Reply to post: Re: you may laugh

Iran military manages to keep a straight face while waggling miracle widget that 'can detect coronavirus from 100m away'

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: you may laugh

"Trump got slammed because he closed the boarders to China and then gets slammed by the very same people for not doing it sooner."

It's the opposition's favorite sport. They scream racism at every turn. When the President restricted travel from certain countries due to their hostile stance towards the US, there was screaming that it was part of an anti-muslim agenda. No, the populations of those countries may be primarily muslim, but it was more to their taking to the streets and shouting "Death to America, Death to the great Satan" that did it. The odds are low that people traveling from those countries to the US are looking to have a pleasant holiday.

American politics are disgusting. While the virus was building up speed, all the US government could do was concentrate on getting Mr Trump impeached. If there was ever a time to be able to multi-task, that would have been it. They are still at it as Mr Trump getting re-elected come November would be worse than millions dead of Covid-19.

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