* Posts by Bounty

359 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Sep 2007


Honda hits reverse on £50k fuel cell cars for '08

Paris Hilton

nukes to make hydrogen

Nuclear power for electric car = good. Nuclear power to make electricity to make highly explosive, hard to contain hydrogen to fill my car to make electricity to run the car = much more entertaining car crashes. Hollywood was just ahead of it's time.

Nuke -> electricity -> hydrogen -> tanker -> gas station -> car -> electricity


Nuke -> electricity -> power line -> car

Animal rights activist hit with RIPA key decrypt demand

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to own or not to pwn

If there is enough other evidence to implicate you, and get a subpoena, the police should just plant a keylogger. At least then they might get the keys, or real evidence. If it's a password, it's probably the same one they use for everything else, if it's a long key, it's probably in their hotmail account or on the USB key sitting next to the computer.

Demanding keys for files that may not be anything, then throwing you in jail for not decrypting something you may not have intentionally hid is very bad. Go into your temp directory, any file in there could be encrypted... so any file a cop thinks is encrypted, and doensn't open by double clicking, or isn't readable in notepad IS encrypted.

Black holes blamed for super-charged cosmic rays


the other 50

...and where did the other 50 super charged particles come from? Aliens? if so I'd say the source was aliens, with black holes as contributors. Anyways, supermassive black holes tend to have alot of stuff around them, so are we sure it came from the hole.... or something close to it. Like ALIENS!!!!!

Flaming kamikaze squirrel torches car



I belive this is a job for the Mythbusters.

California court tilts towards mandating web accessibility


constructive comment?

I think we can all come up with some absurd stuff. We could get a blind, deaf, mute, parapalegic to sue Winchester for not making a shotgun that's accessable. (if I was that disabled, I'd totally use a shotgun if I could.) A blind person who can't drive... classic. Then agian... is this absurd? Where is the line?

I think lobbying for new laws, could be constructive. I'm all for a new law, then everyone is on a playing field they can know. Plus it's democracy. This lawsuit and the judge's actions suck.

AI egghead: Human-robot humping, marriage by 2050


genetic purpose

Our genetic "purpose" could also be viewed as to also dominate, kill, conquer, enslave, eat and anything else we can get away with. Some day robots will be offended by your short sightedness? Homosexuality also doesn't genetically do much for procreation either. YET. Doctors may fix that.

Maybe in the future, robot-babes, robo-wombs, will clone humans/robots from your DNA mixed with the DNA of the robo-partners creator.

I'm guessing the next step for marriage is poligamy though? At least they can make babies. Unless it's homo-poligamy? or robo-poligamy, before they invent robo-wombs. What about alien marriage? or Gentically modified apes with IQ's of 180?

I think an easy litmus test might be if it can make a baby, they can call it a marriage? So no homos yet, but in like 5 years it'll be ok thanks to stem cell research?

NSA writes more potent malware than hacker


convicted hacker?

Wouldn't they want to hire a well regarded hacker who wasn't busted? By definition doesn't that mean they suck?

French court says non to pre-loaded Windows on Acer laptop



http://www.powernotebooks.com/OS.php3 I'm not uber leet or anything, but it's not hard to find laptops w/o OS. You can buy dell 1420N with linux on it. So basically if Acer wants to sell something with windows on it, they should be able to. If you want to buy something w/o windows on it you have the choice. Most people want windows, so most computers should come with it bundled. If you want open source, you're special, and you should have to do special things like type "buy laptop without operating system" or similar into a web browser.

Want to sell more open source laptops, make them better, cheaper, faster, stronger, harder and longer? You get the point. I think it's called capitalism. I love Mandriva and Pizza, but this is a lame court decision.


can you buy a car w/o gas in it?

I've never purchased a car w/o gas in it. How do you get it home? I'm assuming the "open source" car wouldn't have oil either. Or for that matter spark plugs, oil filter or air filter? I mean, who wants to be forced to have Ford brake fluid.
