortex. Best for everybody really.

Dutch police arrest 111 West Africans in 419 clampdown

Shane Lusby

No sympathy either side

On the one side I understand that what the 419ers is doing is wrong. On the other side the people they are preying on are terminally stupid, and as they say stupidity is its own punishment. If it wasn't for the spam factor in how they do their work I would view them as an amusement rather than a problem.

Pluto demoted again

Shane Lusby

Just because?

So using the above logic does that mean the Earth is still flat and the center of the universe simply because they once taught that it was? Should Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta be returned to planethood? They were all considered planets at one point despite being part of the Asteroid belt.

So what's in a URL? The Reg URL?

Shane Lusby


Ive never had a problem with the .co.uk extension as an American. And I can tell you based on a lot of our media I honestly am a bit more likely to trust info coming from The Reg with that .uk at the end. And if thats the case for an American I figure its even truer for other parts of the world.

IBM prepared to break knuckles of low-income students

Shane Lusby

Slight Fairness

In slight fairness to the school district the article does say that the purchase was made by an earlier school district that went bankrupt and that Contra Costa came later, acquiring the debt of the earlier district. I dont know all of the political back story behind that change over(was it purely a cosmetic name change or is CC truly utterly different everyone from the earlier group?). IBM does deserve to be paid for any purchases made but it does sound to me more like a situation where you inherit your fathers debt when he died rather than just trying to not pay your own bills.

Chinese develop remote-controlled pigeons

Shane Lusby

The next gaming trend

The use for this is obvious. Everyone says gamers should get out and get a little sun. This way they grab their remote control pigeon and can do a little statue dive bombing on a sunny day in the park.
